Would the US be better off without the South?

Should we let the South succeed?

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Does that automatically make one ignorant? I don't think so. Not everyone has to have a MBA or Law Degree and live in Manhattan, San Francisco or West Los Angeles with a high profile finance job and list art museums and the opera as their two favorite hobbies.
Agreed. Ignorance is an essential quality of being a redneck. If you are not ignorant and take pride in a certain level of erudition and wordly sophistication than by definition you are not a redneck. Regardless if you live on a farm, drive a pickup and are an avid outdoorsman.
And I agree 100% with this definition. Now WB, I'm going to borrow this to make a point i was making earlier but Mr. rabbit failed to get. WB, me, Mott and 3D have been around here for a while. None of us agree 100% with each other on the issues. WB or me neither one are going to change Mott's or 3D's perception of the south. It just ain't gonna happen. But what good would it do to not have civil discourse about our differences and thus damage, perhaps permanently, any opportunity we might have for agreement in other areas? We have learned over the years to co-exist despite our differences on this site. I contend that this is what Americans need to do. Meanwhile WB and I will just watch our respective universities whip up on those Yankees. ;) OK, OK ... WB more than me here lately.
Go ahead....beat us in football.....we're still going to get better jobs! :)
Now lets see, which major southern city is filing for bankruptcy? Oh wait no sorry that's Detroit.
...and it's the Souths fault! If it wasn't for their predatory, unpatriotic and slimy corrupt third world business practices that have undermined American industry and the standard of living for American workers Detroit wouldn't be in this mess. Thanks for making another good point and once again "Thanks a lot South!" glad to see you're so patriotic! [/sarcasm]
I love your recipes! I may have to track down some okra!
Here you go Rana. Here's the recipe for pinakbet. You might have to go to an Asian market to get some of the ingredients....assuming you have one. Personally I don't care for this dish as I don't like over cooked vegies and the bitter melon tends to overpower the flavor of this dish. When my wife makes it I call it Pinakblech but she loves it.

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I got a certain amount of that in me too. I'm proud of where I come from and my rural background but I am NOT a redneck. I was raised to be better than that.

Your progressive ship is sinking.

With every new wave of third world immigrants that arrive on your shores is another nail in your empire's coffin.
Were any of those nations covered under the US Constitution?

No. The nations you listed were all independent nations who were then defeated and colonized.

So you believe that the American people are enslaved to their federal government?

The southern states were also an independent republic of republics that was defeated and colonized.

It's noteworthy to point out that your enemies are always the people themselves and never the government. The government God is never scrutinized by you, the new south progressive.

You assert that Americans have no right to resist then throw away their own government and form a government more aligned to the one that was created by the founders while at the same time you support other people around the world to do exactly that is very revealing indeed.

Americans DO NOT have to do what the government tells them to, Americans do not have to follow orders they get from your government God. Like the Hopple, you speak out of both sides of your progressive crooked mouth over self determination for the rest of the world and the same for Americans in the states.

The very essence of American liberty is resistance and defiance to a corrupt government and that power comes from the people acting as a numerical majority within their agent state.
Folks, we'll never be able to sit down and have a discourse until we weed out all these extremists.

I'm an old democrat redneck hillbilly and I love you lefties.

You are "the folks"
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Does that automatically make one ignorant? I don't think so. Not everyone has to have a MBA or Law Degree and live in Manhattan, San Francisco or West Los Angeles with a high profile finance job and list art museums and the opera as their two favorite hobbies.

No it does not make you ignorant at all. That is my point.
You forgot, chew snuff, spit into an empty beer can, don't have the manners to take your hat off when inside and generally speaking have about a 3rd grade literacy level....then yeah.....you might be a redneck. Not all rural people are rednecks. Some of us are raised better than that.

You and I disagree about what it means to be a redneck. I have said that I consider myself a redneck. I guess it depends on whether you go with the inaccurate stereotypes or with reality.
Go ahead....beat us in football.....we're still going to get better jobs! :)

You sure about that? My 40K a year down here allows me to live a lifestyle about like a Yankee making twice as much. And I don't have to live around so many idiots and foul mouthed people (not that we don't have our fair share). :) It's all about perspective.
Bull$&@%. It is too.

"Redneck is a derogatory slang term used in reference to poor, uneducated white farmers."

1. an uneducated white farm laborer, especially from the South.

2. a bigot or reactionary, especially from the rural working class.



Here's another one for ya:

Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary

Redneck - n (1830) : a white member of the Southern rural laboring class -- sometimes used disparagingly

It would seem that you are wanting to grab onto the "sometimes" part and make it an "all the time" thing. It simply isn't by folks down here. Believe me, I am educated but I certainly relate better to the "laboring class" than to the Frasier Crane types. Maybe it's because I was the first person from my family to go to college and get a degree, and then did it again but I never forgot my roots. I don't want my son to be ignorant of where he came from either. While he has an easier childhood than I had, I make sure he knows how to labor and play...stack brush, haul hay, swim in the creek, eventually hiring out to the various farmers and ranchers and work for minimum wage ... or less. I even make him go to church every Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night. It was a good way to grow up and has contributed greatly to making me the person I am today. I am happy to be associated with the "rednecks."
Here's another one for ya:

Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary

Redneck - n (1830) : a white member of the Southern rural laboring class -- sometimes used disparagingly

It would seem that you are wanting to grab onto the "sometimes" part and make it an "all the time" thing. It simply isn't by folks down here. Believe me, I am educated but I certainly relate better to the "laboring class" than to the Frasier Crane types. Maybe it's because I was the first person from my family to go to college and get a degree, and then did it again but I never forgot my roots. I don't want my son to be ignorant of where he came from either. While he has an easier childhood than I had, I make sure he knows how to labor and play...stack brush, haul hay, swim in the creek, eventually hiring out to the various farmers and ranchers and work for minimum wage ... or less. I even make him go to church every Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night. It was a good way to grow up and has contributed greatly to making me the person I am today. I am happy to be associated with the "rednecks."

Yea .. here's grandma's southern recipe for hog jaws and grits .. yea .. all you normal folks .. yea.

He's an extremist and we gotta weed him out so we can all have a political discourse .. yea.

Hopple .. you the most smartest normal folk I ever read ... yea.

Hog jaws and grits from grandma's southern recipe book .. yea.
Yea .. here's grandma's southern recipe for hog jaws and grits .. yea .. all you normal folks .. yea.

He's an extremist and we gotta weed him out so we can all have a political discourse .. yea.

Hopple .. you the most smartest normal folk I ever read ... yea.

Hog jaws and grits from grandma's southern recipe book .. yea.

Grandma would not have been cooking hog jaws. But I bet she could cook hog jowls and a mess of greens.