Where Do Confederate Monuments Go After They Come Down?

No, what's happening here is that you're a coward who refuses to read links. You ask a question, I answer it, then you say the question wasn't answered, even though it was...you just refused to accept it because you know you lost this debate and are just trying to save face at this point.

Delete your account; kill yourself

You offered an opinion piece. I have read it before. And your behavior demonstrates that you have lost. Now who asked you to protect black people from statues? Are black people afraid to visit Gettysburg?
An opinion piece.

The Stubborn Persistence of Confederate Monuments: https://www.theatlantic.com/politic...-persistence-of-confederate-monuments/479751/
How The U.S. Got So Many Confederate Monuments: https://www.history.com/news/how-the-u-s-got-so-many-confederate-monuments
There are certain moments in US history when Confederate monuments go up: https://www.cnn.com/2017/08/16/us/confederate-monuments-backlash-chart-trnd/index.html

Tell us again how these monuments do anything other than intimidate and offend?
You offered an opinion piece. I have read it before. And your behavior demonstrates that you have lost. Now who asked you to protect black people from statues? Are black people afraid to visit Gettysburg?

I don't believe you read it before.

And intimidation is a matter of opinion. You don't get to decide when you offend or intimidate someone.

But please, tell us how wonderful monuments to traitors and losers are.
Thing is, you haven't actually put forth a defense of any kind of these monuments. All you've done is attack arguments against them. But in doing so, you're passively defending them as a means to "remember" history.

Why else would they be erected if not to intimidate black people?

I don't feel any need to be defensive. It is up to you to make your arguments. You answer no questions. Are black people intimidated by statues? Are black people afraid to visit Gettysburg?
It is up to you to make your arguments. You answer no questions. Are black people intimidated by statues? Are black people afraid to visit Gettysburg?

Those monuments serve as intimidation...that's what the four links I gave you explained.

It's not my problem that you're a racist coward.
You can't seem to come up with a good reason as to why any of these monuments should be around.

Not one.

As a reminder that slavery was defeated, and a war over it (and other reasons the Civil War was fought in the United States) should never be repeated.
For the final time, you will never remove any of the monuments at Gettysburg National Military Park.

No, you're the snowflakes who had to erect participation trophies so you could feel better about losing a war you started, and to intimidate black people who won their freedom in the Civil War from slavery.

Everything else is just noise.

And maybe more black people would go to Gettysburg if it wasn't littered with monuments to those who fought to keep slavery.

Why do you need those monuments, anyway? What purpose are they serving?

Now you are saying that I started the Civil War? I don't live in the South, and, I was not alive in the 1860's. You should consider taking a break. That vein in your forehead is pulsing. Do you have attendance figures for black people visiting Gettysburg?
A. I have offered no logical fallacy. You should likely refrain from referencing logic since you and it are clearly unacquainted.
B. The post I was responding to said that by removing these statutes history would be flushed into a memory hole.
C. Please try and pay better attention and lie less.

I was paying attention. You advocate flushing history down the memory hole. That is my objection to removing the statues of one side of the conflict from Gettysburg. It has nothing to do with the ad hominem (which you aren't very good at) thrown at me, trying to make something stick.
Because they serve as state-sanctioned intimidation of black people.

You said the statues didn't remind us of slavery but you say they intimidate black people sorry but that is a contradition. You are a racist trying to justify your hatred.