Why retiring at 65 could become a thing of the past

I retired at age 65, with a lifetime pension and hopefully with lifetime social security? Pensions are becoming extinct in the working world now and some companies are dropping existent ones?!! People are working longer now, I worked for 40 years and I am through working!

Raising the retirement age is an emotional issue.

Is there a point to this story?
Yes, SK. If the Republicans can raise the Retirement Age to 100, the Social Security crisis will be solved. (I can't believe you can't understand this?)

Absurdity; a sure sign of the last desperate refuge for liars, fools and ignorance; and those who have lost their arguments. :rolleyes:
We could also kill all the Boomers. That'd solve the problem. That'd solve a lot of problems.

Your view of America is skewed by the fact,you have everyone has Democrats or Republicans.
Fact half are neither,they don't vote or participate in politics,but their needs still have to be met.

So? I explained to you how Democrats think about it.
Are you retired?


because I studied and got educated and figured out how to do what I needed to make my retirement solid

save save save and live very sparsely until I could buy a house (at fucking 11 percent interest)

and do everything I could to fix it up

I then saved saved saved and lived very sparsely to do it again

rented one and lived I the other

then max out the 401k with as much as I could do

refinanced when the rates went real low

and now both houses are nearly paid off and worth nearly triple of WHAT PAID FOR THEM

I have found the average person who votes right like my parents did have no idea how finances work

they think wealthy people must be brilliant for getting so wealthy

truth is it more about what they started with

but the wealthy sure think they are smarter

they are not

they are mostly inflated egos
when life tried to bounce me off a wall and send me to the ground

I jumped back up in its face and gave it a look that said

You are gonna have to really hurt me to stop me

and I never forget it all started from my compassion for my brother being threatened

I still protect all my bros and siss

the whole world of them

because I studied and got educated and figured out how to do what I needed to make my retirement solid

save save save and live very sparsely until I could buy a house (at fucking 11 percent interest)

and do everything I could to fix it up

I then saved saved saved and lived very sparsely to do it again

rented one and lived I the other

then max out the 401k with as much as I could do

refinanced when the rates went real low

and now both houses are nearly paid off and worth nearly triple of WHAT PAID FOR THEM

I have found the average person who votes right like my parents did have no idea how finances work

they think wealthy people must be brilliant for getting so wealthy

truth is it more about what they started with

but the wealthy sure think they are smarter

they are not

they are mostly inflated egos
So you worked hard and overcame millions of obstacles....encourage others to do the same...quit blaming others....your energy and words are wasted doing both....
Most families have to have both parents working to make ends meet.It didn't use to be like that.

When it wasn't that way women were limited in the jobs they could take. And, those families lived at lower standards.

Today, two parents work not necessarily because they have to but because they want more--2 cars, cell phones, vacations, large homes.

Many women work today because they want to and not because they have to. The women most likely to work are more educated. If they were working out of necessity it would be women with lower levels of education who are most likely to work.

Today workers pay a smaller percentage of their income for necessities (food, clothing) than they ever have. The only thing they pay more for is housing but the number of square feet is large than previously. You can buy many items today for less actual dollars than you could 30 years ago (TV, for example).
You already paid into SS. Why do you think OTHERS support you?

The amount you paid into SS went to those receiving SS benefits while you were working. The SS you get comes from current workers. They did not create an account to put your money in it for retirement. And, most of us will collect more in benefits than they paid in contributions.
The amount you paid into SS went to those receiving SS benefits while you were working. The SS you get comes from current workers. They did not create an account to put your money in it for retirement. And, most of us will collect more in benefits than they paid in contributions.

WRONG: the amount we pay into SS goes to fund the Federal deficit and is replaced with IOU's. They don't track how the funds are distributed, but rather, how much you will be owed based on what you paid into the fund.

Like I said, Signalman already paid into the fund. Others are not paying for his benefits. ;)
When it wasn't that way women were limited in the jobs they could take. And, those families lived at lower standards.

Today, two parents work not necessarily because they have to but because they want more--2 cars, cell phones, vacations, large homes.

Many women work today because they want to and not because they have to. The women most likely to work are more educated. If they were working out of necessity it would be women with lower levels of education who are most likely to work.

Today workers pay a smaller percentage of their income for necessities (food, clothing) than they ever have. The only thing they pay more for is housing but the number of square feet is large than previously. You can buy many items today for less actual dollars than you could 30 years ago (TV, for example).

So you worked hard and overcame millions of obstacles....encourage others to do the same...quit blaming others....your energy and words are wasted doing both....

fuck you

you lick the ass of trumpians who want to make it impossible for a poor person to get ahead

give up your wet dreams of people soooo poor they will do the bidding of the wealthy just to survive until tomarrow
When it wasn't that way women were limited in the jobs they could take. And, those families lived at lower standards.

Today, two parents work not necessarily because they have to but because they want more--2 cars, cell phones, vacations, large homes.

Many women work today because they want to and not because they have to. The women most likely to work are more educated. If they were working out of necessity it would be women with lower levels of education who are most likely to work.

Today workers pay a smaller percentage of their income for necessities (food, clothing) than they ever have. The only thing they pay more for is housing but the number of square feet is large than previously. You can buy many items today for less actual dollars than you could 30 years ago (TV, for example).

link to your claims?