Are you better off today then you were 4 years ago?

You dimwit. Ever check the value of the dollar.

Stocks do well when the gov't spends a lot of money. That's why the returns are normally better under Democrats, they spend more money. Only problem is we are 34 Trillion in debt. When the debt bubble bursts, it won't matter who the president is, look out below!

The market is up 23% under Joe but was up 54% under Trump. The real difference is we are now supporting 9M intruders, Gas is 48% higher, Food is 27% higher and Housing 20% higher in the last 3 years. Turns out Citizens need shelter, gas to get to work and food even if they weren't now supporting 9M more people. Closing the border and becoming energy independent alone will make the market much better.


The value of the dollar is not directly associated with the amount of government debt. The direct cause of inflation is printing money faster than wealth increase. Since Biden was installed, the dollar has lost 24% of it's value. The market 'gains' are all due to inflation.

No wonder people are looking around for another currency.

The debt is already unpayable. The government is broke. Just servicing the debt is now the 4th largest budget item. Right now the government is trying to print it's way out of it's financial problems. This will result in a cash crash.
The question wasn't who I thought caused it, it was am I better off than I was back then. Though I will tell you, Brandon's first ask was money to throw at people increasing the chances for higher inflation. And pretending that when all money is attached to the dollar as the central currency of trade that it being "global" is not a certainty when the inflation rate in the US is so frikkin' high is just pretense. Saying "global" often is like saying Summer after someone says it is hot out.

Pretending the Brandon Effect doesn't exist doesn't change that it does exist, it only means you are not doing anything to change it.

My friend who owns a pawn shop in suburbia talks about how it has never been like this, he has more inventory than ever because more folks are bringing items in to pawn and never picking them up. Items he never has had in his particular shop are now a norm and he doesn't have room to put more stuff out. He tells me it has never been like this. Ask those folks whether they are better off now than they were 4 years ago and I'm guessing they'll also tell you no.

Whether you like it or not, the economy is largely a faith system, and the economy does better when the President isn't a dementia patient because people have faith that it will get better. At this time, there are more folks who do not think this guy has what it takes to turn this around. Your guy is less popular than a herpes infection while their guy is only less popular than measles. It isn't looking good for y'all at this point. Their guy should be well behind someone with a brain, but he isn't. Both parties put on a sack of weights before starting this marathon, we'll see which of you is in better shape overall.

Don't complain too much because considering how things went during COVID and all the crazy shit after it's surprising how good of shape we are in. I live off a pittance and I'm somehow still making it work with food prices, etc. The reason you mention it's a global issue is that it could be much worse like elsewhere.
Biden's exec orders massively accelerated the distribution & administration of the vaccines,
Biden is not Trump, Sock.
which in turn opened up the economy much more quickly.
Democrats shut down the economy, Sock. DEMOCRATS started the current economic depression.
Which is why so many jobs have been added under his admin, and why the unemployment rate is ridiculously low.
Making shit up isn't going to work, Sock.
If Trump had this economy, it would be the greatest EVAH.
Trump didn't start the current economic depression. DEMOCRATS DID.
The idea that Trump had some sort of "really solid base" going is preposterous, and pure fantasy.
Blatant lie.
Trump left office w/ the economy and this country in shambles.
DEMOCRATS started the current economic depression, Sock. Not Trump.
He was a truly terrible President.
You cannot blame Trump for YOUR problems, Sock.
And that ain't TDS - he is already being rated as the worst in history.
It is TDS. You don't get to speak for everyone, Sock. Omniscience fallacy.
The president is not suggesting the bleach and other ridiculous treatments for a plague, gripping the nation, the world. For that I am much better off. We experienced the death of a family member, taking hydroxychloride, instead of going to the hospital.
The value of the dollar is not directly associated with the amount of government debt. The direct cause of inflation is printing money faster than wealth increase. Since Biden was installed, the dollar has lost 24% of it's value. The market 'gains' are all due to inflation.

No wonder people are looking around for another currency.

The debt is already unpayable. The government is broke. Just servicing the debt is now the 4th largest budget item. Right now the government is trying to print it's way out of it's financial problems. This will result in a cash crash.

Try and explain that to a leftie and make them understand and acknowledge those facts.
Trump totally blew the COVID-19 epidemic.
Blatant lie. The Covid Hoax was caused by DEMOCRATS, Sock. It is DEMOCRATS that shut down the economy, starting the current economic depression. You cannot blame Trump for what Democrats did.
Trump worked on destroying NATO.
Blatant lie. NATO is destroying itself. Trump tried to save it.
He offended our long, long-term allies while gravitating toward dictators.
You are describing Biden again. You cannot project YOUR problems on Trump or anybody else, Sock.
He gave a huge PERMANENT tax cut to the wealthy and corporations while giving a tiny one to the middle class that sunsetted.
Blatant lie. Tax cuts were for everyone, Sock.
Trump lied over 30,000 times while he was in office.
Argument from randU fallacy. Making up numbers and using them as 'data' isn't going to work, Sock.
He is utterly dishonest without a trace of values or a conscience.
You are describing yourself and Democrats again, Sock.
Trump added more debt than Biden and bragged about the stock market more, you dimwit.

You had nothing negative to say about Trump on that. Biden at least is spending money on things that provide the country greater returns for decades (infrastructure/Manufacturing) and trigger GDP growth to outgrow the debt he added. Trump just gave the money away to the uber rich.

The President cannot add to the debt, Sock. Only CONGRESS can do that. It is DEMOCRATS that add the most to the debt. You cannot blame YOUR problems on Trump or anybody else, Sock.

Most people have lost a third of their retirement savings;

{[FONT=&]Millions of Americans trying to retire today feel like Bob Cratchit, toiling away in Scrooge & Marley’s counting house, but unable to get ahead.[/FONT][FONT=&]New research explains why: The modern-day Scrooge of Bidenomics has reduced the real value of the average 401(k) by a quarter in the last two and a half years.[/FONT]
[FONT=&]The study, published with the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, examined individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and pension plans and found shocking losses under the Biden administration, enough to delay many Americans’ retirement plans for years.}

If you personally are on welfare this will have no impact on you.

Families have seen food costs rise 25% under Quid Pro

Even if you are on welfare, that one is going to sting you.
Housing prices and rents have risen exponentially under Bought and Paid for's Regime.

Crime, particularly violent crime has exploded under the Biden travesty.

Then there is the invasion - 12 million illegal aliens marching across Biden's open border.
Half are Chinese - think Joe's boss Xi is sending people who will make America better? But the other half includes many who are Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, and Al Qaeda.

Americans are FAR worse off today than they were 4 years ago.


Six. Four years ago was in the midst of the Covid Hoax created by DEMOCRATS.
Biden's war on fossil fuel has helped reduce people who invest in oil. That drives production costs up. Who you invest in a company that the government is trying to put out of business. Higher Energy drives the cost of everything up.
Food production relies on fossil fuel to run tractors and harvesting equipment. Farmers rely on fertilizer which is made from fossil fuels.Then food is shipped across the country. So Rising energy costs shows up with the cost of food to the consumer.

No fertilizer is made from fossils. Fossils are not a fertilizer. No fuel is made from fossils. Fossils don't burn.
Millions are, but many stupid as fuck people like you, have convinced themselves they are not.

Here’s the fucking truth, asswipe. Pick ANY four year period. Some will be better off. Some will not. It’s called life.

But, because of Trump’s major COVID fuckup, there are multiple tens of thousands of people who are not alive to even answer that question.

Stupid and simplistic. About the only concepts you are capable of grasping.

Trump did not do anything wrong about Covid. DEMOCRATS are the ones that turned it into a Hoax and shutdown the economy, starting the current economic depression. You cannot blame YOUR problem on Trump or anyone else, Sock.