Who here has the highest and lowest IQs?

I have posted this a dozen times but I'll post it once more.

I voted for Gary Johnson. A major part of his plank was ending the drug war and ending the militarization of the police.

You said Libertarians are right wing and racist. So as such the policies above are racist.

She has an IQ of room temperature.
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I know it's intended to be more of a fun question, but there are some who post here who I don't really get. Maybe not that they aren't smart enough, because who knows in real life, but they certainly don't understand politics beyond a surface level. So why spend time here on a political message board?

It seems a bit sad to me. There are a lot of interests & hobbies in life. I'm not interested in rock climbing, so why would I go to a rock climbing message board for a few hours a day, posting uninformed opinions about rock climbing?

It boggles.

Politics, especially the politics of social issues that pit liberalism against conservatism, is a very popular hot button topic these days. Any moron can form an opinion on any of the issues surrounding that conflict. Political message boards are great places to troll and spew venomous right-wing puke, so the attraction for these idiots is irresistible.
Politics, especially the politics of social issues that pit liberalism against conservatism, is a very popular hot button topic these days. Any moron can form an opinion on any of the issues surrounding that conflict. Political message boards are great places to troll and spew venomous right-wing puke, so the attraction for these idiots is irresistible.

As if those on the left don't come to political message boards to spew venomous left-wing puke...
As if those on the left don't come to political message boards to spew venomous left-wing puke...

They don't.

Certainly not to anywhere near the same extent as wingnuts.

The worst, most obnoxious, juvenile minded trolls on this or any other message board I've posted on, have always been to the extreme right.

Far right wing conservatism is an ideology tailor made for low intellect, self-interested hot heads with an axe to grind.

Liberalism actually requires it adherents to think, while putting aside support for any policies or advantages that might benefit their own socioeconomic group in favor of support for policies that might benefit groups they are not members of, in the interest of fairness and equality for everyone.

Those on the right only support policies that put themselves at an advantage over everyone else because fairness and equality are just not things they have any interest in.
I have posted this a dozen times but I'll post it once more.

I voted for Gary Johnson. A major part of his plank was ending the drug war and ending the militarization of the police.

You said Libertarians are right wing and racist. So as such the policies above are racist.
I wouldn’t characterize Libertarians as racist. Impotent and ineffective for sure but not racist.
They don't.

Certainly not to anywhere near the same extent as wingnuts.

The worst, most obnoxious, juvenile minded trolls on this or any other message board I've posted on, have always been to the extreme right.

Far right wing conservatism is an ideology tailor made for low intellect, self-interested hot heads with an axe to grind.

Liberalism actually requires it adherents to think, while putting aside support for any policies or advantages that might benefit their own socioeconomic group in favor of support for policies that might benefit groups they are not members of, in the interest of fairness and equality for everyone.

Those on the right only support policies that put themselves at an advantage over everyone else because fairness and equality are just not things they have any interest in.

Apparently, you haven't read the insulting, name calling posts from your cohorts, but then again, you group all those you disagree with as "low intellect, self-interested hot heads with an axe to grind."
Says a lot for your own intellect, doesn't it?
Political message boards are great places to troll and spew venomous right-wing puke, so the attraction for these idiots is irresistible.

Especially one that is undermoderated and has no rule against writing racial epithets against minorities. This is the first political message board I've ever visited that has a welcome mat for KKK.
Even DCJ drew a line there. Guess what, the experiment failed. They bring no wisdom, it's just like the other boards except it repels some of the smarter or more sensitive posters and attracts the right wing venomous puke spewing morons.
And their more shy brethren who share their view silently giggle as the racists run amok.
The difficulty is that that 'intelligent' can have two meanings: there is first the traditional meaning, 'showing more than average awareness and understanding' and second 'scoring well on IQ tests'. The two are very different. When I first got interested, IQ tests were complete bullshit and tested essentially class and , yes, 'race', and I've never by choice taken such a test. We are all subject to silly vanity, however, and I was always quite pleased to recall that the only thing the RAF (who forced a test on me) could ever find to say in my favour thereafter was that I was 'highly intelligent', naïve clown that I am! I have no doubt that Mr Trump would score reasonably highly on an IQ test, but that he is at all intelligent in the traditional sense is clearly laughable except to his fanatical and provincial supporters. Human beings are ends in themselves, and there are no serious ways of weighing their worth - just the effects they have on us, which people can weigh by what they know of our background.
I think intelligence can have many facets. The IQ tests generate a number that is predictive of academic success, not surprising since standing is rewarded based on written tests.
Academic success increases the likelihood of earning a good income. I think there are facets of intelligence not well measured by a written test, for example
having a silver tongue. Another example is people who are facil or adept with working with hands, say like mechanically inclined in woodworking or electronics technicians
or flying aircraft etc. Then there are those who seem to have an innate advantage in understanding the language of music. I do not believe that IQ number translates well
into any of those valuable abilities that require executive function.

I think that the most irreducible factors making up intelligence are raw memory, focus, reasoning (inductive and deductive) and analogizing. One aspect that is impossible to measure is creativity.
That's more of a know it when you see it thing. If you don't have an adequate quantity of these things you are basically DOA, so then you better a high tolerance for repetitive tasks.

As Sam Kinneson would say, get a job or fuck someone who has a job.
Apparently, you haven't read the insulting, name calling posts from your cohorts, but then again, you group all those you disagree with as "low intellect, self-interested hot heads with an axe to grind."
Says a lot for your own intellect, doesn't it?

Says a lot about my high level of honesty.

When you see that crap out of the likes of myself and other liberals here, we're just fighting fire with fire.

Giving you knuckleheads a taste of your own medicine.

Then, in typical fashion, you point fingers, cry victim and snivel "Booo Hoooo!!! You do it toooooo!!!!!!"

What about the one's who say they didn't vote for dump but still supports everything he does?

Good point. I make no tangible distinction between

1) Trump-ettes who openly support and voted for Trump;
2) Those who claim they didn't vote for Trump but spend their message board time providing cover for him, distracting for him, defending him;
3) And those who claim they only reluctantly and sadly voted for President Pussy Grabber because Hillary "forced" them into doing so - the most common excuse being that she was allegedly so inherently evil and would have turned our great nation into a hellish Kenyan-Muslim-Marxist dystopia.
With a higher IQ you could have made a play on "member" and appendage, sadly your IQ is room temperature and that room is a walk in freezer.
Only a moron would start such a pathetic thread in Current Events. It should be moved to the War Zone.

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