White Trash is what Conservatives have become,from Trump on down.
Compositional Error with people as the class and skin color as the trait... Racism. I am not interested in your racism.
White Trash is what Conservatives have become,from Trump on down.
Your President is a criminal!
Compositional Error with people as the class and skin color as the trait... Racism. I am not interested in your racism.
What crime(s) has he committed?
I think you mean convicted of!
He committed Rape,Treason,Tax Evasion,thief,etc,etc
Great... Link me to the court proceedings regarding those charges where he has indeed been found guilty...
Oh, that's right... You can't, since you're making stuff up...
Who the fuck are you?
Did OJ kill his wife?
Trump is a unconvicted felon,but his day is coming!
Your President is a criminal!
Hello Celticguy,
Paying hush money was done for the purpose of influencing an election, thus it becomes a political expense. I think you are smarter than your comment suggested, so trying to divert the convo by playing dumb is obtuse. Certainly, if you don't like where the convo is headed, it becomes appealing to try to steer it toward a dead end. I just grabbed the wheel before you could drive us into the ditch. You're welcome.
They [conservatives] don't. [hate immigrants]
Illegal immigrants are having a negative effect upon it. [the economy]
Because they are siphoning off our own resources from us even though they aren't citizens.
Trump has done a damn good job with it, [the economy] even with all the resistance he has faced from both parties.
Trump has done a damn good job in providing a business friendly environment.
Correct. [Anyone can be rich if they work hard enough] You are even free to start your own business too! But, we must also bear in mind that we are all individuals with individual talents... Some people are simply more talented than others, and were meant for greater things than others, and they will naturally make more money. That's just the way it is.
Some of them are... [heroes] Others inherited their wealth. [Billionaires like Trump] Additional others got rich by screwing other people. [Such as Trump]
Not necessarily. See my above bit about individual ability.
Some are, some aren't. I'm all for immigrants who want to live under our Constitution and contribute to our great nation. I am NOT for immigrants who illegally come into our nation and wish not to follow our laws/contribute to our country/etc.
What statistics? What's the methodology behind them?
That [Demagoguery] describes basically every single politician across the world... Not sure what your point is here...
He [Trump] never told people to hate immigrants. Quote please?? You're just making stuff up at this point...
Nope. I make up my own mind about stuff; I don't believe stuff because someone tells me to believe it.
Seems like he doesn't actually "hate" them [immigrants] at all then, right?? He's hiring them and marrying them, after all... Kinda destroys your own argument, doesn't it??
Yup... We took it over from the Indians and built it into what it is today...
North Americans
Your point??
We, as a country, have the ability to control who comes into our country. We don't have to accept every single person who wants to be a citizen, or wants asylum, or wants to escape whatever situation or wants to mooch off of us or whatever... We, as a country, can only support so many people. We are already at a point where I am not going to see a single penny of Social Security and etc... An endless supply of immigrants (especially illegal ones) simply isn't the answer, and will only makes things worse...
Then why are we accepting them ?
Because of this we have reintroduced diseases that were eradicated years ago.
Obviously somebody said so.
BEAUTIFULLY said, good sir! You hit the nail on the head here.
So i keep hearing. Of course the proof of our past president actually being a crook is starting to pour in.
Please tell me you limbered up beforethat stretch !
Hello Celticguy,
If we are accepting them then Trump is letting you down.
Why are you not upset with him for that?
No, that proof rolled in years ago. Obama's is happening now.Hello Celticguy,
You communication was unclear.
It was received as: "I have nothing, so I'm diverting"
Was that correct?
i am upset that Congress seems content to do nothing.