Why homosexuality should be banned

  • Thread starter Thread starter WinterBorn
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Absolute nonsense. If it was a dominant genetic trait, it would cause the end of a species. But there are plenty of genetic traits that are harmful to the species and to reproduction. And they do not cause the end of a species.
Where is this gay gene?
Where is this gay gene?

I'll produce a gay gene when you can produce some quotes from the NT that have Christ ranting & raving about the scourge of homosexuality.

For the amount of time "Christians" spend on it, I would think it would be most of that document...
I'll produce a gay gene when you can produce some quotes from the NT that have Christ ranting & raving about the scourge of homosexuality.

For the amount of time "Christians" spend on it, I would think it would be most of that document...
There's lots of discussions about the scourge of homosexuality in the Old Testament, and lots of other issues that were self-explanatory and Christ didn't address.

With all the money spent trying to find a gay gene, you'd think that the queer enablers would have found one by now...
There's lots of discussions about the scourge of homosexuality in the Old Testament, and lots of other issues that were self-explanatory and Christ didn't address.


Well, since the religion is called CHRISTianity, and some of these CHRISTians spend such an inordinate about of time on the subject of homosexuality, you would think there would some kind of quote - ANYTHING - in the entire New Testament, where CHRIST actually says something about it.

Makes you wonder about the name of the religion, doesn't it? Maybe they should call it Leviticanity...
There's lots of discussions about the scourge of homosexuality in the Old Testament, and lots of other issues that were self-explanatory and Christ didn't address.

With all the money spent trying to find a gay gene, you'd think that the queer enablers would have found one by now...

Whether there is a gay gene or not is irrelevant. That gays are not allowed to marry based on outdated standards and bogus information is what is relevant.
Well, since the religion is called CHRISTianity, and some of these CHRISTians spend such an inordinate about of time on the subject of homosexuality, you would think there would some kind of quote - ANYTHING - in the entire New Testament, where CHRIST actually says something about it.

Makes you wonder about the name of the religion, doesn't it? Maybe they should call it Leviticanity...
As a devout Christian, the only time I talk about "it" is to respond to the lies from the sin's enablers.

Now about that evidence of a gay gene that you promised....
Well, since the religion is called CHRISTianity, and some of these CHRISTians spend such an inordinate about of time on the subject of homosexuality, you would think there would some kind of quote - ANYTHING - in the entire New Testament, where CHRIST actually says something about it.

Makes you wonder about the name of the religion, doesn't it? Maybe they should call it Leviticanity...
Most Christians are in fact Paulians. Paul understood grace but could not extract himself from the law. Though he understood that mere belief in Yeshua ben Joseph as Messiah was sufficient to gain entrance to the kingdom he repeatedly fell back on the law.

The odd thing is that even modern day christians will summon the law whenever it helps their cause they don't abide by the whole of the law. Passages about homosexuality are good. Passages condemning those that work on the Sabbath, well they interfere with capitalism and aren't so good.

I am with Nietzsche, the last Christian died on the cross.
As a devout Christian, the only time I talk about "it" is to respond to the lies from the sin's enablers.

Now about that evidence of a gay gene that you promised....
So, you admit that the sole reason you want to make it illegal and "ban" it is because of your religion then.


BTW - That's not a good enough reason.
Its relevant to your argument here:

My argument was that your statement that genetically passed homosexuality would cause the end of a species in a single generation.

Whether there is a gay gene or not has no bearing on whether gay marriage should be allowed.
Its relevant to your argument here:
It is irrelevant to the argument on whether or not it should be "banned"... (remember we are talking, as the title implies, of the entirety of homosexuality, not just marriage).

If all people were cliff jumpers it would be detrimental to the survival of the species, but that is not reason enough to make it illegal, or take away the right to marry of those who do practice this "lifestyle" of cliff jumping. There are any number of things that some people do that if everybody did it would be detrimental to the survival of the species, yet nobody has argued to make those illegal. (Being a Catholic Priest comes to mind, or a Buddhist Monk, a bull rider...). Even some things that are sinful.

Only the one you find icky (sinful) is the one that you want to make illegal.
As a reminder, the definition of natural is: "occurring in conformity with the ordinary course of nature".

So is homosexuality natural? Of course not, since by itself, a species would become extinct in one generation.

actually, it has been shown that homosexuality occurs within the ordinary course of nature.

Your problem is you are confusing 'the ordinary course of nature' with 'everyone does it'. Both heterosexuality and homosexuality naturally occur. This is shown in numerous species.
Amazing how once rational and logical debate is had on the issue what it finally boils down to is that Christians don't like it cause it is icky and the bible tells them not to like it. Like Damo said, all well and good, but not a sufficient reason to make it illegal or interfere with marriage.
Amazing how once rational and logical debate is had on the issue what it finally boils down to is that Christians don't like it cause it is icky and the bible tells them not to like it. Like Damo said, all well and good, but not a sufficient reason to make it illegal or interfere with marriage.
Awesome strawman! :good4u:
It is irrelevant to the argument on whether or not it should be "banned"... (remember we are talking, as the title implies, of the entirety of homosexuality, not just marriage).

If all people were cliff jumpers it would be detrimental to the survival of the species, but that is not reason enough to make it illegal, or take away the right to marry of those who do practice this "lifestyle" of cliff jumping. There are any number of things that some people do that if everybody did it would be detrimental to the survival of the species, yet nobody has argued to make those illegal. (Being a Catholic Priest comes to mind, or a Buddhist Monk, a bull rider...). Even some things that are sinful.

Only the one you find icky (sinful) is the one that you want to make illegal.
As I said from the outset the OP video brings up a series of half-truths and lies, and I chose to focus on one at a time instead of swatting a swarm of flies. And as we agreed, my argument at this time is to refute the lie that it is natural.
As I said from the outset the OP video brings up a series of half-truths and lies, and I chose to focus on one at a time instead of swatting a swarm of flies. And as we agreed, my argument at this time is to refute the lie that it is natural.

Your lie that it is unnatural has already been refuted numerous times on this thread. Your willingness to pretend this isn't the case simply further illustrates your bigotry.
Take it easy on him, the closet he is hiding in is getting rather small... its messing with his mind.

Awesome ad-hom! :good4u:

actually, it has been shown that homosexuality occurs within the ordinary course of nature.

Your problem is you are confusing 'the ordinary course of nature' with 'everyone does it'. Both heterosexuality and homosexuality naturally occur. This is shown in numerous species.

Actually, only heterosexual sex followed by reproduction has been shown to be the ordinary course of nature.
As I said from the outset the OP video brings up a series of half-truths and lies, and I chose to focus on one at a time instead of swatting a swarm of flies. And as we agreed, my argument at this time is to refute the lie that it is natural.

And you have not refuted it.

You have not provided much of an argument that gay marriage should continue to be banned. The only reasons you have given (that have not been refuted) are religious reasons. And those cannot be the basis for laws.