Why Do Conservatives Hate Immigrants So Much?

Hello Celticguy,

You and most other Americans.

Perhaps it is time to support local and State anti-corruption measures, so that one day, overwhelming pressure will be placed on the US Congress to do the same and finally get the big money out of politics.

Unbreaking America

Faster to address corruption at the national level. State n local just get roped into it when ambition leads them to seek higher office and they see what that game costs.
Hello Celticguy,

Faster to address corruption at the national level. State n local just get roped into it when ambition leads them to seek higher office and they see what that game costs.

Can't be done first at the national level. Congress would have to vote on it. The most powerful members of Congress benefit from the legalized corruption of big money influence upon our government.

12 minutes that will change your life and the country you live in:

Fixing the politics of both parties by ending corruption: A Short How To Do It Video.
Sounds to me like you believe certain races lack skills other races have. Personally I welcome any race that has a positve contribution to our society.

So then why not let in people from certain countries? If a group of immigrants is from a shithole country, why not let them in?
Hello StoneByStone,

No, we don't know that.

I mean "we," as in Ethnic Nationalists.

As a matter of fact, we have built this nation with a lot of diversity.

Ethnic diversity, not racial diversity. Immigration policies favored white immigrants until as recently as 1965. And even then, white immigration favored the UK, North Germany, and the Nordic countries, since those cultures were considered closest to American culture.

And it's not like it was uninhabited when the first Europeans showed up.

American Indians, and other non-white peoples, didn't have full civil rights.
Good afternoon gfm7175,

Thanks for your thoughts.
Thank you for your thoughts as well.

Sure seems like they do. Trump gets lots of traction making false derogatory claims about migrants.
Hiring them, marrying them, being friends with them, doing volunteer work with them, welcoming them into one's church community, etc. etc. is "hating" immigrants? Seems to me like they are generally being treated the same as anybody else.

I don't care where people come from; I just care that people support our Constitution and wish to contribute their talents and make themselves useful. Trump talks down upon the illegal migrants who are causing various issues (rape, murder, drugs, sucking off of our government programs, etc.) and who do not like our Constitution. He speaks highly of legal migrants who contribute their talents to this country and abide by the Constitution. I tend to agree with him on that point.

Then why is the economy doing so well despite them?
We would have even more resources yet if they weren't being siphoned off by those illegals...

Some do that but most work very hard, often paying taxes which are never refunded. The US treasury realizes a net gain from undocumented immigrants.
They siphon from our unconstitutional welfare programs, for starters.

Balderdash. He inherited an expanding economy, took credit for it, then signed off on a disastrous tax cut for the rich which has the deficit spiraling out of control. The economy is propped up on debt, and destined to crash.
It didn't start expanding until Trump took over. Under Obama, there was consistently more people unemployed than job openings... Now, under Trump, there are consistently more job openings than people unemployed. When one doesn't stick it up the ass of businesses, good things result from that.

The tax cut was not for "the rich"... Pretty much everyone who pays taxes saw their taxes decrease. I most surely did, and I'm not anywhere near being rich.

The deficit has been spiraling out of control since the mid 1900s... Democrats and Republicans alike are to blame for that.

Profit-friendly for management, to be precise. That does not translate into enough good solid well-paying jobs with benefits to rebuild the middle class, which is being decimated. As some transcend into wealth, many are lowered. Wealth inequality is growing more extreme, a recipe for looming economic disaster. Not a long-term solution.
Wages are determined by price discovery. Management is going to be paid more than the common worker.

Why should wealth be equal?

Way to refute your own argument. So everyone cannot be CEO. There do need to be people to work jobs all along the economic strata. I would also submit this: A great nation would ensure that even those who work at the very bottom of the economic strata do not live in poverty.
I did not say 'correct' to "anyone can be rich if they work hard enough"... I, in fact, said 'not necessarily' to that bit later on in my response to you... I actually said 'correct' to "if you don't think you are being paid enough for what you do, you are totally free to go out and get a better job." So, before you say that I "refuted my own argument", at least portray my argument correctly first...

Correct that not everyone can be a CEO. If people are not able to rise out of poverty, it is not the employer's fault. You'd have to provide me a specific case in order for me to comment on it, but in most cases, poverty is due to people having children out of wedlock, having children when they don't make enough money to afford them, purchasing too many wants and not enough needs, living beyond their means, not developing any useful skills which raise a person's worth, etc. etc. etc... In short, those people are usually not fully applying themselves.

Also, universal health care would lead to FAR more entrepreneurship. MANY decide not to try to start a business because of the cost of health care and the way it is tied to employment.
Universal Health Care is a bad idea. It is attempting to make health care into a right. Health care is not a right. It infringes upon other people's rights by (effectively) forcing those people at gunpoint to provide those services.

It has been said, and I do believe it is absolutely true, that Trump would be richer today if he had simply taken everything he inherited and invested it in wise low risk market-indexed funds instead of trying to work. He lost so much money it is possible he is the greatest: - at losing money!
That's how creating MANY businesses works... You win some, you lose some. Overall, he has built an enormous amount of wealth. He has been very successful at real estate. He has much more wealth now than he inherited.

Also, I never said that Trump got rich by screwing over other people. You added assertions into my quote (and didn't place those words into brackets either, like the others were, which distinguished who said what).

We are actually in agreement on this, which goes against what was said at the 2016 RNC, that anyone in America can be rich if they just apply themselves and work hard enough. That was total baloney.
Up until this point, I pretty much agree with you. We are all individuals with individual skills. Some skills are worth more than other skills (this ties into price discovery). Not all of us can be CEOs, professional sports players, TV personalities, professional musicians, etc... Yet, we all have the ability to fully apply whatever gifts we were blessed with to make more money than we are making before fully applying those gifts. That doesn't necessarily mean that one can "become rich", but one can indeed maximize their potential, whatever that potential may be. So yes, I'm not completely in line with that 2016 RNC message, since that message is assuming that anyone can be super rich, and that's simply not true.

Everyone knows the deck is stacked against outsiders breaking into the big money set. It's called the Class War.
This I don't agree with.

If we make it easier to come into America legally and work hard to contribute to the nation, we can make America greater.
I think it's already easy enough to come into America legally. How many people do you think this nation can support/house/feed??

Can't recall where I saw it but it makes total sense. It is completely logical to understand that if your productive life depends on not being caught in the country by authorities who would deport you, that you make darn sure you don't get picked up for committing any crimes. You want to lay low and stay off the radar.
But they've already committed a crime... They've already broken the law...

Totally wrong. President Obama was no demagogue. Neither is Bernie or Elizabeth Warren or Marianne Williamson.
Yes he was... Yes they are... They all want to overthrow the Constitution and replace it with an Oligarchy where they are the ruling class. Barack Obama's rhetoric led various groups of people to hate each other more than any other President has ever done... He was the biggest demagogue of them all. Bernie keeps talking about the "top 1 percent" and how evil they are, even though HE HIMSELF is part of it.

People are supposed to love immigrants after Trump says they are bringing crime and drugs?
Again, he wasn't referring to legal law abiding immigrants... He was referring to ILLEGAL immigrants and MS13 gang members.

I appreciate that you do think for yourself but I don't believe you realize how much of your thinking is influenced by conservative propaganda.
Believe it or not, I listen to Democrats quite often. I like to hear opposing viewpoints and know what is being argued and what line of reasoning is being used. I have watched people from all over the political spectrum and listened to their argumentation. I also form my own arguments too.

Should I then say that you are just being influenced by liberal propaganda??

Many husbands have no respect for their wives nor their employees. Especially those who are obsessed with money, profits and power. The one thing Trump can never buy is the respect of most of the nation.
You seem to really hate Trump. Why such hatred towards him?? I was not a fan of Obama as President, and could name all policy agreements between him and me using only one hand, but yet I don't hate the guy at all. I feel no anger towards him. I simply disagree with his policies, disagree with his rhetoric, and disagree with him about what type of government the USA is and how it works. I never endlessly whined about him during his 8 years in office. So, why such hatred and vitriol towards Trump??

An old Indian commented: 'We had a great life. Hunt and fish all day. Women do all the cleaning and cooking. Leave it to white man to come in with 'progress' and screw that all up.'

If you identify as North American, that includes Mexico and Canada, both of whom are disparaged by US conservatives.
I don't agree with plenty of US conservatives myself, so I don't see your point... You're trying to group people too much and apply a message very broadly across that whole group of people.

In posting part of the New Colossus made famous by it's placement on the Statue of Liberty, it exemplifies the absurdity of Trump claiming that by excluding desperately needy immigrants he is going to make America great when the nation was built by those who came here with nothing but a desire to work and build something. Trump's hatred of immigrants is the height of hypocrisy. He is not making America great. What he is doing is making wealth inequality great.
He doesn't hate immigrants. Why should wealth be equal for everyone??

Actually, you should consider that by allowing more workers into the country there will be more people paying into the Social Security System, which will ensure it's viability.
Nope, because the same problem would arise again when all those people got to retirement age... It's just a band-aid, not a solution...

The problem with Social Security is the end of the baby boom. Too few workers paying into the system to support the retirees. We need more young people entering the work force. And guess what? They are waiting on our southern border to do just that. Letting them in to work solves two huge problems. Now, if you want to initially tax them heavily as a sort of 'initiation fee' for joining our 'club,' I am fine with that. Make them work for it. I have a feeling they would relish the opportunity and seize it with fervor.
And here you yourself recognize what I just got done saying... You recognize one of the many problems with Social Security, yet you propose to add more workers in, who will then in turn become "Baby Boomers: Reprise" and the problem will be even worse than it is now since there will be even more people needing to be supported... and it will be an ever increasing problem (much like our debt problem is right now). You're simply band-aiding this particular Social Security issue which will only make this particular SS issue even worse for future generations...
So then why not let in people from certain countries? If a group of immigrants is from a shithole country, why not let them in?

If the group is educated with skills necessary for needed employment, of course let them in. Basket weavers that speak no English that would surely go on Medicaid, SNAP, subsidized housing - no.
If the group is educated with skills necessary for needed employment, of course let them in. Basket weavers that speak no English that would surely go on Medicaid, SNAP, subsidized housing - no.

So then you would disagree with Trump not wanting to let people in because of the country they're from. You care about how much skill the individuals have, not the country they're from. Correct?
Hello Celticguy,

Can't be done first at the national level. Congress would have to vote on it. The most powerful members of Congress benefit from the legalized corruption of big money influence upon our government.

12 minutes that will change your life and the country you live in:

Fixing the politics of both parties by ending corruption: A Short How To Do It Video.

Its possible and we are closer to the scenario that would enable it than at any time before. They have gotten sloppy and stupid and made mistakes. These can be used to shift tjis paradigm.