Wisconsin Supreme Court hands Democrats huge win with ballot box decision

Do sworn affidavits supercede the fact that there has been NO meaningful amount of voter fraud found?

Do sworn affidavits supercede the fact that there have been NO counterfeit ballots found?

Do sworn affidavits supercede the fact that there has been NO meaningful amount of ballot harvesting found?

Argument of the stone fallacy. You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats disappear, Void.
I see where she was disqualified from running for office a couple times for lying on sworn affidavits. So much for their validity.
Yep and the affidavit Golden boy for IBDaMann is literally a convicted felon and known drug addict who is mentally unstable and sleeps in the woods behind his mom's house.
Argument of the stone fallacy. You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats disappear, Void.
So... Do you have an actual answer for the question I asked Or do you intend to keep avoiding? I'm not trying to make anything you view as evidence disappear. I'm simply asking you a straightforward question.
You are not stating facts, Void. Manufacturing what people say doesn't work, Void.
Confirmation bias is bad mmmmmm-kay

A Michigan election denier who was parodied by ‘S.N.L.’ is disqualified as a candidate.

I have no power to make elections constitutional or not. That's what courts do.

In the end, all the things Trump complained about, that potentially violated the state constitutions, could have been brought up before the election. That is the correct way. The incorrect way is to be a sore loser and trying to nullify the voice of the people. I guess that's his idea of making America great again.
the Demmycrat way is to turn your back and make it unconstitutional again........you have no power to make them constitutional or not.......but you've certainly made every effort to turn your back on it and do nothing for three years....at least be honest and admit you don't give a fuck about the constitution.......
I don't believe you speak for all of We the People who place great importance on eyewitness testimony.

Nobody has refuted any sworn affidavit regarding the stolen election.
Eyewitness testimony is the shittiest kind of evidence. How many times did you fucks run and rerun the video from Georgia purporting to show the election workers doing something nefarious with the ballot suitcases?

No stolen election. Just your imagination. Get the fuck over it.
Eyewitness testimony is the shittiest kind of evidence.
Eyewitness testimony always carries the most weight.

How many times did you fucks run and rerun the video from Georgia
I know that I only needed to see it once. However, I was already aware of the steal at that point.

No stolen election.
Election STOLEN. Your stupid, unsupported declarations aren't convincing in the slightest.
So... Do you have an actual answer for the question I asked Or do you intend to keep avoiding? I'm not trying to make anything you view as evidence disappear. I'm simply asking you a straightforward question.
Blatant lie. RQAA. Loaded questions are not questions.