Who has the best Beard!

you are one handsome fella

Thank you, Evince.

That picture is about 7 - 8 years old. I've been getting taller...and growing right out of my hair lately...so I kinda shy away from recent pictures...although I did post two very recent ones in my thread about meeting General Petraeus.

Using the first place...and instant success!

I am a tech giant now.

Thanks for the help guys.

Always. He can't stop obsessing about me. I took him off ignore for the Hi, New Here thread by Oneuli just to watch her dissect him. I never thought of him as particularly bright, but now we see how truly stupid he is. He can't even carry on a discussion without deliberately missing her point. Or more likely, he's so slow he's incapable of even discerning the point in the first place so he just wants to focus on one tiny bit as though that disproves the entire message. Gods. And these ppl vote! Outside of that thread he's on ignore. He has nothing of value to contribute but name-calling and sleaze.

It's not that he is dumb,but eating Toxic shit every day has turn his mind to mush!
Poor dumb bastard!
:rofl2: Dude.... you are PATHETIC!!!!! :rofl2:


What do you think that proves????

At best, it proves that you have the keys to a house and a car.



So now we know what you do for a living. BFD.

More importantly, the fact that you'd waste that much effort attempting to impress people you don't even know, says more about you than anything, and none of it is good.

You are obviously a sad, insecure little man.

No wonder you're a Trumptard.

So that's your theory? LOL. You missed something, making your theory all the more improbable and pathetic.

I'm not looking to impress anyone; just to prove them wrong. Which, of course, I did.

"The best revenge is to live well."
:rofl2: Dude.... you are PATHETIC!!!!! :rofl2:


What do you think that proves????

At best, it proves that you have the keys to a house and a car.



So now we know what you do for a living. BFD.

More importantly, the fact that you'd waste that much effort attempting to impress people you don't even know, says more about you than anything, and none of it is good.

You are obviously a sad, insecure little man.

No wonder you're a Trumptard.

his parents house
:rofl2: Dude.... you are PATHETIC!!!!! :rofl2:


What do you think that proves????

At best, it proves that you have the keys to a house and a car.



So now we know what you do for a living. BFD.

More importantly, the fact that you'd waste that much effort attempting to impress people you don't even know, says more about you than anything, and none of it is good.

You are obviously a sad, insecure little man.

No wonder you're a Trumptard.

Sad little nimrod isn't he
his parents house


Probably a rental unit that he has access to. That area is overrun with vacation cabins that look nearly identical to the one he claims to own. They rent for about $100 bucks a day. My guess is that Dork Hole is a maintenance guy for some property owners and has keys to several of them.

The car probably belongs to the guy he works for.
sure hillbilly sure

trying so hard to get people to believe your delusion

You've made assertions about me with zero evidence; I've presented a preponderance of evidence to prove the opposite is true. I have therefore destroyed your argument. No one should be surprised that you're not man enough to admit it.
You've made assertions about me with zero evidence; I've presented a preponderance of evidence to prove the opposite is true. I have therefore destroyed your argument. No one should be surprised that you're not man enough to admit it.

Your preponderance of nothing proves nothing.

I poked your preponderance so full of holes you could use it as a strainer.

Your desperation speaks volumes re: your lack of veracity.