Alec Baldwin Fired Prop Gun That Killed Halyna Hutchins, Injured Director

The safety on early single-action pistols, muskets, and rifles is the half-cock. When the weapon is half cocked, it cannot be fired. The hammer has to be fully cocked before it can fire. If the hammer is in the down position, it must be manually cocked to fire. A trigger pull won't do it. Only double action pistols and rifles will fire from the down position on a trigger pull.
For what. Damn, that was stupid.

I agree, Nordy. You do occasionally...well...fairly often make stupid posts but we try to overlook it.

Criminal negligence...wrongful death...millions in liability for the gun hater and killer, Baldwin.
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The coming civil and criminal litigation will tie Alec Baldwin up for the rest of his years...we will not have to here from the Lib POS ever again

"Everyone knows how bad the industry is now, everybody lives it every day, is it fair to crucify Baldwin when things go bad given how many people are just as bad, and we the community have allowed it to happen?"

"The whelp of a beaten cur."
The reaction of American League president Ban Johnson when told of the concern of White Sox owner Charles Comiskey that some of his players had taken money from gamblers to intentionally lose the 1919 World Series to the Cincinnati Reds:
Pissed off that the director and/or cinematographer want another take, handed a gun and told it’s “cold,” points at those two saying he’ll shoot them, utters profanities and fires.

Thats my take on how it went down!
You owe everyone on this forum that you called stupid, an apology.

It appears that you merit the adjective "stupid"

No, I dont think I am wrong yet, but when I see an industry expert claiming that I am wrong then I apologize for so casually dismissing it, because I am civilized.

And there is no need for you to be a DICK.

Please knock it off.
Pissed off that the director and/or cinematographer want another take, handed a gun and told it’s “cold,” points at those two saying he’ll shoot them, utters profanities and fires.

Thats my take on how it went down!

You are trolling. It's unbecoming even for you.
Pissed off that the director and/or cinematographer want another take, handed a gun and told it’s “cold,” points at those two saying he’ll shoot them, utters profanities and fires.

Thats my take on how it went down!

Close enough. vr, close enough.
No, I dont think I am wrong yet, but when I see an industry expert claiming that I am wrong then I apologize for so casually dismissing it, because I am civilized.

And there is no need for you to be a DICK.

Please knock it off.

My understanding is that Hollywood gun safety protocols developed as they did, where so much importance was placed upon them being almost fail proof, was precisely because things are done to make movies that should not be done in real life, for instance pointing guns at people.

I am sometimes wrong.

We all are.
My understanding is that Hollywood gun safety protocols developed as they did, where so much importance was placed upon them being almost fail proof, was precisely because things are done to make movies that should not be done in real life, for instance pointing guns at people.

I am sometimes wrong.

We all are.

You are sometimes what you call other posters... "stupid."

"The whelp of a beaten cur."
So he fired a live round on purpose after checking the gun? Right?

Thank you for agreeing that he wasn't responsible. :thumbsup:

More than likely he didn't pull the trigger. It was just a misfire. He pulled it out of his holster during rehearsal and nothing happened.