Alec Baldwin Fired Prop Gun That Killed Halyna Hutchins, Injured Director

Wasn't Baldwin the guy who screamed at his daughter and called her a pig?

Alec Baldwin says that time he called his daughter a 'rude ... › entertainment › celebrity › al...
Apr 4, 2017 — Alec Baldwin says that time he called his daughter a 'rude, thoughtless, little pig' has 'hurt her in a permanent way

A real prick who now has a dead body on his hands.
This Hanna person, or whoever was teaching her the job...or both....should be in the dock for criminal negligence. And be investigated up and down, to see if it was deliberate.

Baldwin belongs in prison for manslaughter. I don't CARE if he thought the gun was unloaded. I don't CARE if live rounds weren't allowed on the set. He was angry; he picked up a firearm - not a plastic fake, but a REAL FIREARM - and pointed it at the object of his anger (a woman; Alec seems to have problems with those types) and HE PULLED THE TRIGGER.

What kind of jackass is that? You do NOT aim a firearm, whether a prop or part of your survival gear or whatever - you do NOT point it at anything you do not wish to destroy.

He did.

Death resulted - from his complete disregard for firearm safety and his childish tantrum.

Manslaughter, IMO. That he "didn't mean to" doesn't wash. He didn't set this gun down on a counter and have it discharge. He didn't drop it. He POINTED it, and PULLED THE TRIGGER.
This Hanna person, or whoever was teaching her the job...or both....should be in the dock for criminal negligence. And be investigated up and down, to see if it was deliberate.

Baldwin belongs in prison for manslaughter. I don't CARE if he thought the gun was unloaded. I don't CARE if live rounds weren't allowed on the set. He was angry; he picked up a firearm - not a plastic fake, but a REAL FIREARM - and pointed it at the object of his anger (a woman; Alec seems to have problems with those types) and HE PULLED THE TRIGGER.

What kind of jackass is that? You do NOT aim a firearm, whether a prop or part of your survival gear or whatever - you do NOT point it at anything you do not wish to destroy.

He did.

Death resulted - from his complete disregard for firearm safety and his childish tantrum.

Manslaughter, IMO. That he "didn't mean to" doesn't wash. He didn't set this gun down on a counter and have it discharge. He didn't drop it. He POINTED it, and PULLED THE TRIGGER.

God, are you a horse's ass. Making up your own facts like a well trained little Trumpanzee. Being you were there, when will you be called in as a witness?

Baldwin was acting out a gunfight at the time, the Los Angeles Times reported, citing production notes that said Baldwin was supposed to back out of a church and withdraw a gun from a holster. While the film crew would normally watch the scene from a distance, the L.A. Times said, Hutchins was still lining up her next camera shot with Souza and one other person. Baldwin reportedly pulled the gun out of its holster once without incident, but the second time, it discharged.
Try to imagine the scenario where a 60 yo shoots and kills a person, claims it was an accident didn't know the gun was loaded etc

Its found out that the same gun was used for target practice the day before....and no one is charged? Bullshit!!
We have watched the far left loons shuck and jive about their favorite liberal Hollywood actor who hates guns and the Second Amendment, for hours now.

He pointed a gun at a person and the person died and another was wounded.

Spin that!

I can't stand Baldwin. But it's the righties who are off the rails on this one.

Tragic accidents are just that. This wouldn't be a thread (or 7 threads) if Baldwin was a conservative.
I can't stand Baldwin. But it's the righties who are off the rails on this one.

Tragic accidents are just that. This wouldn't be a thread (or 7 threads) if Baldwin was a conservative.


If this was Pro-Gun conservative Jon Voight the left would be going ape shit