Which side are you on?

If there is proof, why haven't we heard of it by now? Why haven't anyone sue the government?

Gee I don't know ass clown? Maybe because it gets censured and shot down by the PHONY media and Social media run by leftists? Moron.


\ ˈhaf-ˌwit , ˈhäf- \
: a foolish or stupid person
LIE and very LAME. No one is preventing any abortions. Republicans want it correctly remanded back to the states. States typically ban them after about 15 weeks. Try to be honest. I'm not sure you can.

Exactly, because the right-wingers want states to ban them. States cannot ban abortion until after 24 weeks. MS passed a law about 15 weeks but we don't know if it is constitutional, yet. Texas passed a law prohibiting abortion after 6 weeks (2 really) but we don't know if it is constitutional, either.

So, the whole point is that right-wingers want to prohibit or limit abortion. A simple fact that you seem to have missed.

Another laughably stupid lie. No one says they can't support BLM knuckle dragger. They think it shouldn't occur during our anthem at sporting events.

Exactly. Right-wingers want to limit their freedom while liberals want the others to stay out of it. What do you care if they kneel? More fascist, authoritarian destruction of freedoms.

Another moronic lie filled claim. Are you the decider of what is false and misleading? So, if I say that these are not vaccines but merely shots that don't prevent the spread of covid, is that disinformation in your myopic censure loving world?

They just think it is wrong to censure people based on their beliefs while allowing terrorist to promulgate their bullshit uncensored. Be less dishonest and stupid.

In a capitalist, free market economy the business owner gets to decide who may use its platform. Now, the "small government pro-freedom" right-wingers want the government to decide who gets to post on the platform of a private company.

This lie is ironic in its hypocrisy. For four years we heard from the Democrats and liberal knuckle draggers like you how Trump was illegitimate. The LIE was it was the Russians. They spent $30 million attacking and investigating Trump to find there was NOTHING.

Exactly. Hillary's claim that Trump was illegitimate because of election fraud was just as lame as Trump's claim about election fraud. They couldn't accept they lost an election and their supporters couldn't accept it, either, and believe their lies.

Now, with a miraculous win by Biden due to unchecked mail in ballots and drop boxes, and by counting votes for weeks until the results were changed, we're told to just shut up and accept it. Fuck you and fuck anyone who has these moronic double standards and apply it to Republicans.

Biden's miraculous win was exactly like Trumps miracle. Very late into the night one candidate was winning by a comfortable margin. Then, very late in a few swing states, the election began to change and the election turned by a very small percentage of the votes.

Trump won Michigan by 0.2, Pennsylvania by 0.7 and Wisconsin by 0.8 percentage points,
respectively — and by 10,704, 46,765 and 22,177 votes. Truly a Trump miracle in the middle of the night.

Anyone who believed Hillary that 2016 was fraud or believed Trump that 2020 was fraud will believe anything. Those who side with the Democrats or Republicans on every issue cannot think for themselves and need somebody else to think for them.
I did not want to spend a lot of time thinking of more examples.

They are no more refutable than yours. For example, there is nothing stopping anybody from mentioning religion or God in public or saying "Merry Christmas." That is just silly scare tactics.

What do you think is refutable about my abortion example?

Not all conservatives are anti-abortion as all liberals are pro choice.
Merry Christmas? What is that? The cancel culture raided those words years ago.
Btw, if you want to startt your own thread on the subject, feel free to do so.
You're a Democrat because you are a repugnant. illiterate, low IQ, knuckle dragging dumbfuck who thinks Government dependency and shutdowns are awesome. :palm:

Oh eat a dick! RETARD!

Learn how to handle adversity! Learn how to handle the truth and reality! GROW A PAIR!

You look like a spoiled brat whiny snot-nosed loser- LIKE TRUMP!

Last edited:
Not all conservatives are anti-abortion as all liberals are pro choice.
Merry Christmas? What is that? The cancel culture raided those words years ago.
Btw, if you want to startt your own thread on the subject, feel free to do so.

And all liberals and conservatives don't agree with the positions in the OP. We all assume we are talking about general beliefs and not 100% agreement by either side. Trump said when he was elected Americans would be able to say "Merry Christmas again." That implied we could not say that now or that we could not discuss religion in public--another way to attract support by making voters believe those things are not allowed.
Where does the 1st amendment say such a thing? A school prayer is not an establishment of religion clown boy. :palm:

According to Madison who wrote the 1st Amendment and Supreme Court cases “The establishment of religion clause means at least this: Neither a state nor the federal government may set up a church. Neither can pass laws that aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another. Neither can force a person to go to or to remain away from church against his will or force him to profess a belief or disbelief in any religion… . Neither a state or the federal government may, openly or secretly, participate in the affairs of any religious organizations or groups and vice versa. In the words of Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect ‘a wall of separation between church and state."

Requiring a person to recite a prayer written by a government body violates this entire principle. It violates the establishment clause. I should not have to be teaching you these simple facts you should have learned in high school.

Some of our early presidents did not even believe in having chaplains in the armed forces. A law must have a secular purpose to be constitutional. There is nothing secular about requiring a mandated prayer in school.
Exactly, because the right-wingers want states to ban them.

Another LIE you cannot back up. :palm:

States cannot ban abortion until after 24 weeks. MS passed a law about 15 weeks but we don't know if it is constitutional, yet. Texas passed a law prohibiting abortion after 6 weeks (2 really) but we don't know if it is constitutional, either.

Abortions are not mentioned in the Constitution. Therefore, it is not a constitutional issue or question, but a societal one. Without activist jurists, a majority would limit abortions to a period between 12 and 18 weeks.

So, the whole point is that right-wingers want to prohibit or limit abortion. A simple fact that you seem to have missed.

Apparently, you've become so triggered you forgot the original claim. That Republicans want to BAN all abortions. I know that you hate the facts, but the facts don't support such lie filled emotional hysterics. :palm:

Exactly. Right-wingers want to limit their freedom while liberals want the others to stay out of it. What do you care if they kneel? More fascist, authoritarian destruction of freedoms.

I am amused that you think ALL sports fans are Right wingers. It isn't a right or left thing. A vast majority of Americans don't think the national anthem at sporting events should be used for BLM protests. You don't like facts. I get it. :palm:

In a capitalist, free market economy the business owner gets to decide who may use its platform. Now, the "small government pro-freedom" right-wingers want the government to decide who gets to post on the platform of a private company.

But these are SOCIAL media outlets who have been given special government protections. If they are going to be true free market platforms, they don't get the benefit of Government protections. See how that works? :palm:

Exactly. Hillary's claim that Trump was illegitimate because of election fraud was just as lame as Trump's claim about election fraud. They couldn't accept they lost an election and their supporters couldn't accept it, either, and believe their lies.

Wrong again. Trumps claims have merit based on the activist jurists who circumvented legislatures and changed the laws and mail in ballots that cannot be properly validated.

But, if you are a leftist partisan Schill, drop boxes and mail in ballots are completely legit and not subject to fraud. But anyone with even half a brain knows that is bullshit.

But you missed my point entirely, perhaps purposefully being a dishonest hack, it was the bemusement I have that those who bloviated and attacked Trumps legitimacy now cry and lash out when one questions Bidens. Get it?

Biden's miraculous win was exactly like Trumps miracle.

How so? Because you say so? That's a laughably stupid claim.

Very late into the night one candidate was winning by a comfortable margin. Then, very late in a few swing states, the election began to change and the election turned by a very small percentage of the votes.

Trump won Michigan by 0.2, Pennsylvania by 0.7 and Wisconsin by 0.8 percentage points,
respectively — and by 10,704, 46,765 and 22,177 votes. Truly a Trump miracle in the middle of the night.

Anyone who believed Hillary that 2016 was fraud or believed Trump that 2020 was fraud will believe anything. Those who side with the Democrats or Republicans on every issue cannot think for themselves and need somebody else to think for them.

This wasn't about late into election night. This is about counting votes for weeks. Something that was against every state's election laws. Yet Jurists overturned them from the bench.

See the difference? This wasn't about counting ballots that were cast absentee or in person. This was about massive amounts of late-night drop box ballots and mail in ballots Republican monitors were kept from watching and verifying.

If you weren't such a partisan hack, you could comprehend how that stinks to high heaven.

Imagine if the Republicans conducted such an enterprise and counted votes for weeks on end until they could change the results.

On election night in PA, Trump had a million-vote lead. By the end of the week, extended by jurists not legislatures, he was behind by 45,000. It was a miracle dontchyaknow.

Vote counting was to end on Nov. 8. We've never seen an election where the counting was allowed to go way past election night. It was a miracle.
In other words, GOP and Trump are powerless.


\ ˈhaf-ˌwit , ˈhäf- \
: a foolish or stupid person

fas·cist (făsh′ĭst)
1. often Fascist An advocate or adherent of fascism.
2. A reactionary or dictatorial person.
1. often Fascist Of, advocating, or practicing fascism.
2. Fascist Of or relating to the regime of the Fascisti.
Not all conservatives are anti-abortion as all liberals are pro choice.
Merry Christmas? What is that? The cancel culture raided those words years ago.
Btw, if you want to startt your own thread on the subject, feel free to do so.

Dipshit probably doesn't know that a vast majority of the anti-abortion crowd are women of both parties. ;)