Are You Curious About Judaism?

And you know what? I bet you WERE posting links with her personal info.

I don't doubt one bit as a water carrying ass kisser you'd post links to expose her personal info if it meant you scored points with your heroes.

Doesn't all this ax grinding for others get old to you? I mean, move on for God's sake. Life goes on. I've had battles with people over the years on message boards and moved on and forgotten them. This is ridiculous.
Links to threads with my personal info....on
Goodreads...not Amazon....
If I ever posted something personal about Toxic, she would have been blabbing it all over this forum since day one. Even she never accused me of that. So now we know you're not only angry and bitter, you're paranoid.

Furthermore, you're so overwrought you still don't understand that my issues with Toxic have zero to do with Amazon and everything to do with JPP. No matter who tries to explain it, you turn blind and deaf.

You can call me out whenever you want. Just don't think for one second that I won't hit back. People like you are a blight on the forum.

Didn't LiG,start a Top tribute defend against Amazon enemies thread that went 10'000 post.
And she is telling you to stay out of the Amazon feud?
Hypocritical squared!
If I ever posted something personal about Toxic, she would have been blabbing it all over this forum since day one. Even she never accused me of that. So now we know you're not only angry and bitter, you're paranoid.

Furthermore, you're so overwrought you still don't understand that my issues with Toxic have zero to do with Amazon and everything to do with JPP. No matter who tries to explain it, you turn blind and deaf.

You can call me out whenever you want. Just don't think for one second that I won't hit back. People like you are a blight on the forum.
I have no doubt you posted links to her personal information. In fact, I would bet money you did. And that makes you a lowlife on the highest order. And all to kiss another ass and score points. Nothing to do with JPP, you did post a gateway to her info so I don't blame her for trying to get you banned. You should be banned. If your head wasn't also up super trollenator's ass, you would have been banned like most ppl would. But she deleted the widdle baby's thread for extra troll protection.

Not rocket science to see what happened here.

Stop degrading yourself and raise your standards. Kissing ass is like getting naked to gain someone's approval, which means you have no standards at all. No one will ever respect you doing such as that.
Didn't LiG,start a Top tribute defend against Amazon enemies thread that went 10'000 post.
And she is telling you to stay out of the Amazon feud?
Hypocritical squared!
I don't understand why you can't move on and let it go. Life goes on and it's a gift. Why be miserable? It's so much easier to be kind. You're losing weight, getting healthy, starting anew. Channel positive not negative energy.

Choose kind.
I don't understand why you can't move on and let it go. Life goes on and it's a gift. Why be miserable? It's so much easier to be kind. You're losing weight, getting healthy, starting anew. Channel positive not negative energy.

Choose kind.

You are kind of schizo, aren't you? You just made up an entire freighter-load of nonsense about Christiefan, stalking, posting personal info, etc., while defending Toxic's virginity, and then tell Mason to quit talking about Amazon?

It's a hen fight, Jack. That's not where your hand goes. Here, have this


and this

You are kind of schizo, aren't you? You just made up an entire freighter-load of nonsense about Christiefan, stalking, posting personal info, etc., while defending Toxic's virginity, and then tell Mason to quit talking about Amazon?
It's not nonsense and you know damn well it isn't. Let the ass kissing bully fight her own battles.
It's not nonsense and you know damn well it isn't. Let the ass kissing bully fight her own battles.

You're delusional. I was there when all the idiotic Amazon-Goodreads shit went down. Remember, I was a co-mod with Mason? Or didn't the Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Perpetual Victimhood explain that part to you?

There was a Goodreads group composed of former Amazonians. Mason started it and posted a link to it on Amazon before its plug was pulled. He let Toxic join, along with EE and others. Unfortunately Toxic thought it amusing to start copying people's comments on the threads there on JPP. So we kicked her out. She kept trying to join with fake names. At one point one of the group members posted a link to a site that had some of Toxic's personal info. Apparently at the same time a link to that site was also posted here. Both culprits were banned. Toxic, of course, thinks the JPP jerk was either me or Mason and has whined for two years now about unfair and so mean and two sets of rules.

At any rate Toxic got the idea that since Christiefan posted an internal link on JPP where the Goodreads thing is mentioned, it's exactly the SAME as posting an external link to some personal info page. She reported CF and also taunted her around the forum for doxxing and gloated about her being banned.

You can live in your weird bubble or come out and join reality, your choice. You just decided you hate CF for whatever reason, so made up some specious b.s. in your head that has someone become real to you. Even Toxic told you that. Post #181.
You're delusional. I was there when all the idiotic Amazon-Goodreads shit went down. Remember, I was a co-mod with Mason? Or didn't the Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Perpetual Victimhood explain that part to you?

There was a Goodreads group composed of former Amazonians. Mason started it and posted a link to it on Amazon before its plug was pulled. He let Toxic join, along with EE and others. Unfortunately Toxic thought it amusing to start copying people's comments on the threads there on JPP. So we kicked her out. She kept trying to join with fake names. At one point one of the group members posted a link to a site that had some of Toxic's personal info. Apparently at the same time a link to that site was also posted here. Both culprits were banned. Toxic, of course, thinks the JPP jerk was either me or Mason and has whined for two years now about unfair and so mean and two sets of rules.

At any rate Toxic got the idea that since Christiefan posted an internal link on JPP where the Goodreads thing is mentioned, it's exactly the SAME as posting an external link to some personal info page. She reported CF and also taunted her around the forum for doxxing and gloated about her being banned.

You can live in your weird bubble or come out and join reality, your choice. You just decided you hate CF for whatever reason, so made up some specious b.s. in your head that has someone become real to you. Even Toxic told you that. Post #181.
So Christieasskisser posted a link to a thread on GR where Top's personal info was listed? Well there you go. That's pretty much the same thing.

I didn't know she was banned either. Just so much negativity. Such a destructive thing.
So Christieasskisser posted a link to a thread on GR where Top's personal info was listed?

No. Christiefan posted a link to a JPP THREAD that mentioned Goodreads and had a link. A link to Goodreads, NOT to anything at all about Toxic (as much as she wishes it was so). Here, here's the link -- the exact same link -- that Christiefan posted here on JPP. If you think it has personal info or anything else that violates the rules here, report away. Toxic already tried and died. When you come back, kindly let me know how CF posted any of the shit you've been accusing her of. She only posted this link. Like even Toxic said.

I didn't know she was banned either. Just so much negativity. Such a destructive thing.

Who was banned? Toxic? CF? Neither have been banned here. Toxic was multiple, multiple times on Amazon. As I said, we (Mason and I) banned the person on GR who posted info. That same person or someone else posted it here as well and was banned. Christiefan was not that person. I am not either, and neither are Mason or Jade.
I have no doubt you posted links to her personal information. In fact, I would bet money you did. And that makes you a lowlife on the highest order. And all to kiss another ass and score points. Nothing to do with JPP, you did post a gateway to her info so I don't blame her for trying to get you banned. You should be banned. If your head wasn't also up super trollenator's ass, you would have been banned like most ppl would. But she deleted the widdle baby's thread for extra troll protection.

Not rocket science to see what happened here.

Stop degrading yourself and raise your standards. Kissing ass is like getting naked to gain someone's approval, which means you have no standards at all. No one will ever respect you doing such as that.

Let me advise you of something, you vicious lying nutcase. Months ago when Toxic first started claiming that I would have gotten banned... and she repeated it over and over... I took all the info to the mods and had them look into it. Not Phantasmal, the other mods. And I was assured BY THE MODS that I had done nothing to get banned for. I didn't start the thread. I didn't post the link. The only thing I knew about the link is that it led to a new politics forum some of the Amazon crew set up. Right here I posted a link to the thread to rebut Yurt's comment that Owl was lying about the group. It had nothing to do with Toxic. By your logic anybody who read that thread and decided to check out the GR forum would be banned. Furthermore, that GR link was made private. And let's not even talk about the months on end where Toxic falsely believed that Owl was banned as a troll but was still posting in spite of it.

I didn't then or now know anything about Toxic's info except what she posted here. And another thing, you stupid woman: if the mods here thought Owl's post with the GR link was a serious violation of the rules they would have X'd out the link to GR, and placed a footnote with a comment explaining why. But they did not. The thread still exists and so does the link. Let your pea brain think about that for a month or two.

Regarding your advice? Thanks but no thanks. I would never degrade myself by taking advice from a lowlife racist like you, and nobody has less reason to brag about their "standards" than a self-righteous phony like you.
No. Christiefan posted a link to a JPP THREAD that mentioned Goodreads and had a link. A link to Goodreads, NOT to anything at all about Toxic (as much as she wishes it was so). Here, here's the link -- the exact same link -- that Christiefan posted here on JPP. If you think it has personal info or anything else that violates the rules here, report away. Toxic already tried and died. When you come back, kindly let me know how CF posted any of the shit you've been accusing her of. She only posted this link. Like even Toxic said.

Who was banned? Toxic? CF? Neither have been banned here. Toxic was multiple, multiple times on Amazon. As I said, we (Mason and I) banned the person on GR who posted info. That same person or someone else posted it here as well and was banned. Christiefan was not that person. I am not either, and neither are Mason or Jade.
Top has posted a thread here was deleted, which thread was that?