I hope you get gang raped by Trayvon Martins home boys and passed around like a blunt
bask in the love which is the christian right wing
I hope you get gang raped by Trayvon Martins home boys and passed around like a blunt
bask in the love which is the christian right wing
Note how they see any sexual act as a violent thing.
they associate sex with violence.
for some violence is their only hope of sex with other actual humans
It says a lot about them.
I voted yes they should be banned and it was easy to come to that conclusion, if some scumbag on this or any other forum decided he had the right to call my wife or one of my daughters the C word unprovoked or just because of their opinionm, I feel I should have the right to put a 40cal round where his nose was and/or verbally abuse them relentlessly. Just mho![]()
I hope you get gang raped by Trayvon Martins home boys and passed around like a blunt
I guess there is nothing gratuitous or harassing about this is there? Perhaps this is what you would like to see because you are a sick fucking wretched bastard who life has been spent dreaming up sick shit to do to women. It is no doubt that is what you spend most of your days here doing.
Well answer this then, is it a new or an existing poster? How hard is that to answer?
LOLDo you now, pencil dick, do you? And exactly how do you know that, do you have 1100 scientific reports stating that, well do you pencil dick? What if I am just pulling your chain you ignorant slob have you even considered that possibility? Well, have you? Probably not because you're about as dumb as dogshit! And don't even get me started on how fucking creepy you are!
It's the middle one.
Isn't it interesting how these miserable little fucks who hate women are always racist too?
Frederick Douglass noticed the same phenomenon back in the early 1840s, which is why he was one of the only men and the only African American at the first women's rights convention in Seneca, New York in 1848. Douglass had already written in the North Star about the linkages between racism and sexism. His actions showed that he supported women and women's rights at this earliest manifestation of a bidding movement for women's rights. This was the first meeting of its kind in the western world.
Frederick Douglass noticed the same phenomenon back in the early 1840s, which is why he was one of the only men and the only African American at the first women's rights convention in Seneca, New York in 1848. Douglass had already written in the North Star about the linkages between racism and sexism. His actions showed that he supported women and women's rights at this earliest manifestation of a bidding movement for women's rights. This was the first meeting of its kind in the western world.
It's the middle one.
Too late Billy, we know who it is now.
I will be the next Elie Wiesel and spent the rest rest of my life tracking down the traitorous bastards and bring them back here to be hung by the neck until dead. I am already lining up support systems for my new avocation.
Oh, is Elie the big strong M A N gonna defend the poor weak wimmens?
Get ass raped