What will you do if Trump becomes President, shreds the Constitution and declares himself President-for-Life?

What will you do if Trump turns the US into a fascist nation?

  • I'll join the Resistance

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • I'll run for Canada

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll bend over and take it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll applaud and wear a Trump armband

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters
Thanks for the veiled threats from the safety of your anonymous keyboard, son.

The fact you never served is all the proof I need to know about your patriotism and support for our nation.
Thanks for the veiled threats from the safety of your anonymous keyboard, son.

The fact you never served is all the proof I need to know about your patriotism and support for our nation.
I've made no threats, coward. You've made it clear for all to see you would hide if the shit hit the fan.

That's funny, coward. You've lied about your military service. I steal no valor, as you have so often..
Wrong again, Sgt. Doolittle. You're the Sea Lawyer defending treason, I'm not.

Article III, Section 3, Clause 1:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
wrong again, Lou. you started this thread defending treason. your issue appears to be that you believe only YOU can define treason
I've made no threats, coward. You've made it clear for all to see you would hide if the shit hit the fan.

That's funny, coward. You've lied about your military service. I steal no valor, as you have so often..
Disagreed, son. Let me help you look up "veiled threat": https://www.dictionary.com/e/pop-culture/veiled-threat/

Thanks for the lies and jealousy, son. It fits you, but your mommy would be disappointed.
wrong again, Lou. you started this thread defending treason. your issue appears to be that you believe only YOU can define treason
Disagreed, Sgt. Doolittle. Still, I'm amazed how many treasonous MAGAts are upset by the idea of an armed citizenry ready to violently defend the Constitution.
And I'll bake Resistance Cookies! lol
Resistance fighters need to eat too!

Notice how many respondents on this thread would wear the Trump armband. Sad.

Disagreed, Sgt. Doolittle. Still, I'm amazed how many treasonous MAGAts are upset by the idea of an armed citizenry ready to violently defend the Constitution.
disagree all you like. the rest of the board can see that you did

and you are amazed because your idea of defending the Constitution and their idea of defending the Constitution is different. most likely because neither of you really know what the Constitution means or is supposed to do.
disagree all you like. the rest of the board can see that you did

and you are amazed because your idea of defending the Constitution and their idea of defending the Constitution is different. most likely because neither of you really know what the Constitution means or is supposed to do.
Of course they can. That's the point. They can also see the MAGAt reactions to supporting the Second Amendment and Americans arming themselves against tyranny.

Come on, Sgt. Doolittle. Be honest. You're just dying to march in a MAGA parade with your fellow MAGAts in their pointy hats and armbands.

Of course they can. That's the point. They can also see the MAGAt reactions to supporting the Second Amendment and Americans arming themselves against tyranny.

Come on, Sgt. Doolittle. Be honest. You're just dying to march in a MAGA parade with your fellow MAGAts in their pointy hats and armbands.

I tell ya YOU guys have to start copyrighting this stuff you could make millions,
maybe IF you don't I will steal it and I will make the money off it.
Have a nice day

An important tool for every loyal American to have is one or more sets of binoculars. They don't have to be expensive. Although a powerful set (or a small telescope) can be handy at times, anything that's 8X to 25X will do. Consider too that, hiking around the woods with a large, heavy set of binoculars along with other gear can be burdensome. Compact and light is a plus.

Binoculars are a handy, everyday tool that can be used to teach your kids/grandkids about bird watching, check out the tattoos on your next-door neighbors daughter home from college or spotting MAGAt troop movements and, specifically, trying to identify the officers and senior NCOs. More on why later.

Most decent binoculars in this range cost from $25 to $50. Bushnell is a good brand, but there are others. Look for glass optics since plastic scratches too easily even though a set of kid's binoculars might do the trick and be disposable to boot. Consider, too, going to a pawn shop, look at what they have in your price range, Google the make and model to determine if it's reputable, and go from there.

A note on numbers. See the bottom picture. The 8X21 means it's an 8 power (Objects will appear 8 times larger than with the naked eye) with a 21 mm objective lens (the big end). Larger lenses allow more light and greater image quality. Besides balancing cost, and the ability to see clearly next door, consideration for quality, durability and weight are important factors when moving through the woods or urban environment.

The 122ft/1000yards means the field of view is 122 feet at 1000 yards. If looking at an object that is 150 feet wide and 1000 yards away, it won't be entirely within the field of view.

Amazon Bushnell Powerview 2 8x21 Binoculars, Compact Folding Roof Prism Design PWV821

I suspect these are plastic lenses, but the price is great at $10
Binoculars for Adults | Compact Small Mini Travel Binocular for Bird Watching High Powered Electronics Cruise Ship Essentials Norwegian Alaska Must Haves Hiking Camping Gear by VULNESS (Black, 8X21)
What will you do if RFK Jr. wins and tries to install totalitarian communism with a dash of salt and three pieces of bacon? Will you rear up and snarl at the posterior of the nearest shark? Will you taste 1000 olives each Saturday? Will you hang tinsel in July? What will you do?

What if there was this shark you reared up and snarled at circling your electric boat, would you let it sink and electrocute the shark?
You shoot the shark in the brain with a .45. That's how it's done.
now IF Trump reads this he will have them in production later today. you had better copyright them ASAP.
you could make Millions.
Have a nice day
He'll be selling them to the MAGAt sheeple.

The same dumbasses who bought his cheap tennis shoes.


An important tool for every loyal American to have is one or more sets of binoculars. They don't have to be expensive. Although a powerful set (or a small telescope) can be handy at times, anything that's 8X to 25X will do. Consider too that, hiking around the woods with a large, heavy set of binoculars along with other gear can be burdensome. Compact and light is a plus.

Binoculars are a handy, everyday tool that can be used to teach your kids/grandkids about bird watching, check out the tattoos on your next-door neighbors daughter home from college or spotting MAGAt troop movements and, specifically, trying to identify the officers and senior NCOs. More on why later.

Most decent binoculars in this range cost from $25 to $50. Bushnell is a good brand, but there are others. Look for glass optics since plastic scratches too easily even though a set of kid's binoculars might do the trick and be disposable to boot. Consider, too, going to a pawn shop, look at what they have in your price range, Google the make and model to determine if it's reputable, and go from there.

A note on numbers. See the bottom picture. The 8X21 means it's an 8 power (Objects will appear 8 times larger than with the naked eye) with a 21 mm objective lens (the big end). Larger lenses allow more light and greater image quality. Besides balancing cost, and the ability to see clearly next door, consideration for quality, durability and weight are important factors when moving through the woods or urban environment.

The 122ft/1000yards means the field of view is 122 feet at 1000 yards. If looking at an object that is 150 feet wide and 1000 yards away, it won't be entirely within the field of view.

Amazon Bushnell Powerview 2 8x21 Binoculars, Compact Folding Roof Prism Design PWV821

I suspect these are plastic lenses, but the price is great at $10
Binoculars for Adults | Compact Small Mini Travel Binocular for Bird Watching High Powered Electronics Cruise Ship Essentials Norwegian Alaska Must Haves Hiking Camping Gear by VULNESS (Black, 8X21)
Boy, I bet your neighbors love you. :oops:
I've made no threats, coward. You've made it clear for all to see you would hide if the shit hit the fan.

That's funny, coward. You've lied about your military service. I steal no valor, as you have so often..
Dutch expects us here to believe the armed services let a clearly mentally unbalanced fucktard like him be in charge of
people. I just can't see that happening. No. He's lying. Also at the rank he claims to have held, there's really nobody to snitch to.
That's an "in charge of a lot of people" rank. Commander is the top.
No way he could stand that!