A brief history of Hell

Yeah and I thought my father was vengeful when he held me responsible for the stupid decisions I made while growing up. This is why people hate God, he allows you complete and total freedom but every choice of freedom has a consequence. People like you want freedom but no consequence. Every choice you make has a consequence but selfish people only think about the consequences for themselves and they don't give a shit about how their choices might affect others. Real love is thinking about others not yourself. That's why you will never understand God. Selfishness.

So you are essentially saying that since you blindly guess there is a god that has expectations of humans...we all should blindly guess that there is such a god.

So you are essentially saying that since you blindly guess there is a god that has expectations of humans...we all should blindly guess that there is such a god.


Well first you need to establish that anything I believe about God is a "blind guess". Your opinion is not impressive. Next I don't really care what you believe or dont believe About God. Dont confuse me with someone who thinks what you believe matters to me.
Some people actually believe that's what would happen. I doubt it. If Jesus returned, the Republicans would lynch him.
I can see where it is a great idea for books and movies, a lot of charlatans have gotten wealthy peddling rapture tales.
Well first you need to establish that anything I believe about God is a "blind guess". Your opinion is not impressive. Next I don't really care what you believe or dont believe About God. Dont confuse me with someone who thinks what you believe matters to me.

Everything you "believe" about any gods...IS A BLIND GUESS.

But there is no way you will ever acknowledge it...so...continue to make your blind guesses.

Because you replied "bullshit" to my comment that "limbo" has never been a doctrine of the Catholic church. Now I'm fine with you admitting you're a witness loud mouth Francis but since I know you're also a witless leftist, I know you lack the integrity to do so.
Because you replied "bullshit" to my comment that "limbo" has never been a doctrine of the Catholic church. Now I'm fine with you admitting you're a witness loud mouth Francis but since I know you're also a witless leftist, I know you lack the integrity to do so.

I do not take lessons in integrity from someone like you.

YOU wrote, "Limbo is not a Catholic thing."

To which I, correctly, responded, "Bullshit."

Now you are saying that I was responding to your, "... comment that "limbo" has never been a doctrine of the Catholic church."

I did not respond to that...in fact, you have never used those words to me until you accussed me of responding to them.

So take your accusations of a lack of integrity...and shove them up your fat ass.
I do not take lessons in integrity from someone like you.

YOU wrote, "Limbo is not a Catholic thing."

To which I, correctly, responded, "Bullshit."

Now you are saying that I was responding to your, "... comment that "limbo" has never been a doctrine of the Catholic church."

I did not respond to that...in fact, you have never used those words to me until you accussed me of responding to them.

So take your accusations of a lack of integrity...and shove them up your fat ass.

You are correct regarding limbo. From the Wikipedia "Limbo" entry:

In Catholic theology, Limbo is the afterlife condition of those who die in original sin without being assigned to the Hell of the Damned.