Which Matters Most?

Which Matters Most?

  • Length

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Girth

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Nuts

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Asshat

    Votes: 4 36.4%

  • Total voters

LadyT has clearly OWNED Superfreak here, even though this image is not a great representation of that...

LOL. Yeah, that was good. I wonder if Damo can make that into an emoticon.
"just drive to new Mexico to see the cliffs on a whim or sit in the garden and blow a blunt and sip tea."

I will saaay desh, that you may be a pretty cool older lady, even though you are a moonbat.
"just drive to new Mexico to see the cliffs on a whim or sit in the garden and blow a blunt and sip tea."

I will saaay desh, that you may be a pretty cool older lady, even though you are a moonbat.

Shrubbie is a cool old broad. Partisan as hell, but I liked her way back when in 2003 when only other democrats did. She's good people.
Shrubbie is a cool old broad. Partisan as hell, but I liked her way back when in 2003 when only other democrats did. She's good people.

Definitely partisan as hell. Not very astute at economics. But the way she takes care of her dogs makes up for her liberal tendencies Well most of them anyway. :)
SF sent me a Pm telling me that his cousin, a former bomber pilot, was reading my posts and they were sitting there laughing at how stupid I am, and that they agreed it was people like me who destroyed the troops.

So I pm’d him back and told him that if his cousin used to drop bombs on people he’s a murderer so it’s no surprise he’d be defensive about it.

I did actually tell Tiana what I said, SF believes I’m afraid to.

But it’s not about that. It’s about him dropping what he said about another poster on here that caused the problems, which he fully knows, and that’s why he dropped what he did. He’s a sneaky fuck, who wanted to make sure someone knew I didn’t like them and had told him about it. He did it to get back at me for challenging him on the war. SF has a serious anger management problem, which I doubt comes as news to anyone who has read his posts for a year or so.

But that’s still not why I left.

I left because of me. Why else would anyone leave a message board? SF is a rabid war supporter, and I see them coming out of the woodwork now that the election nears. All rabid war supporters have anger management problems. They are vicious, and I have sunk into that pit before. I have opinions on the war, and on any further wars, that are far too passionate for interaction with those kind of people. Life is too short, and I have too many good things in mine, to allow that kind of hate into it. I prefer not to. Anyone who is going to vote for John McCain- for instance Damo- is a war supporter, and supports murdering children in other countries. Trust me when I tell you there is no cause just enough, or important enough that they would give their toddler to. Nor should there be. I don’t have anything good to say to them, and I’d rather say nothing. I take what I have to say to those people, into my activism, where it is best kept.

But some of the people here are absolutely great, and I pop in and read their posts from time to time, and I hope you’re all doing well. Life is good, enjoy it!
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SF has a serious anger management problem, which I doubt comes as news to anyone who has read his posts for a year or so.
I've noticed him get angry, but not a serious anger management problem.

But that’s still not why I left.
Enlighten us.

I left because of me. Why else would anyone leave a message board?
I dunno, you tell me.

SF is a rabid war supporter, and I see them coming out of the woodwork now that the election nears. All rabid war supporters have anger management problems.
That is not at all an unfair generalisation.
They are vicious, and I have sunk into that pit before.
Again, going for the ol' ethos and pathos route rather than good ol' fashioned logos.
I have opinions on the war, and on any further wars, that are far too passionate for interaction with those kind of people.
Read: My beliefs are not strong enough to withstand any serious criticism, and I need to be surrounded by like-minded individuals in order to continue being as absurd as I am.

Life is too short, and I have too many good things in mine, to allow that kind of hate into it.
It isn't hate to realise the gravity of a situation and that there are no quick, happy bunny fixes in life.
Anyone who is going to vote for John McCain- for instance Damo- is a war supporter, and supports murdering children in other countries.
I dare you to link to one report of any children being intentionally murdered.
I don’t have anything good to say to them, and I’d rather say nothing. I take what I have to say to those people, into my activism, where it is best kept.
Because in your activism you can just keep playing the bleeding-heart woman card without ever having to face reality.

But some of the people here are absolutely great, and I pop in and read their posts from time to time, and I hope you’re all doing well. Life is good, enjoy it!

Don't bother, the board looks much nicer without your name.
What a crock Darla. What I said was that he was laughing at your comment that you had "seen" what was going on there.

You then called him a murderer. Yeah, you attack my family, I am going to get pissed. You want to spit on someone, bring it to me, not him. Not the troops. Calling them murderers for doing their job is bullshit.

The comment about Cypress was wrong. It wasn't what I intended, but you are correct in how it played out and I was wrong for that and for that I apologize.
What a crock Darla. What I said was that he was laughing at your comment that you had "seen" what was going on there.

You then called him a murderer. Yeah, you attack my family, I am going to get pissed. You want to spit on someone, bring it to me, not him. Not the troops. Calling them murderers for doing their job is bullshit.

The comment about Cypress was wrong. It wasn't what I intended, but you are correct in how it played out and I was wrong for that and for that I apologize.

Just ignore her, Superfreak. She is just another codepink cunt that can't get off without turning every situation into hyperbole.
Super I am begining to see Darlas point about you.

That's only because you have your head up Darla's ass (probably by association with bleeding-heart politics).

EDIT: Only a leftist would think that Superfreak was wrong for getting upset for someone calling a member of his family a murderer.
What a crock Darla. What I said was that he was laughing at your comment that you had "seen" what was going on there.

You then called him a murderer. Yeah, you attack my family, I am going to get pissed. You want to spit on someone, bring it to me, not him. Not the troops. Calling them murderers for doing their job is bullshit.

The comment about Cypress was wrong. It wasn't what I intended, but you are correct in how it played out and I was wrong for that and for that I apologize.

seems to me that your family attacked her first.