Why Do Conservatives Hate Immigrants So Much?

It plays the same wherever they go.
This is true. I lived in Germany for three yrs and finally left as I got tired of the German mentality. I used to joke, how many Germany laws will I break today just going about my business? I'd get into arguments with the neighbors because I threw my trash in the dumpster on a *gasp!* Sunday.
Lived in Italy for a yr. I don't even want to go there but suffice to say, chaotic.
Why do you think that?

Jews overwhelmingly support mass immigration to white countries. And it's only in countries where Jews are overrepresented in media and academia, that multiracialism and multiculturalism are seen as good. The Left in America actually used to favor tight borders, because immigration from the third world lowers wages. The Jews used their influential positions to change that. Outside the West, where Jews don't have huge amounts of power, there is no mass immigration or multiracialism.

What white ethnicities immigrated illegally to Germany?

A lot of Eastern Europeans immigrated there illegally to escape Communism. And of course, lots of Germans were pissed about it, but eventually these illegals assimilated into Germany. Even today, there is illegal immigration, mainly from the Balkans, but the Germans don't care, since they realize the real problem is the legal immigration of Middle Easterners and Africans.

I haven't lived there since the mass muslim migration but the Turks have never fully integrated into German society and they started during WWI when Turkey was part of the Central Powers.

And it's the same situation in America. Blacks, Jews, Mestizos, and American Indians have all been here longer than most white ethnicities, yet they never integrated.
The truth is that integration only works when it's between immigrants and a country of the same race. A Norwegian can become an Italian, but a Nigerian can't.
This is true. I lived in Germany for three yrs and finally left as I got tired of the German mentality. I used to joke, how many Germany laws will I break today just going about my business? I'd get into arguments with the neighbors because I threw my trash in the dumpster on a *gasp!* Sunday.
Lived in Italy for a yr. I don't even want to go there but suffice to say, chaotic.

What is that about???:thinking:
What is that about???:thinking:

German anal retentiveness. You don't throw your trash in a dumpster on a SUNDAY. Lots of stupid rules. Rules, rules, and more rules.
I'll give you one for Italy. If you're in a car and have a wreck with a motor bike, 99% chance it will be the fault of the driver of the car. We called it the anello d'oro or "golden ring" motorcyclists get.
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And it's the same situation in America. Blacks, Jews, Mestizos, and American Indians have all been here longer than most white ethnicities, yet they never integrated.
The truth is that integration only works when it's between immigrants and a country of the same race. A Norwegian can become an Italian, but a Nigerian can't.
Nor were they welcomed to & in many cases were forbidden by law from doing to....

Hispanics & Asian are doing lots of integrating, contrary to what many may think..Latinos Most Likely Ethnic Group to 'Marry-Out' of Race

Intermarriage and U.S. Hispanics: New research

Key facts about race and marriage, 50 years after Loving v. Virginia

In 1967, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the Loving v. Virginia case that marriage across racial lines was legal throughout the country. Intermarriage has increased steadily since then: One-in-six U.S. newlyweds (17%) were married to a person of a different race or ethnicity in 2015, a more than fivefold increase from 3% in 1967. Among all married people in 2015 (not just those who recently wed), 10% are now intermarried – 11 million in total.

Here are more key findings from Pew Research Center about interracial and interethnic marriage and families on the 50th anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision.

1A growing share of adults say interracial marriage is generally a good thing for American society. Nearly four-in-ten adults (39%) say the growing number of people marrying someone of a different race is good for society, up from 24% in 2010. Adults younger than 30, those with at least a bachelor’s degree and those who identify as a Democrat or lean Democratic are especially likely to say this.

Americans today also are less likely to oppose a close relative marrying someone of a different race or ethnicity. Now, 10% say they would oppose such a marriage in their family, down from 31% in 2000. The biggest decline has occurred among nonblacks: Today, 14% of nonblacks say they would oppose a close relative marrying a black person, down from 63% in 1990.

2Asian and Hispanic newlyweds are the most likely to be intermarried. Nearly three-in-ten Asian newlyweds (29%) were married to someone of a different race or ethnicity in 2015, as were 27% of Hispanic newlyweds. Intermarriage for these groups was especially prevalent among the U.S. born: 39% of U.S.-born Hispanics and almost half (46%) of U.S.-born Asian newlyweds were intermarried in 2015.

Although Asian and Hispanic newlyweds are most likely to be intermarried, overall increases in intermarriage have been driven in part by rising intermarriage rates among black and white newlyweds. The most dramatic increase has occurred among black newlyweds, whose intermarriage rate more than tripled from 5% in 1980 to 18% in 2015. Among whites, the rate rose from 4% in 1980 to 11% in 2015.

3The most common racial or ethnic pairing among newlywed intermarried couples is one Hispanic and one white spouse (42%). The next most common intermarriage pairings are one white and one Asian spouse (15%). Some 12% of newlywed intermarried couples include one white and one multiracial spouse, and 11% include one white and one black spouse.

4Newlywed black men are twice as likely as newlywed black women to be intermarried. In 2015, 24% of recently married black men were intermarried, compared with 12% of newly married black women. There are also notable gender differences among Asian newlyweds: Just over one-third (36%) of newlywed Asian women were intermarried in 2015, compared with 21% of recently married Asian men.

Among white and Hispanic newlyweds, intermarriage rates are similar for men and women.

5Since 1980, an educational gap in intermarriage has begun to emerge. While the rate of intermarriage did not differ significantly by educational attainment in 1980, today there is a modest gap. In 2015, 14% of newlyweds with a high school diploma or less were married to someone of a different race or ethnicity. In contrast, 18% of those with some college experience and 19% of those with a bachelor’s degree or more were intermarried.

The educational gap is most striking among Hispanics. Nearly half (46%) of Hispanic newlyweds with a bachelor’s degree were married to someone of a different race or ethnicity in 2015, yet this share drops to 16% for those with a high school diploma or less.

6One-in-seven U.S. infants (14%) are multiracial or multiethnic. This share is nearly triple the share (5%) in 1980. Multiracial or multiethnic infants include children younger than 1 year old who live with two parents and whose parents are each of a different race, those with one Hispanic and one non-Hispanic parent, and those with at least one parent who identifies as multiracial.

Among interracial and interethnic infants, the most common racial/ethnic combination for parents is one non-Hispanic white and one Hispanic parent (42%). The next largest share of these infants have at least one parent who identifies as multiracial (22%), while 14% have one white and one Asian parent and 10% have one white and one black parent. The share of infants with interracial or interethnic parents also varies considerably across states, from 44% among those in Hawaii to 4% among those in Vermont.

7Honolulu has the highest share of intermarried newlyweds of any major metropolitan area in the U.S. Four-in-ten newlyweds in Honolulu (42%) are married to someone of a different race or ethnicity, followed by newlyweds living in the Las Vegas (31%) and Santa Barbara, California (30%) metro areas. At the same time, just 3% of newlyweds in or around Asheville, North Carolina, and Jackson, Mississippi, are intermarried.

(Interactive: Which U.S. metro areas have the largest and smallest shares of intermarried newlyweds?)
Nor were they welcomed to & in many cases were forbidden by law from doing to....

Hispanics & Asian are doing lots of integrating, contrary to what many may think..Latinos Most Likely Ethnic Group to 'Marry-Out' of Race

Marrying someone of a difference race doesn't always mean you integrated into the society. Obama's father is an example of that.
And the reason Latinos are the most likely to marry out of race is because Latino isn't a race. Globalists will sometimes point out how common marriages between American Whites and Latinos are, but most of these Latinos are white, not Mestizo.
And really, if people integrated naturally, would the government be trying to force integration?
So basically, people who aren't white.
Except Baltics, but I'm not sure why you included them. Do Baltic-Americans often fight for representation? Demand forms of affirmative action? See racism against them everywhere? Self-segregate themselves from other Americans? It would seem that Americans of Baltic ethnic groups just become white Americans.

Some do some dont, as pointed out its cultural.
Marrying someone of a difference race doesn't always mean you integrated into the society. Obama's father is an example of that.
And the reason Latinos are the most likely to marry out of race is because Latino isn't a race. Globalists will sometimes point out how common marriages between American Whites and Latinos are, but most of these Latinos are white, not Mestizo.
And really, if people integrated naturally, would the government be trying to force integration?

It means you have stepped @ least in that direction, & what about the children??

Look @ the data I provided.......... I dunno where you live but that isn't the case here nor anywhere I have ever lived-HISPANICS-OF WHATEVER background intermarry..........

Do you want the ppl doing the sampling to do DNA tests on what percent of whatever they are???
It means you have stepped @ least in that direction, & what about the children??

What about them? Having a mixed child didn't help Obama's father become any more American. And from what I've seen, mixed children are more likely to identify as minorities than regular Americans.

Look @ the data I provided.......... I dunno where you live but that isn't the case here nor anywhere I have ever lived-HISPANICS-OF WHATEVER background intermarry..........

But it's not interracial marriage if a white Hispanic marries a white person who isn't Hispanic.

Do you want the ppl doing the sampling to do DNA tests on what percent of whatever they are???

That'd be nice, but it's not necessary. You can usually just look at a Hispanic and determine whether they're white, black, Mestizo, or Asian.
What about them? Having a mixed child didn't help Obama's father become any more American. And from what I've seen, mixed children are more likely to identify as minorities than regular Americans.

But it's not interracial marriage if a white Hispanic marries a white person who isn't Hispanic.

That'd be nice, but it's not necessary. You can usually just look at a Hispanic and determine whether they're white, black, Mestizo, or Asian.

It may not of helped his dad, but it helped him, & his kids & so on......

It aint just wht hispanic-PERIOD... Asians aint wht are they??

It may not of helped his dad, but it helped him, & his kids & so on......

So I'm not one of these conspiracy nuts who thinks that Obama was a secret Muslim Communist who only became president so he could destroy the country from the inside. However, he definitely identified as black and saw himself as a racial outsider in America. He chose to go to a racial church that taught Black Liberation Theology. What's especially striking about that is Obama barely had the black experience. He didn't grow up poor in an inner city where he was surrounded by drugs and gangs. He had a privileged middle-class life in Hawaii and went to a really good college. And STILL he didn't see himself as American.

It aint just wht hispanic-PERIOD... Asians aint wht are they??

Yes, I get that it's all Hispanics. But some Hispanics are white, some are black, some are Mestizo, some are even of Asian descent. So just pointing out that Hispanics are marrying Non-Hispanics doesn't say anything about racial integration.
So I'm not one of these conspiracy nuts who thinks that Obama was a secret Muslim Communist who only became president so he could destroy the country from the inside. However, he definitely identified as black and saw himself as a racial outsider in America. He chose to go to a racial church that taught Black Liberation Theology. What's especially striking about that is Obama barely had the black experience. He didn't grow up poor in an inner city where he was surrounded by drugs and gangs. He had a privileged middle-class life in Hawaii and went to a really good college. And STILL he didn't see himself as American.

Yes, I get that it's all Hispanics. But some Hispanics are white, some are black, some are Mestizo, some are even of Asian descent. So just pointing out that Hispanics are marrying Non-Hispanics doesn't say anything about racial integration.

I would say being president of the USA makes you pretty American....

I am not just pointing that out, read the links...........

Anyway, I made my point....
I would say being president of the USA makes you pretty American....

Not if you don't see yourself as American have a loyalty to the American community.

I am not just pointing that out, read the links...........

I'm not denying that interracial marriage happens. I'm saying it's still rare even with the media conditioning people to date outside their race.
We want those who can bring something to the table other than disease and lack of skills.

Good to see you agree with me that Trump was indeed trashing legal immigrants - if they happen to be from "shithole" countries, and did not meet his preference for the Aryan master race.
When it comes to being descendants of immigrants, the hypocrite CONservatives must hate themselves as America is a nation of immigrants.

Conservatives don't hate immigrants. Most of us are in favor of legal immigration. Could you please stop being so dishonest and acknowledge that there's a difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration?