The minority friends are black, Asian, Hispanic, gay. I guess that’s it. My son’s best friend is black. The school is majority black and minority Hispanic then white. I went to a private school, 600 students... two black people and one Hispanic person. Two Japanese exchange students. 100% went to 4 year universities. I was very sheltered.
If you have minority friends who are not strangers, the kids won’t get the wrong message about stranger danger. You can respect a stranger without being vulnerable. My kids have learned that we are all good people deserving of love, but some people are sick and therefore we have to keep our distance sometimes and try to help from a safe distance.
I have a friend (he happens to be black) who is in and out of jail on alcohol related offenses. He just finished 2 years on his 3rd and 4th DUI. He is a huge strong guy. He comes over, but I would not let him alone with the kids, I explained why, they seem to understand.