Would the US be better off without the South?

Should we let the South succeed?

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I say we dump the northeast... they just create financial crises and political turmoil. Everything north of the southern border of DC, all of PA... and what the hell, we will toss in OH... that way the Northeastern elitists have someone to keep looking down on.

We have Colorado to look down on. It is all we need.
I hit "Yes," on the poll, thinking it was about secession. Obviously, America would be better without the South.

Unfortunately, Mott can't spell, or he's being sneaky. The poll reads "succeed," which is not likely to ever happen for the moronic buffoons of the South.

Interesting, there are some attractive places, I have researched for retirement, low cost of living, beauty, golf, medical, low crime rate, things to do, taxes, water.
I hear you. I too have looked at third world regions, like the south, as a retirement option. To be honest with you there are less corrupt third world regions with better infrastructure than the South. Also, I'd prefer to retire some place where they actually speak English.
I hear you. I too have looked at third world regions, like the south, as a retirement option. To be honest with you there are less corrupt third world regions with better infrastructure than the South. Also, I'd prefer to retire some place where they actually speak English.

This is classic Mott, I love it, LOL
57% of blacks in America live in the South. Would America be better off with less blacks? I'd say emphatically no. Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire are the three whitest states in America. I say we kick them out.
Well you do bring up a good point but let me ask you this? How many of those blacks in the south would remain their if the South were to secede? If secession were to occur their would have to be an agreement to permit these folks to return to America as I'm reasonably sure they would want to.
Ya know so far the only people who have voted to keep the south have been Southerners. Maybe there is hope for the south.

All kiddin aside. What frustrates me about the South is that a significant minority there has a radicalized political agenda but they are still just a minority. Probably only a third or less of the Southern electorate.

Most southerners don't believe in racial descrimination. Most Southerners believe strongly in sound public education. Most Southerners believe in secular Government. Most Southerners support a woman reproductive rights. Most Southerners believe they should invest in their State and communities infrastructure. Most Southerners believe workers rights should be respected. Including the right to collectively bargain. Most Southerners oppose segregation. Most Southerners believe in a strong, efficient central government, etc, etc.

So what's the problem then? Well this is just what frustrated me when I lived in the south. The majority of Southerners, who share our beliefs, continue to over and over and over again enable these slimy, jizz guzzling at the corporate trough, radicalized, loud mouthed politicians into office. Much to their own detriment I might add.

That's the mystery to me of the South. Why, when they don't believe in these mouth breathers, do they continously re-elect them?
I hear you. I too have looked at third world regions, like the south, as a retirement option. To be honest with you there are less corrupt third world regions with better infrastructure than the South. Also, I'd prefer to retire some place where they actually speak English.

Seriously monkey, how much poo are you going to pull from your ass and fling around? You have yet to show anything to support your nonsense. Why is that Mutt?
I love Colorado, it is one of the places where I would like to retire.

Yeah, I can't imagine too many better locations in the US. The only people that wouldn't like it here are the ones that don't like the outdoors... because a lot of the social life revolves around outdoor activity. Not to say we don't have the arts, but simply that it is not as prevalent as say NYC etc...