What’s wrong with Woke?

Is your description an example of trying "to be aware of others, their needs and feelings, and tries to behave in a considerate way toward others.." or are you illustrating a person who is not "woke"?

To me, that is what woke would naturally mean.. that’s my problem with using it as an insult..
I’m not black.

There are significant parts of the system stacked against black people.

Well you used the term "me" in post # 170. Either way if the system isn't stacked against anyone then they are more to blame than anyone else for their life circumstances. You can't have it both ways.
I’m not blaming “all bad things on other people”. I believe that works both ways. There are plenty of unhealthy things that result in profit, and the harm is the fault of both the consumer and the promoter.

That's entirely incorrect. If I am obese because I eat at McDonald's everyday that's mcdonald's fault??????
This is my problem with them using that word as an insult, exactly. They did the same thing with “elite”.

In deplorable vernacular you must use these terms while sarcastically rolling your eyes.

Isn't it better to be elite than pedestrian or ordinary.

Next they will do it with the quality of being intelligent.

There you go again, Jarod, smart signaling.

They tried to do it in the global climate change context but couldn't quite put it together into a slogan that had any traction with the deplorables..
I'm pretty sure woke is an adaptation of being awake, metaphorically woken to a truth as opposed to as blind to it as being asleep,
but I'd have to ask cawacko, he's the resident scholar on all things that nauseate virtue coveting Republicans.

That's it. "Virtue envy." Now I have a trope for them.
I gave you two...the claim that the system is stacked against you...systemic racism and the claim that whites are so racist that they dont even realize it... unconscious racism so therefore you need us the democrats to fight for you. Blacks have been voting as a block for democrats for decades and according to democrats blacks don't seem to be any better off because of it.

You think they’d fare better by voting for a party that tries to diminish their vote? What a fucking moron.
The minority friends are black, Asian, Hispanic, gay. I guess that’s it. My son’s best friend is black. The school is majority black and minority Hispanic then white. I went to a private school, 600 students... two black people and one Hispanic person. Two Japanese exchange students. 100% went to 4 year universities. I was very sheltered.

If you have minority friends who are not strangers, the kids won’t get the wrong message about stranger danger. You can respect a stranger without being vulnerable. My kids have learned that we are all good people deserving of love, but some people are sick and therefore we have to keep our distance sometimes and try to help from a safe distance.

I have a friend (he happens to be black) who is in and out of jail on alcohol related offenses. He just finished 2 years on his 3rd and 4th DUI. He is a huge strong guy. He comes over, but I would not let him alone with the kids, I explained why, they seem to understand.

To be clear, my reference to stranger danger had nothing to do with one's race or ethnicity. I'm sure all parents have the talk at some point but it's a must in San Francisco where there are large numbers of homeless and mentally ill and you have to be aware of your surroundings. It's a different experience when you walk down the street with your young daughter and someone starts screaming at her.
Originally Posted by Yakuda

You always know when someone is cornered they answer a question with a question.

Jesus and Socrates were often boxed in then...
What would the world look like for minorities in 10 or 20 years if starting today all democrats could not vote or be elected and Republicans decided everything.

You repukes need to wrap your minds around the fact that minorities vote how they do because they are smart to do so and it is their choice.
This is what I said, nothing more or less.

I’m not blaming “all bad things on other people”. I believe that works both ways. There are plenty of unhealthy things that result in profit, and the harm is the fault of both the consumer and the promoter.
"according to democrats blacks don't seem to be any better off because of it."

Here's the lie part. ^

I am a Democrat and I believe Black Americans as a group are better off than they were 50 years ago.

Black Americans are better off due to the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts both passed in spite of Republican opposition.
What would the world look like for minorities in 10 or 20 years if starting today all democrats could not vote or be elected and Republicans decided everything.

You repukes need to wrap your minds around the fact that minorities vote how they do because they are smart to do so and it is their choice.

I think Black Americans can be trusted to vote in their own best interests and I think its racist to claim you know better than they do about what is good for them.