Who are top three bitches on the board

Who are the top three bitches on the board

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22 views and only 5 votes. Maybe the boys have their testicles in a lock box and are afraid to vote. Maybe I should have made it private voting? I know more than one person on this board thinks Snarla is a bitch. Hell, she even thinks she is a bitch

Maybe there are only two other people here who are as fucked up as you are, did you ever stop to consider that?
It's ok, we know that it is Howey's biatch Bijou.

Do you now, pencil dick, do you? And exactly how do you know that, do you have 1100 scientific reports stating that, well do you pencil dick? What if I am just pulling your chain you ignorant slob have you even considered that possibility? Well, have you? Probably not because you're about as dumb as dogshit! And don't even get me started on how fucking creepy you are!
Note how they see any sexual act as a violent thing.

they associate sex with violence.

for some violence is their only hope of sex with other actual humans