Pete Wilson
Electricity "Crisis" Caused by 1996 Deregulation:
Californians Face Blackout As Energy Industry Profits Skyrocket
Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights 8dec00
Consumer Group Sees State of Emergency, Ratepayer Revolt;
Santa Monica-- The threat of blackouts isn't the worst news for the public, a consumer advocacy group warned today. Blaming the deregulation law sponsored by Gov. Pete Wilson and the Legislature in 1996 for the crisis, the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR) said that the deregulated energy industry was manipulating supplies to increase profits and that if the state's utility companies get their way, utility rates in S. California, now frozen, will increase by hundreds of dollars a month almost immediately.
Desh, as always, in your attempt to play Big Indian/Little Indian, you miss the point entirely. You spend more time trying to defend everything that the democrat party does and blaming the republicans that you fail to realize that they are Republicrats and you are being screwed by both. Don't fret, they like it that way.
California did not fully deregulate electricity. They deregulated wholesale prices, but they did not deregulate retail prices. Now, why would the companies that provided electricity want this? Simple. At the time they did it there was a glut of electricity and they could profit off of the disparity between fixed retail prices and market wholesale prices. Looked real good. Until.............
Due to population growth, inattention to supply and demand caused a shortfall in electricity supply, thus increasing the wholesale price. But, there was a catch. The retail price was still regulated and they could not pass on the price increase to the consumer. You consumers love it when the gobblement sets price controls, until of course there are inevitable shortages.
Try reading something else besides Wiki for a change. You might sound a bit more educated
Was Enron a bad actor? Hell yeah, Enron was a bad actor, but they were a bad actor because they knew they didn't have to answer to the free market. They knew they could rely on your gobblement to be ineffective and they made lots of money until it all came crashing down.
The funny part of it is that a little old analyst brought Enron down. It wasn't the SEC, it wasn't some bureaucrat weilding some antiquated law that Enron was breaking. No, it was an analyst that looked at their statement of cash flows and realized that something was wrong. So they convinced his bosses to short Enron stock. Well, that caused others to go looking as sheep will do, and all of a sudden the jig was up.
Your profound ignorance of what happened and of basic economics only increases the likelihood that it will happen again. And of course instead of questioning your beliefs you will be right there screeching for more of the same. Politicians drool over constituents like you that don't think for themselves and are easily manipulated. You are their wet dream