Why Do Trumppers pretend we are not a Democracy?

Here is the Webster's definition, same meaning in different wording: "any of various egalitarian economic and political theories or movements advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods."

The idea is government control rather than private control of production and distribution of goods.


Government ownership of the means of production, ... that is monarchy and socialism.
Too bad you haven't learned by now that words are defined in dictionaries. Socialism is: "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

No dictionary defines any word. No dictionary owns any word. However, the definition of socialism that you gave is only partly accurate. The 'community as a whole' is just a buzzword for 'government'.

The three major forms of socialism are: fascism, communism, and slavery. ALL are based on theft.

Fascism is government manipulation of markets. Though the word itself was coined by Mussolini, it's practice existed long before his time. Under fascism, people still 'own' businesses and property but get little to no say in how to run them. Government dictates what you will buy, what you will sell, how much your sale prices will be, who you can hire, who you can fire, your hours of operation, etc. It is tyranny.

Communism is government ownership of markets. Government OWNS the business or property, taking it by force. Welfare is communism. It is taking wealth by force from the productive and giving it to the unproductive. It is NOT charity. It is tyranny.

Charity is the VOLUNTARY giving of wealth to another. There is no compulsion.

Slavery is, of course, theft of labor (a form of wealth).

Because socialism is based on theft of wealth, it generally can only be implemented by oligarchy or dictatorship.

Capitalism is the only economic system that can create wealth out of nothing. It needs no government at all for it to function. It is the VOLUNTARY production of wealth and services for VOLUNTARY sale at the VOLUNTARILY agreed upon price. This is the economic system that built cities out of the wilderness.

Socialism can only exist by stealing from capitalism. As soon as it runs out of places to steal from, socialism collapses.
They hate democracy. What do expect from people who worship Trump.

You hate the United States Constitution, the Republic for which it stands.

Look, you're Communist Chinese - you want to overthrow and enslave us, I get it. But those who were blessed to be born in this great nation and are your fellow travelers I don't understand.
Congratulations, you just proved the US is a republic AND also is a democracy. Something that most people on the left know to be true. It is those on the right that think we can't be both.

There is no such thing as a republic democracy. The United States was organized as a federated republic. It has a constitution, and each State is a republic that also has a constitution. Each county has a constitution. Each city or town has a constitution.

A democracy has no constitution nor any representatives.
Republic democracy. Be careful if you want to get rid of Electoral College.

One of the major goals of the Nazi democrat party is to end the Electoral College and states. In fact, aren't you one who demands a "national popular vote," where California and New York appoint every president, disenfranchising the other 48 states?

Mob rule - fuck the minority - the credo of the Nazi party - the democrats.
Easy answer.

Because their racism and xenophobia, means they can never win another democratic election in the US, and thus they need to scrap the system in favor of authoritarianism and the hope they can rule via dictator and the army.

The republi'can' party had a real chance to become a big tent party, by emphasizing fiscal conservatism and religious conservativism, as that appeals to significant percent of black, brown and latino peoples but the Trump base core of racists just could not stomach sharing a tent with them so they opted for one last chance at a version of the Southern Strategy.

You are describing DEMOCRATS.
People on the right are just derps. We have to accept that. I am not saying this to insult, but they are just dumb.

They seem incapable of understanding being a subset of higher category still means you are in that higher category.

They are so dumb they would argue a fork is not cutlery because it is a 'fork' despite the fact that 'forks', 'spoons', knives' etc are just a subset of 'cutlery', like the US system is a subset of 'democracy'.

I guarantee you some of the right derps on this forum will read my post above and simply not understand it and will rail, it is inaccurate, due to their inability to comprehend simple concepts.

Imagine trying to explain basic math to Marjorie Greene or Boebert... that is what we are doing here with the derps.

A democracy is not a knife nor a fork. The United States was never a democracy.
Democracy is a popularity contest, republicanism is a system of governance. This is another jackass contrived first world “crisis” that you ass hats piss and moan about when you’re sucking hind tit on real major issues. Relax. Your precious system of selecting leftist morons to drag this country into the cesspool is safer than it has ever been because of the way you politically educate the young, and continue to pervert the democratic process you claim to love and cherish.

They are trying to redefine 'oligarchy' to 'democracy'.
I didn't lie nitwit. The quote came word for word out of google, I didn't make it up. Anyway, an economy can be a mix of government and private control, as it is in many nations, and not be fascism which controls other aspects of a society as well.


Too bad you haven't learned by now that words are defined in dictionaries. Socialism is: "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

Now you have LIED TWICE.

And THREE times when I count you telling me I can easily google the "dictionary quote " you posted, without a link.
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Even if that were true, that would not be communism. Did you go to the 6th Grade?

I'm sure questioning if you did.


Difference Between Democracy and Republic

Last updated on May 17, 2017 by Surbhi S
There are many forms of political systems which are prevalent in different countries of the world for a long time like monarchy, oligarchy, anarchy, democracy and republic. Of these forms of government, democracy and a republic are quite often juxtaposed, but there is a fine line amidst the two. Democracy refers to the system of masses, i.e. a political system dominated by citizens of the country. Under this system, the general public possess a certain degree of power and authority and takes part in the decision making process of the state.
Republic refers to the state wherein the ultimate power lies in the hands of the people and their elected represetatives. Here, the representatives are chosen by the people to vote on behalf of them.
This article excerpt sheds light on the differences between democracy and republic, take a read.

Definition of Democracy

The word democracy is a combination of two Greek words ‘demos’ means people and ‘kratein’ means, to rule. In short, it means ‘the rule of people’. It is the government which is ruled by the citizens of the country, also known as the system of masses. Majority rule is the essence of this system.
In the democracy, there is active participation of the general public in the political and decision-making process of the state. Free and fair elections are held to choose and replace the government. People get equal rights in a democracy, and the law applies to all the citizens of the country in an equal manner.

Definition of Republic

The term republic is a Latin origin, made of two words ‘res’ means a thing and ‘publica’ means public, that refers to ‘ the public thing i.e. law’. It is considered as the standard form of government, which is ruled by the citizen’s representative chosen by them through voting. The government leaders can exercise their powers as per the rule of law.
The Republic is the representative democracy where there is an elected chief of the state, who serves the state for a certain period, known as the President. In this political system, the government cannot take away the inalienable rights of the individual. In other words, the right of an individual cannot be overridden by the masses.

Difference Between Democracy and Republic (with Comparison Chart) - Key Differences
I didn't lie nitwit. The quote came word for word out of google, I didn't make it up. Anyway, an economy can be a mix of government and private control, as it is in many nations, and not be fascism which controls other aspects of a society as well.

Mussolini is the father of Fascism. What "other aspects" did he want to control?

The German people, under Hitler, were national socialists like FDR.
Yes, we are a Republic and a Democracy. Much like I am an American and a Human.

We are not a direct democracy. This is true.

A republic is not a democracy.
There is no such thing as a 'direct democracy'. A democracy is, by definition, 'direct'.

A democracy is government by popular vote. It has no constitution. It has no representatives.
Seems to have risen like a noxious gas from the Trump swamp, democracy being antithetical to the Trump fondness for autocrats along with his own dream of one man rule. I wasn't here before he rode down the elevator but I would be surprised if pre-Trump there was this nonsense about democracy vs. republic.

Trump did not define 'democracy' nor 'republic'. Trump is not an autocrat.