Why retiring at 65 could become a thing of the past

Since Mason thinks those of us that did for ourselves and planned ahead should be forced to take care of those that failed to do so, he doesn't have a point.

I have no problem not showing a concern for those that failed to prepare and plan ahead. They've earned it. It's not societies place to take care of those that refuse to take care of themselves.

It is societies place,or you have no society
If millionaires and billionaires had to pay on more then their first $100'000 would help!

Do you also support them receiving distributions based on what they contribute? It doesn't work that way now. Someone contributing at the current max ($132,900) would get $2,393/month. Someone contributing at 1/4 that max amount would get $1036/month.

Why isn't the 4x higher contributor getting 4x the distribution or the 4x lower contributor not getting 1/4 that $2393?
It is societies place,or you have no society

You'd still have a society. It would be one where people either contributed to it or those that didn't would no longer be a burden on it.

It's not my place to take care of those that failed to plan ahead. I'm not their ATM.

Currently, we have two societies. One is made up of those that work, contribute to society, and earn a living. The other is made up of those that refuse to do for themselves and vote for a living funded by those that matter.
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Do you also support them receiving distributions based on what they contribute? It doesn't work that way now. Someone contributing at the current max ($132,900) would get $2,393/month. Someone contributing at 1/4 that max amount would get $1036/month.

Why isn't the 4x higher contributor getting 4x the distribution or the 4x lower contributor not getting 1/4 that $2393?

You'd still have a society. It would be one where people either contributed to it or those that didn't would no longer be a burden on it.

It's not my place to take care of those that failed to plan ahead. I'm not their ATM.

You're not an ATM,but you are racist scum.
You're not an ATM,but you are racist scum.

The freeloaders think I and those like me are. They don't have a problem demanding the government take what we earn so they can get something handed to them.

Nigger lover.
Internet tuff guy.

I didn't issue the challenge. I accepted one made by an internet tough guy. He ran, I didn't.

I've been there twice and tried to let him know I was there so he could try and do what HE said he was going to do. Both times I got a message that said I was on ignore.
I guess you're only familiar with middle class and above America.

I grew up in a working class family with two working parents. Neighbors with stay-at-home moms made a decent living with one working parent, but they usually had less than we did. We had air-conditioning (but not at my school).
Maybe he didn't want to come to your Mom's basement.

I keep that lying hillbilly piece of dog shit on ignore so I only see the stink he emits when someone quotes him.

He offered to come down here for some kind of macho, dick-swinging contest and I told him several times to come on down any time he felt like it. PM me the name and room number of whichever hotel he was staying at.

Of course, he chicken shit weaseled his ass out then started lying his trash ass off about it.

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I keep that lying hillbilly piece of dog shit on ignore so I only see the stink he waits when someone quotes him.

He offered to come down here for some kind of macho, dick-swinging contest and I told him several times to come on down any time he felt like it. PM me the name and room number of whichever hotel he was staying at.

Of course, he chicken shit weaseled his ass out of it then started lying his trash ass off about it.

I accepted your challenge you made about taking my guns. I sent you a message. You ignored it because you knew the end result of trying.