Who here has the highest and lowest IQs?

I have posted this a dozen times but I'll post it once more.

I voted for Gary Johnson. A major part of his plank was ending the drug war and ending the militarization of the police.

You said Libertarians are right wing and racist. So as such the policies above are racist.

What is Aleppo?
Good point. I make no tangible distinction between

1) Trump-ettes who openly support and voted for Trump;
2) Those who claim they didn't vote for Trump but spend their message board time providing cover for him, distracting for him, defending him;
3) And those who claim they only reluctantly and sadly voted for President Pussy Grabber because Hillary "forced" them into doing so - the most common excuse being that she was allegedly so inherently evil and would have turned our great nation into a hellish Kenyan-Muslim-Marxist dystopia.

Do you believe anyone on this board fits your second description?

(to make it easy 3D and I are the only two Republicans on the board who didn't vote for Trump)
So clearly you aren't even familiar with his platform. Nor that there are people out there who you may not agree with on everything but do agree on issues that are most important to you.

I love your new institutional racism line because you figure no one can argue against it. And I love that you think Democrats haven't caused or continue to back institutional racism.

But you don't want people on your side. You'd just prefer to call others racist.

Johnson is both an attractive high achieving individual and does or did have some solid policies. Foreign policy sinks him, however; and he proved he doesn't stay current when he opened his mouth about Aleppo with 1.8 million residents (is still the largest city in Syria), a significant hot spot any candidate fer POTUS should know fairly well.

Boobyq is a hard core Leftie racist, with a very narrow and uninformed world view.
They don't.

Certainly not to anywhere near the same extent as wingnuts.

The worst, most obnoxious, juvenile minded trolls on this or any other message board I've posted on, have always been to the extreme right.

Far right wing conservatism is an ideology tailor made for low intellect, self-interested hot heads with an axe to grind.

Liberalism actually requires it adherents to think, while putting aside support for any policies or advantages that might benefit their own socioeconomic group in favor of support for policies that might benefit groups they are not members of, in the interest of fairness and equality for everyone.

Those on the right only support policies that put themselves at an advantage over everyone else because fairness and equality are just not things they have any interest in.

Hilarious. See; Evince
Especially one that is undermoderated and has no rule against writing racial epithets against minorities. This is the first political message board I've ever visited that has a welcome mat for KKK.
Even DCJ drew a line there. Guess what, the experiment failed. They bring no wisdom, it's just like the other boards except it repels some of the smarter or more sensitive posters and attracts the right wing venomous puke spewing morons.
And their more shy brethren who share their view silently giggle as the racists run amok.

The dim wit Democrat party is the party of slavery, kkk and jim crow laws and of course those daily lynchings: $0.25. burp...
Look it up. Read. Learn something. He was Governor of New Mexico.

Want to show us specifically what Bernie and Hillary have done in office to end it? Oh wait, we know what Bill and Hillary did while in office.

So he's done nothing.

But you want to run from your support of the racist right by spouting out how you support a guy who hasn't done a damn thing about the war on drugs and has been in office forever.

Then you want to deflect to what dems have done.

You're a fraud. You support the racist right and their agenda to continually oppress minorities.
Like YaYurt?
Dumb as a box of rocks.

I don't read post from that person so I don't know who that is.

But there are others like cawacky and alouious they support every thing that comes from the racist white, but keep insisting they didn't vote for dump........as if that makes a difference.
The dim wit Democrat party is the party of slavery, kkk and jim crow laws and of course those daily lynchings: $0.25. burp...

Dude.... how many times over the past ten years have you posted that EXACT SAME sentence????

Don't you get tired of that same worn out old chant???
So he's done nothing.

But you want to run from your support of the racist right by spouting out how you support a guy who hasn't done a damn thing about the war on drugs and has been in office forever.

Then you want to deflect to what dems have done.

You're a fraud. You support the racist right and their agenda to continually oppress minorities.

So you can't specifically tell us legislation Bernie and Hillary have supported other than locking up more minorities. Are you sure you're not a KKK member trolling?