What was the first style of beer you ever tried?

I went a bit hard on my first style of beer. I believe they call it a German doppelbock. It makes sense since I'm of German descent.

Pretty sure it was Coors, as a very young child. If memory serves, my dad, myself, and my younger brother were at Sunset Cliffs in San Diego, probably crabbing, harvesting abalone, and catching octopus. I remember being thirsty, and my dad had only brought beer, he said, take a drink of this. I did, and was like, yuck, I need a soda, lol.

As a young man, I had an affinity for foreign beer, especially German. After living in Northern California for a couple of years in the mid 90's, I developed a taste for American craft beer. My goto for many years was Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. But, as I got older, those beers were going straight to my gut. Now my goto is Busch Light. I know I know. When I was into craft beers, I would've shuddered at the thought, but now that my palette has changed, I really like the taste of Busch Light. I will have an occasional Pale Ale, or IPA as a treat.
I'm a beer snob a bit. One of the highest-rated breweries has a pub near us. I just got this to try. http://brewery.jollypumpkin.com/citrus-commander

I was a bit of a beer snob too, but I never liked Saison style. I like just about every other style. There used to be a local microbrewery here that had an Imperial Stout that was phenomenal. The foam was dark, and even holding it up to the light, you couldn't see through it.

Hahaaa! Looks like they still make it. https://thirstydog.com/portfolio-item/siberian-night-russian-imperial-stout/

I have the same condition. I unfortunately have to make do with Michelob Ultra.


Hey, that's not bad beer at all. I go for the cheap stuff, lol. Truth be told though, I really like the taste of Busch Light, and to be honest, I like it in the can. There's actually a local pub near me that has it, in cans. My wife and I were out Saturday night to watch a blues band we know, and they had it in bottles, and it just didn't hit the spot. I think cans get colder. I can drink less than cold German, or American craft ales. But Busch Light, just.....no.
I was a bit of a beer snob too, but I never liked Saison style. I like just about every other style. There used to be a local microbrewery here that had an Imperial Stout that was phenomenal. The foam was dark, and even holding it up to the light, you couldn't see through it.

Hahaaa! Looks like they still make it. https://thirstydog.com/portfolio-item/siberian-night-russian-imperial-stout/


My big thing is trying the local brewpubs on vacations. I found the best of two worlds at a heavy metal brewery in Denver. They got some attention recently as a purveyor of the less well-known Grisette style ale. It's apparently an ancient Belgium farmhouse ale. It's been catching on. https://www.trvebrewing.com/
They had a few releases I really wanted to try. 65718132_2269894429713804_3257046907997913088_n.jpg
My big thing is trying the local brewpubs on vacations. I found the best of two worlds at a heavy metal brewery in Denver. They got some attention recently as a purveyor of the less well-known Grisette style ale. It's apparently an ancient Belgium farmhouse ale. It's been catching on. https://www.trvebrewing.com/
They had a few releases I really wanted to try. View attachment 11270

I like Belgian ale, so I would probably like that.
I went a bit hard on my first style of beer. I believe they call it a German doppelbock. It makes sense since I'm of German descent.

At 16 years old I could not afford the good stuff, and this picture is a metaphor for my first experience with chugging Schlitz beer.

I dont know, I was maybe four. My dad was drinking a lot of Hamm's at the time, a Lager, so Lager is my best guess.
I went a bit hard on my first style of beer. I believe they call it a German doppelbock. It makes sense since I'm of German descent.

Rocky Mountain horse piss AKA Coors. I graduated HS and went to college in the Denver area. In those days, 3.2% beer was legal for 18 year olds and Coors was the cheapest 3.2 beer around.
At 16 years old I could not afford the good stuff, and this picture is a metaphor for my first experience with chugging Schlitz beer.


I tend to be a casual beer drinker that only has a beer or two with friends or family. The only time I've been drunk was in July after 5 glasses of a knockout punch. I bit my lip, barely felt it, and started laughing. I think that must be being drunk.
Rocky Mountain horse piss AKA Coors. I graduated HS and went to college in the Denver area. In those days, 3.2% beer was legal for 18 year olds and Coors was the cheapest 3.2 beer around.

Coors is a cheap beer I've never tasted outside cooking with it because it was a cheap option.