Why retiring at 65 could become a thing of the past

You know it goes up every year right?

Does Jack realize that those contributing at the higher income amounts don't get as much of a proportional distribution to their contribution as those contributing at lower income amounts? Someone that contributed at the max doesn't get 9x the distribution of someone contributing at minimum wage although the contribution was 9x as much.
Many of the Worker Drones don't have all that and will be dependent on Social Security.

Maybe they should have aspired to be something other than worker drones and they would have had something other than a government program.
Most millionaires and billionaires do not get most of their income from salaries subject to FICA.

They would then be entitled to increased benefits which would take most of the increased revenue.

They should get more but people like Mason only want them to contribute more without an increased distribution.
I was thinking of people like yourself.

Since I won't have to rely on SS because I chose to not be a worker drone, perhaps you should rethink things. While you're doing that, think about how much better your life could have been had you not chosen to be a drone.
Since I won't have to rely on SS because I chose to not be a worker drone, perhaps you should rethink things. While you're doing that, think about how much better your life could have been had you not chosen to be a drone.

Care to back that up?
Say at age 20 you make $30,000/yr ($2500/mo) and pay 6.2% of your income into a fund matched by your employer, and continue this practice until you retire at age 65. After 45 years in a slight risk investment (and with a 45 year term it is almost inconceivable that a "slight risk" investment would have any risk), earning 7%, you would have slightly under $1.2 million in the bank. (Let's forget inflation here because we will assume that your raises would at least keep up with inflation.) At that time, you would transition to a lower risk investment, and at a yield of 5%, never touching the principle, you would be able to draw $4900 in interest per month upon retirement. That's almost twice your pre-retirement income.
Say at age 20 you make $30,000/yr ($2500/mo) and pay 6.2% of your income into a fund matched by your employer, and continue this practice until you retire at age 65. After 45 years in a slight risk investment (and with a 45 year term it is almost inconceivable that a "slight risk" investment would have any risk), earning 7%, you would have slightly under $1.2 million in the bank. (Let's forget inflation here because we will assume that your raises would at least keep up with inflation.) At that time, you would transition to a lower risk investment, and at a yield of 5%, never touching the principle, you would be able to draw $4900 in interest per month upon retirement. That's almost twice your pre-retirement income.

I doubt CFM knows this ... or can afford to buy in.
Say at age 20 you make $30,000/yr ($2500/mo) and pay 6.2% of your income into a fund matched by your employer, and continue this practice until you retire at age 65. After 45 years in a slight risk investment (and with a 45 year term it is almost inconceivable that a "slight risk" investment would have any risk), earning 7%, you would have slightly under $1.2 million in the bank. (Let's forget inflation here because we will assume that your raises would at least keep up with inflation.) At that time, you would transition to a lower risk investment, and at a yield of 5%, never touching the principle, you would be able to draw $4900 in interest per month upon retirement. That's almost twice your pre-retirement income.

SS would never be able to produce those results.

More than once, those defending SS have said that many people don't have the self discipline to do what you described, would have nothing when they got older, and the rest of us would still have to take care of them. To that I say, not my problem. That's why when SS starts coming to me, and I will take it because I was required to put into it, it will be gravy nor a necessity.
SS would never be able to produce those results.

More than once, those defending SS have said that many people don't have the self discipline to do what you described, would have nothing when they got older, and the rest of us would still have to take care of them. To that I say, not my problem. That's why when SS starts coming to me, and I will take it because I was required to put into it, it will be gravy nor a necessity.

They are forced to pay the tax now, just force them to invest it.
They are forced to pay the tax now, just force them to invest it.

Lefties wouldn't go for that. While it would be the government requiring the investment, it doesn't give the government the level of control lefties want them to have.