Atheists more Intelligent

Please refrain from ever talking about climate change, COVID, 19 genetics and evolution, unless you have actually read the peer reviwed scientific literature in academic and medical journals.

Unless you agree with me that citing the knowedge and insights of trained scholars and scientists is a perfectly valid way to discuss the current state of knowlege

I just wanted to make it clear that you never read Machiavelli.
I just wanted to make it clear that you never read Machiavelli.
Yep never read it. 99.99999 percent of message boarders have never read The Prince, Discourses, or his other works.

That is why precisely why I openly cited a Machiavelli scholar.

But I want to make clear that you are literally the first person in two decades of message boarding I have seen make the claim that one is not allowed to cite trained experts when discussing the current state of knowlege of a topic.
Yep never read it. 99.99999 percent of message boarders have never read The Prince, Discourses, or his other works.

That is why precisely why I openly cited a Machiavelli scholar.

But I want to make clear that you are literally the first person in two decades of message boarding I have seen made the claim that one is not allowed to cite trained experts when discussing the current state of knowlege of a topic.

At least you can admit you're a fraud.
Yep never read it. 99.99999 percent of message boarders have never read The Prince, Discourses, or his other works.

That is why precisely why I openly cited a Machiavelli scholar.

But I want to make clear that you are literally the first person in two decades of message boarding I have seen make the claim that one is not allowed to cite trained experts when discussing the current state of knowlege of a topic.
At least you can admit you're a fraud.

It sounds like you have never set foot on a college campus.

You will not find a single fair minded poster on this forum who will concur with your claim that I am a fraud, an idiot, a troll, and the "least educated person on this board"
It sounds like you have never set foot on a college campus.

You will not find a single fair minded poster on this forum who will concur with your claim that I am a fraud, an idiot, a troll, the " least educated person on this board"

I have two masters degrees. One is in philosophy.
I have two masters degrees. One is in philosophy.

You should ask for your tuition back.

You are literally the first supposed college graduate I have run across who dismisses knowlege acquired in classes, and dismisses the insights of trained experts as a legitimate approach in discussing the current state of knowlege of a topic
You should ask for your tuition back.

You are literally the first supposed college graduate I have run across who dismisses knowlege acquired in classes, and dismisses the insights of trained experts as a legitimate approach in discussing the current state of knowlege of a topic

You have no intellectual humility. You confuse repeating others with having knowledge.
You implied that my Quaker, Unitarian, and liberal Catholic friends should be held accountable for the ignorance and agenda of Protestant fundamentalists.

Using your own standards, you are accountable for the State Atheism of the USSR and the plethora of crimes they committed against Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the name of state atheism.

I believe I said that the Christian left was at the forefront of abolitionism. It was the Union Army that ended slavery.

Christianity is a worldwide religion. You keep attempting to hold world Christianity responsible for the chattel slavery practiced in the southern United States. The fact that by 1860, slavery was illegal in almost all majority Christian nations outside the southern United States makes your claim that Christianity was responsible for southern slavery preposterous.

It obviously makes you angry that the Christian left and the Transcendentalists were are the forefront of the abolitionist movement. But historical facts are impervious to your anger and emotions.

I see you're refusing to comment on the striking pattern of Christianity coinciding with modern white supremacy.

Probably a good move on your part if you were debating with someone dumber.

"by 1860, slavery was illegal in almost all majority Christian nations outside the southern United States "

And yet the entire Northern financial structure was predicated on slavery, as was that of Great Britain and France. Meanwhile, the British Empire and Dutch empires were exploiting people of color all throughout the world (making them de facto slaves) in there interests of capitalism, which is still the driving force behind racism today.

Quaker, unitarian and liberal Catholics make up something like 10% of Christians. Spare me that bullshit.

And there are BILLIONS more atheists than those who supported the regimes of Pol Pot and Stalin. But remember, those were not "atheist" regimes; they were totalitarian state-worship regimes. They exploited the same sort of simpleton thinking that religion itself exploits.

What's truly ridiculous about all of this is that your entire argument is predicated on the idea that people need religion in order not to kill, rape, enslave and subjugate. Meanwhile, atheists throughout history have insisted that basic human decency (and evolutionary principles) dictate that such altruistic actions raise all of us up. We don't do it because we're told, like a sheep.
Yep never read it. 99.99999 percent of message boarders have never read The Prince, Discourses, or his other works.

That is why precisely why I openly cited a Machiavelli scholar.

But I want to make clear that you are literally the first person in two decades of message boarding I have seen make the claim that one is not allowed to cite trained experts when discussing the current state of knowlege of a topic.

LMAO, he never said or implied any such thing.

You're so incredibly dishonest, it's nauseating.

Oh, and it's "knowledge".
LMAO, he never said or implied any such thing.

You're so incredibly dishonest, it's nauseating.

Oh, and it's "knowledge".

I recall him saying something to that effect. Looking for it now. The two previous posts are his little gems too.
Agree with you that Dutch Uncle is a troll. He's on my ignore.
fuck off.
You are mentally ill. Tired of reading your psychotic ramblings.
No loss. You're a fucking asshole troll.
Dutch Uncle is a jerk. Agree with that.
Settles it. Goodbye, jerkoff.

Mistake to take you off ignore. Bye, hate troll.

Dutch Uncle thinks anyone who disagrees with him is an immature teenager who has no understanding. Another troll.

you're an idiot
keeping you on ignore. You are an asshole troll.

And Dutch Uncle is just an asshole troll.
Proof I have our little man's attention. LOL

Never did see the "expert" comment or something similar but I do recall him saying something about to that effect just like a lot of the other stuff he says.