Wisconsin Supreme Court hands Democrats huge win with ballot box decision

Eyewitness testimony always carries the most weight.

I know that I only needed to see it once. However, I was already aware of the steal at that point.

Election STOLEN. Your stupid, unsupported declarations aren't convincing in the slightest.
Your horse is dead, yet you keep beating it.
Your horse is dead, yet you keep beating it
... says the dude who is beating the dead horse he is accusing me of beating.

Give it up. I'm not gullible as you are and I will never OBEY your slave-masters as you do. You can rest assured that I won't be bullied into deluding myself that I somehow did not observe what I observed.

Feel free, however, to keep beating your dead horse while your slave-masters keep beating you. You probably should have stuck around and finished highschool.
... says the dude who is beating the dead horse he is accusing me of beating.

Give it up. I'm not gullible as you are and I will never OBEY your slave-masters as you do. You can rest assured that I won't be bullied into deluding myself that I somehow did not observe what I observed.

Feel free, however, to keep beating your dead horse while your slave-masters keep beating you. You probably should have stuck around and finished highschool.
Election was over 4 years ago. Your horse died then, Hoss. But you keep pathetically beating the shit out of it.

We all know that classic definition of insanity. It’s not the right definition. That’s the definition of stupid. And it suits you perfectly.
Election was over 4 years ago.
Actually, the election never happened. It was stolen. Instead of Trump assuming the Presidency, Biden was installed as Puppet in Chief.

Your horse died then, Hoss.
Yes. The Republic that was the greatest ever to grace this planet took it in the gut. So, you got what you wanted, but you remain insecure to this day. Why?

But you keep pathetically beating the shit out of it.
That is what you are doing. I can't go back in time and unsteal the election, yet you keep chiming in and droning away. What gives? Of what are you afraid? Why do you get so defensive when someone merely recognizes that the election was stolen that you feel compelled to immediately respond with at least a minimum quantity of raving gibberish?
Who are "you fucks"? Am I now a plural or did you drop out of highschool before learning what that means?
I sincerely apologize. That was very inconsiderate of me, addressing a post to you that I should have known you would be unable to read. I included a sentence with more than eight words, and I included multiple words exceding your 5-letter limit. This post will probably run into the same problem.

I have taken steps to prevent this sort of callous behavior on my part from ever occurring again, so bear with me as I work out the kinks.
They are in charge of WI elections, idiot. You know, the state you fucks are shitting yourselves about?
No. The Wisconsin Elections Comission isn't in charge of elections in Wisconsin. The DNC is in charge.

You know...the D......N.......C.

The nameless, faceless figure, of no age, lurking in the corner. The shadowy creature with glowing red eyes and bright, evil smile that's waiting under your bed. The DNC.....a creaking door in the night....a sudden pocket of cold air that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

It's always the DNC.
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No. The Wisconsin Elections Comission isn't in charge of elections in Wisconsin. The DNC is in charge.

You know...the D......N.......C.

The nameless, faceless figure, of no age, lurking in the corner. The shadowy creature with glowing red eyes and bright, evil smile that's waiting under your bed. The DNC.....a creaking door in the night....a sudden pocket of cold air that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

It's always the DNC.
Fuck oh dear, man. These fucks are just fucking lost.
Actually, the election never happened. It was stolen. Instead of Trump assuming the Presidency, Biden was installed as Puppet in Chief.

Yes. The Republic that was the greatest ever to grace this planet took it in the gut. So, you got what you wanted, but you remain insecure to this day. Why?

That is what you are doing. I can't go back in time and unsteal the election, yet you keep chiming in and droning away. What gives? Of what are you afraid? Why do you get so defensive when someone merely recognizes that the election was stolen that you feel compelled to immediately respond with at least a minimum quantity of raving gibberish?
^Still hasn’t gotten over being held back in third grade. Twice.
I sincerely apologize. That was very inconsiderate of me, addressing a post to you that I should have known you would be unable to read. I included a sentence with more than eight words, and I included multiple words exceding your 5-letter limit. This post will probably run into the same problem.

I have taken steps to prevent this sort of callous behavior on my part from ever occurring again, so bear with me as I work out the kinks.
No. The Wisconsin Elections Comission isn't in charge of elections in Wisconsin. The DNC is in charge.

You know...the D......N.......C.
????.....so you openly admit that the DNC trumps the WI state legislature and it doesn't bother you?.......people like you need to be jailed.......