Are you better off today then you were 4 years ago?

Which was 5 years ago.

That was when the CCP and their democrat vassals launched the attack. The creation of the biological weapon was earlier - funded by Fauci and the NIH, produced by Communist China.

democrats were behind Covid - with the Fauci "gain of function" under Obama.

epic smackdown.

From an actual credible source:

Well, there you go. Proof that Bidenomics is working. MAGA morons must hate this news.
But why do MAGA morons hate it when Americans are prospering?

They want America to fail so their fat orange TV game show host can squat in our White House and "fix" it. Like it did the last time. :rofl2:
Yep. In April 2020, ppl were either trying to work from home, or were laid off. Schools were closed. Restaurants, stadiums, concert halls, bars, movie theaters -- closed. People who needed surgery were told to postpone it because hospitals were overwhelmed. Economies across the planet crashed. Links in the supply chains broke. Shelves were empty. People were hoarding toilet paper and other stuff. Loved ones were barred from visiting nursing homes. Social isolation became a dangerous thing for nearly everyone.

I don't think *anyone* wants to go back to 2020 and relive it.

It was chaos. Most people do not realize how close our economy came to collapsing. The trump administration was totally unable to deal. It was only threw the hard work of a few Americans we were able to save it all.

That question ("are you better off today than you were four years ago?") really reminds me of how clueless and worse trump was.
Yes, I understand MAGA morons have to lie to themselves to justify their worship of their Tangerine Messiah.

What lie?

Did the Obama administration through the NIH and Anthony Fauci work with the Wuhan Institute of Virology to add "gain of function" to the common corona virus in order to weaponize it?

Since this is established fact - there is little opportunity for you to lie it away;
I was, my stuff didn't cost quite as much and my raises kept up with inflation, both of which did not happen with the Brandon Effect. Yes, I really was better off back then.

Same here. I make more dollars than I did in 2020 - but my spending power was significantly higher then.

My pool has been leaking for years, in 2020 I called some contractors to redo it, got estimates from $22K to $29K - but then Wuhan hit and everything fell through. I finally got around to doing it this year, the earthquakes caused more cracks in the tile an it was starting to affect the deck. But now it cost $41K for the same job. It is beautiful, but the cost was virtually DOUBLE.

This isn't ALL because of Quid Pro - Newsom and California housing costs are a factor as well - still purchasing power for major projects is about half what it was in 2020 - and my salary didn't double.