What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

Here, it is the first day of the 6 week long school holiday period. A simply wondrous prospect if you happen to be a child, someone who teaches children or a hard-pressed bus driver who has the unenviable job of ferrying the little shits to and from school every morning and afternoon.

For everyone else, though, it means having to avoid packs of the ill-mannered little scroats swarming around well-known fast-food outlets during daylight hours in between bouts of impregnating each other and littering. During the evenings things become even worse as the teenaged simpletons clog up local pubs attempting, forlornly, to convince gullible bar staff that they were born in 1964 and just look young for their age. The youth of today, eh?


Vision of the future: 83% of Britons support compulsory prison sentences for unaccompanied children

When i was their age you wouldn't find me frequenting burger-joints, wearing ill advised baseball caps and attempting to talk as though i was a resident of Compton, like some modern day MC Hammers. No, in our day we had too much respect for ourselves and for our local community. During the school holidays, and at weekends, we spent our time messing about in the scouts. Unfortunately, the courts don't look too kindly on that type of thing but prison really isn't as bad as people say.

'Kidz' - Plan B