Will Queers still be allowed to 'Marry' ?

Will Queers still be allowed to 'Marry' ?

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I know they do feel that they do. Marriage is as old as humankind.

Yes. 10,000 years. A 'Man & Woman' starting a Family. ... then, along came the notion that the LGBT Community wanted the same thing. And ... it was granted ... to the chagrin of the Religious Community.
Yes. 10,000 years. A 'Man & Woman' starting a Family. ... then, along came the notion that the LGBT Community wanted the same thing. And ... it was granted ... to the chagrin of the Religious Community.

The question is why. Why does it matter what two consenting adults want?

I've heard the argument about it being a tax thing but then again divorces, family breakups and so on are expensive.
The question is why. Why does it matter what two consenting adults want?

I've heard the argument about it being a tax thing but then again divorces, family breakups and so on are expensive.

YOU have put your finger on The Problem.

Lefty: "Christians do not own the term "marriage"."
Jack: 'Marriage'. Used by the religious, and used by the Civil Authorities.

The 'Religious' claim only a 'Man & Woman' can be MARRIED.
The 'Civil Authorities' have re-defined 'who can be married'. Completely opposite of the 'Religious' (and Tradition).

So now, instead of the LGBT Community being all pissed off, the Religious Community is all pissed off.
Expand on that.

The Federal Government recognizes 'Gay Marriage'. To the Federal Government, '2 People' can get 'Married', not just a 'Man & Woman'.
Most people don't care ... not so with the 'Religious'.
(you yourself pointed out 'marriage' was a 'religious' term)
The Federal Government recognizes 'Gay Marriage'. To the Federal Government, '2 People' can get 'Married', not just a 'Man & Woman'.
Most people don't care ... not so with the 'Religious'.
(you yourself pointed out 'marriage' was a 'religious' term)

I see you working...you want a king.
I see you working...you want a king.

No. I would like a SOLUTION that makes both sides happy. Here, let me run this past you:

The 'Word' marriage seems to be at the heart of the Problem between the 2 Groups, the LGBT and the Religious.
The LGBT want the same 'Rights & Benefits' of being married like everybody else.
The Religious want to retain the definition of Marriage as between a 'Man & Woman'.

---> Get the Civil Authorities out of the 'Marriage Business' and into the 'Civil Union Business'.
The Civil Authorities can register any couple. The Couple can call their relationship anything they want.
The Religious can claim 'Marriage is between a Man & woman'.
The LGBT can claim 'Equality', and get the same 'Rights & Benefits' as everyone else.
No. I would like a SOLUTION that makes both sides happy. Here, let me run this past you:

The 'Word' marriage seems to be at the heart of the Problem between the 2 Groups, the LGBT and the Religious.
The LGBT want the same 'Rights & Benefits' of being married like everybody else.
The Religious want to retain the definition of Marriage as between a 'Man & Woman'.

---> Get the Civil Authorities out of the 'Marriage Business' and into the 'Civil Union Business'.
The Civil Authorities can register any couple. The Couple can call their relationship anything they want.
The Religious can claim 'Marriage is between a Man & woman'.
The LGBT can claim 'Equality', and get the same 'Rights & Benefits' as everyone else.

What about those LGBT people who are Christians?
What about those LGBT people who are Christians?

:) What about them?
They go to the Civil Authorities like everyone else and register as a 'Couple', and get all the 'Rights & Benefits' of everyone else.
If they want a Religious Ceremony (like anyone else) they can do that.

The LGBT can call themselves 'Married'.
The religious can say 'No you're NOT!'.

Everybody gets what they want. LGBT have reached 'Equality'. Religious can claim 'Marriage is between a Man & woman'. The Public and Civil Authorities have removed themselves from the Battle over the 'Word' marriage'.
You seem like a 'Religious type' to me. So ... do you support 'Gay Marriage'?
You know, 2 guys butt-fucking each other is just like a Man and a Woman getting Married and having Biological Children?
Or ... do you believe what the Bible says, the Word of God, on the subject?

Deflection asking a Loaded question but nice try. I notice you didn't answer my question.
Not 'loaded'. Simple question; "Do you believe Marriage is only between a 'Man & Woman'" ?

What I believe is not the issue here. You refuse to answer my question, so I can only assume you are still in the closet and trying to hide the fact. :laugh:
What I believe is not the issue here. You refuse to answer my question, so I can only assume you are still in the closet and trying to hide the fact. :laugh:

"Will Queers still be allowed to 'Marry' "

This is the Thread Title. Do you have an opinion? Do you think Amy 'Crazy Eyes' Barrett will change current Law?
"Will Queers still be allowed to 'Marry' "

This is the Thread Title. Do you have an opinion? Do you think Amy 'Crazy Eyes' Barrett will change current Law?

The Supreme Court will never again allow Big Government take away the individual rights to marry who we chose or make medical decisions for ourselves.
Pretty sure they are planning that now.
So you have no idea of what kind of case it would take reverse a 14th Amendment ruling?

Even if such a case could exist, it has to go through a lot of lowers courts to get to SCOTUS and SCOTUS may refuse to see it.