A good example of why southern conservatives are not trusted.



This looks like 2 billion, 147 million, 483 thousand, 647 points to me...



Must be the "I Despise Zappa To Distraction Fan Club" Damo has working behind the scenes when he's doing the upgrades late at night!

2 Billion? SWEET!

But don't let that slow you down...I bet with a little time and effort, you and the rest can get me caught up to the Obama debt real soon!
Now you're just playing antics with semantics.

If the Government has an insurance policy and denies those on the insurance a specific drug; then in your own words, they are making them "pay or suffer".

That sure is compassionate of you.

Let's be real here. Drug companies pump out more drugs than a greasy pimp. Consider the number of drugs which were not properly tested. Should the government pay for any drug a company develops and pay the company any price it wants? I don't think you thought this through very well.

Also, the government does not deny anyone any drug. If a person wants it they are more than welcome to buy it.

This is a case of logic, not semantics.
2 Billion? SWEET!

But don't let that slow you down...I bet with a little time and effort, you and the rest can get me caught up to the Obama debt real soon!

omigorsh, did I just hear Zappas criticize the ONE?.......it looks like the dew is off the morning grass for sure now......
i might give zappas one trillion points instead
If you do he'll do just like ibgayguy did and pos rep his buddies, neg rep his enemies and tell all his buddies to do the same. And when you wake up in the morning you'll have to clean up the mess.

Kind of like what the Democrats are doing to America, but I'm not sure we have enough patriots to clean up their mess. :(
Let's be real here. Drug companies pump out more drugs than a greasy pimp. Consider the number of drugs which were not properly tested. Should the government pay for any drug a company develops and pay the company any price it wants? I don't think you thought this through very well.

Also, the government does not deny anyone any drug. If a person wants it they are more than welcome to buy it.

This is a case of logic, not semantics.

Now it seems that you're against businesses.
If you want to be real, take a look at this reality.
A complany has the right to recoup it's expenditures and to make a profite. That way they can continue to look for ways to make improvements in the drug market. Your proposal would more then likely put an end to private companies dong any research.

Your solution would then force people to go to the system that you decry; ergo: "pay or suffer".

You now appear to be a hypocrite.
The "neg rep circle jerk"? You neg rep and get neg repped back and now you whine about it??? LOL you big ol' fat baby!:pke:

The first neg rep I ever got was from this stinking cheeseball. I know from discussions with other posters Zapless was neg repping all kinds of people.

You can see him whining about us handing out rep points on his wall. He's lying through his green teeth this doesn't bother him.

Big shuddering crybaby.

He asked for the neg reps because he could see that people were getting sick and tired of his histrionics so he smoked his own ass (and my what an ass that is) so he didn't have to see how everyone's had it up to here ^ with his sissy $hit.

Here's a quarter Zapless. Call someone who cares.
The first neg rep I ever got was from this stinking cheeseball. I know from discussions with other posters Zapless was neg repping all kinds of people.

You can see him whining about us handing out rep points on his wall. He's lying through his green teeth this doesn't bother him.

Big shuddering crybaby.

He asked for the neg reps because he could see that people were getting sick and tired of his histrionics so he smoked his own ass (and my what an ass that is) so he didn't have to see how everyone's had it up to here ^ with his sissy $hit.

Here's a quarter Zapless. Call someone who cares.

Kind-a-like his over indulgences with food: "if everyones gonna say I'm fat I'll show them what fat is".

Once a cry-baby always a cry-baby.
Now it seems that you're against businesses.
If you want to be real, take a look at this reality.
A complany has the right to recoup it's expenditures and to make a profite. That way they can continue to look for ways to make improvements in the drug market. Your proposal would more then likely put an end to private companies dong any research.

Your solution would then force people to go to the system that you decry; ergo: "pay or suffer".

You now appear to be a hypocrite.
Who do you think is actually driving health care reform? A bunch of old Hippies in a commune?

It's being driven by corporate American and It's very much a battle of corporate America vs the Insurance Industry (which is a segment of corporate America to state the obvious).

The typical cost of health care coverage for most corporations is rapidly approaching 20% of overhead costs. Health care reform would, using models used in other industrialized nations drop, that cost to around 6%.

As for drug research, you are aware that most of the basic and applied research into drugs is subsidized all ready by the public through our State funded Universities?
Who do you think is actually driving health care reform? A bunch of old Hippies in a commune?

It's being driven by corporate American and It's very much a battle of corporate America vs the Insurance Industry (which is a segment of corporate America to state the obvious).

The typical cost of health care coverage for most corporations is rapidly approaching 20% of overhead costs. Health care reform would, using models used in other industrialized nations drop, that cost to around 6%.

As for drug research, you are aware that most of the basic and applied research into drugs is subsidized all ready by the public through our State funded Universities?

Most is what??

The first neg rep I ever got was from this stinking cheeseball. I know from discussions with other posters Zapless was neg repping all kinds of people.

You can see him whining about us handing out rep points on his wall. He's lying through his green teeth this doesn't bother him.

Big shuddering crybaby.

He asked for the neg reps because he could see that people were getting sick and tired of his histrionics so he smoked his own ass (and my what an ass that is) so he didn't have to see how everyone's had it up to here ^ with his sissy $hit.

Here's a quarter Zapless. Call someone who cares.
I think the only person I've ever neg repped is USF for making an incredibly bad pun that I was jealous I hadn't thought of.