Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

And humans make each other and themselves orgasm any many different ways that have nothing to do with procreation.
The actual sexual activities are secondary to what I'm saying. I'm talking about the attraction to the opposite sex. That is the norm in mammals that procreate through sexual intercourse.
The actual sexual activities are secondary to what I'm saying. I'm talking about the attraction to the opposite sex. That is the norm in mammals that procreate through sexual intercourse.

True as far as procreation.
Has nothing to do with homosexuality and way some
Humans prefer that.
I agree on the natural source of gayness.

To the rest.

I don't know either as you did not quote the truth you speak of or context.

Who is the "He" you speak of?


The HE you ask about is the Creator. The same one that Jefferson referenced in the Declaration.

The only reference to "truth" that I posted is that you asserted that all "believers" believe the assertion you described.

Because I am a believer and I don't ascribe to the bias you described, I challenged your assertion saying that it was "not true".
True as far as procreation.
Has nothing to do with homosexuality and way some
Humans prefer that.

Homosexuality and heterosexuality aren't about sex acts. They're about attraction and being attracted to the same sex is abnormal, especially in the mammal world. The fact that a small percentage people are exceptions to that only reinforces the norm. The exceptions prove the rule.

Several years ago, I saw a story about a family that walked on all fours. There's nothing wrong with walking on all fours, but the norm for humans is to be bipeds.
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Up until Oct 31 1975 at midnight when it became Nov 1,I had zero religious beliefs, or views,or thought about or cared.
Then the Holy Spirit came upon me and took over my life.
And things were completely different!

How was your life taken over, and why would you allow some other entity to take it over?

What was completely different?

Put some meat on your bone. Don't be shy.

The HE you ask about is the Creator. The same one that Jefferson referenced in the Declaration.

The only reference to "truth" that I posted is that you asserted that all "believers" believe the assertion you described.

Because I am a believer and I don't ascribe to the bias you described, I challenged your assertion saying that it was "not true".

You believe in a creator who would intentionally create gays?

Why would he do so?
