Why retiring at 65 could become a thing of the past

WRONG: the amount we pay into SS goes to fund the Federal deficit and is replaced with IOU's. They don't track how the funds are distributed, but rather, how much you will be owed based on what you paid into the fund.

Like I said, Signalman already paid into the fund. Others are not paying for his benefits. ;)

The amount Signalman paid into the fund has been long spent, so his benefits are being paid by current workers and not the money he contributed. How much he receives is based on how much he contributed and the number of years.

Most of the money workers pay today go to current beneficiaries, only the surplus is used to purchase treasuries that are used for the deficit. As benefits exceed contributions the IOUs are redeemed to cover the shortfall.
Proved Mason's point!

You have to understand poor slobs like CFM.

Busted his ass at shitty, low paying, low prestige, dirty, smelly, back breaking jobs all his life with nothing to look forward to but getting drunk on cheap beer as often he could afford to, on whatever money he had left over after paying the rent and utilities on his dumpy little trailer.

Probably tried several times to qualify for welfare and disability himself, but got denied every time.

Now he's filled with hatred and bitterness towards anyone who gets legitimately needed help.

All he's good for is providing the rest of us with a pathetic fool to laugh at.
When it wasn't that way women were limited in the jobs they could take. And, those families lived at lower standards.

Today, two parents work not necessarily because they have to but because they want more--2 cars, cell phones, vacations, large homes.

Many women work today because they want to and not because they have to. The women most likely to work are more educated. If they were working out of necessity it would be women with lower levels of education who are most likely to work.

Today workers pay a smaller percentage of their income for necessities (food, clothing) than they ever have. The only thing they pay more for is housing but the number of square feet is large than previously. You can buy many items today for less actual dollars than you could 30 years ago (TV, for example).

I guess you're only familiar with middle class and above America.
fuck you

you lick the ass of trumpians who want to make it impossible for a poor person to get ahead

give up your wet dreams of people soooo poor they will do the bidding of the wealthy just to survive until tomarrow

That's the only sexual release she has!
You have to understand poor slobs like CFM.

Busted his ass at shitty, low paying, low prestige, dirty, smelly, back breaking jobs all his life with nothing to look forward to but getting drunk on cheap beer as often he could afford to, on whatever money he had left over after paying the rent and utilities on his dumpy little trailer.

Probably tried several times to qualify for welfare and disability himself, but got denied every time.

Now he's filled with hatred and bitterness towards anyone who gets legitimately needed help.

All he's good for is providing the rest of us with a pathetic fool to laugh at.

He is a world class disgusting racist!
You're a religious person, do you think Society has an obligation to take care of it's Poor, it's Unfortunate, it's Forgotten?

No, individuals ought to be voluntarily charitable, not extorted to by force of government. Religion has nothing to do with government redistribution of wealth. Aren't you liberals always carrying on about separation of church and state?
No, individuals ought to be voluntarily charitable, not extorted to by force of government. Religion has nothing to do with government redistribution of wealth. Aren't you liberals always carrying on about separation of church and state?

The govt isn't extorting or forcing anything from anyone.

It is merely doing what it realistically can to remedy an unavoidable condition that happens to every human being who has ever existed and been lucky enough to stay alive longer than 62 - 67 years. That unavoidable condition being old age and the physical deterioration that comes with it.

It is also giving the public what the majority of them demand. An old age pension that will at least give them a financial means to provide themselves with the basic necessities to stay alive and reasonably comfortable in their declining years.

I don't know how old you are right now, but I do know that at some point after you turn 62, possibly after you turn 67 or whichever age you decide to after you become eligible, you too are going to march your ass straight down to your local SS office and sign up for it too.

You and every other right-wing chest thumper who runs his mouth about the subject.
Democrats see Social Security as a sort of forced retirement plan. They lack the personal responsibility to set aside the money themselves, so they are happy for FedCo to force them to do it. The fact that it gives 0% returns, or worse, to so many matters not at all.

When a Republican points out the shittiness of the system, the standard Democrat response is to state that the Republican should forgo any payments that he is entitled to, or else he is a hypocrite. The fact that this has no base in logic or is relevant to the point matters not at all.

Democrat see SS as a way for those that failed to plan to have something. The sad part about how the distributions are determined is that those putting in the least (i.e. - lifetime low wage earners) get a far greater return than those earning a higher wage. Using the SS calculator, it's easy to see why low wage earners like system. A 65 y/o worker earning $25000 in the current year retiring today would receive $904/month. Another 65 y/o worker earning $100,000 in the current year retiring today would receive $2,105. For such a system to be "fair", the lower wage earner should only receive 1/4 that of the higher wage earner ($526.25/month) or the higher wage earner should receive 4x that of the lower wage earner ($3,616/month).

It's not hypocritical to take something you were required to be a part of.
The govt isn't extorting or forcing anything from anyone.

It is merely doing what it realistically can to remedy an unavoidable condition that happens to every human being who has ever existed and been lucky enough to stay alive longer than 62 - 67 years. That unavoidable condition being old age and the physical deterioration that comes with it.

It is also giving the public what the majority of them demand. An old age pension that will at least give them a financial means to provide themselves with the basic necessities to stay alive and reasonably comfortable in their declining years.

I don't know how old you are right now, but I do know that at some point after you turn 62, possibly after you turn 67 or whichever age you decide to after you become eligible, you too are going to march your ass straight down to your local SS office and sign up for it too.

You and every other right-wing chest thumper who runs his mouth about the subject.

When the government requires people to be part of such a system, it's forcing them to do so.

It's no surprise leeches like you demand it. You never did anything to prepare yourself so you expect the government to do it for you.

Damn right I'm going to take it. It won't be because I'll need it but because I was required to put into it. I hope that someone that didn't prepare that needs what I'll get with go without.
You have to understand poor slobs like CFM.

Busted his ass at shitty, low paying, low prestige, dirty, smelly, back breaking jobs all his life with nothing to look forward to but getting drunk on cheap beer as often he could afford to, on whatever money he had left over after paying the rent and utilities on his dumpy little trailer.

Probably tried several times to qualify for welfare and disability himself, but got denied every time.

Now he's filled with hatred and bitterness towards anyone who gets legitimately needed help.

All he's good for is providing the rest of us with a pathetic fool to laugh at.

Says the one still hiding behind the ignore.

BTW, BOY, I still have the guns you claimed you could take.
At least you are honest.
The secular Humanists feel we do.

Perhaps you should reach into your pocket and voluntarily take care of those you think the rest of us should be forced to enable to be freeloaders. It's funny how you secular Humanists think charity comes from seeing how much the government can take from someone else so you can claim credit as if it came from your pocket.
Proved Mason's point!

Since Mason thinks those of us that did for ourselves and planned ahead should be forced to take care of those that failed to do so, he doesn't have a point.

I have no problem not showing a concern for those that failed to prepare and plan ahead. They've earned it. It's not societies place to take care of those that refuse to take care of themselves.