Atheists more Intelligent

I love how our Christians on the thread are the most vile hatemongers.

Of course. Pedos can be found in positions of trust over kids. Arsonists are often firemen. Serial killers can be cops.
And Christians are hate mongers. Nothing sates hate more than ruining the happiness of the innocent. Opposites attract.
The most vile jerks call themselves Christians. Provides cover and opportunity for predation.
and the atheists, the least intelligent......

The facts demonstrate that atheists and agnostics are better educated than Protestant fundamentalists.

I blame it on Calvin's focus on personal salvation over education and contemplation. While there are always exceptions, the higher educational achivement of Protestant fundamentalists lags substantially behind other religious traditions and agnostics
The facts demonstrate that atheists and agnostics are better educated than Protestant fundamentalists.

I blame it on Calvin's focus on personal salvation over education and contemplation. While there are always exceptions, the higher educational achivement of Protestant fundamentalists lags substantially behind other religious traditions and agnostics

this board demonstrates that you are all mindless twits.......
Yep never read it. 99.99999 percent of message boarders have never read The Prince, Discourses, or his other works.

That is why precisely why I openly cited a Machiavelli scholar.

But I want to make clear that you are literally the first person in two decades of message boarding I have seen make the claim that one is not allowed to cite trained experts when discussing the current state of knowlege of a topic.
LMAO, he never said or implied any such thing.

You're so incredibly dishonest, it's nauseating.

Oh, and it's "knowledge".
Here he is openly dismissing knowedge acquired from classes or from citation to scholarly experts.

"So you never read Machiavelli. Please don't speak on something you have no knowledge of. First rule of philosophy."
Of course. Pedos can be found in positions of trust over kids. Arsonists are often firemen. Serial killers can be cops.
And Christians are hate mongers. Nothing sates hate more than ruining the happiness of the innocent. Opposites attract.
The most vile jerks call themselves Christians. Provides cover and opportunity for predation.

My group is blessed by God. You group worships Satan. Old trick.
The facts demonstrate that atheists and agnostics are better educated than Protestant fundamentalists.

I blame it on Calvin's focus on personal salvation over education and contemplation. While there are always exceptions, the higher educational achivement of Protestant fundamentalists lags substantially behind other religious traditions and agnostics
this board demonstrates that you are all mindless twits.......
Since you cannot dispute the facts, you stoop to tepid insults.

My work is done here
Hey stupid, class lectures PRESUME you are reading the text.

You're a fucking moron!
No you don't for adult education classes that are a survey course, not a literature course.

For the same reason you can take a art appreciation course without ever having to touch a paint brush or visit an art Museum.

You made a post about Machiavelli and Christianity. I responded openly and transparently with the insights of a scholarly expert. Standard message board protocol.

Machiavelli on Christianity and Republics

-Christianity turns its adherents away from worldly honor.
- Ancient religion honored men who attained worldly glory.
- Christianity honors humble and contemplative men.
-The principles of Christian teachings have made it more difficult for people to struggle for and preserve their liberty and equality, two cornerstones of a republic.

Source credit: Professor William R. Cook, State University of New York

The fact that I cited an expert scholar seems to have driven you over the edge into a flying rage.

You are not accustomed to how message board banter generally works, are you?
No you don't for adult education classes that are a survey course, not a literature course.

For the same reason you can take an art appreciation course without ever having to touch a paint brush or visit an art Museum.

You made a post about Machiavelli and Christianity. I responded openly and transparently with the insights of a scholarly expert. Standard message board protocol.

The fact that I cited an expert scholar seems to have driven you over the edge into a flying rage.

You are not accustomed to how message board banter generally works, are you?

"No you don't for classes that are a survey course, not a literature course."

you're an idiot. not interested
You sure you have experience with adult higher education?

There is no way I am going to have time to read all the seminal works of literature in the western canon, nor am I going to be able to actually view all the world's watershed works of art and architecture.

Survey courses on art appreciation, intellectual history, world religions is a viable and widely used format for adults seeking knowlege and self improvement.

If I ever get around to actually reading Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Plato's Republic, Voltaire's Candide, Hobbes' Leviathon I will let you know. I only have so many free hours in a week.
Since you cannot dispute the facts, you stoop to tepid insults.

My work is done here

I specifically dispute the claim you are better educated than I am......I specifically dispute the claim that Calvinism discredits education and contemplation.......and I specifically dispute your contention that you have done any work.....
I specifically dispute the claim you are better educated than I am......I specifically dispute the claim that Calvinism discredits education and contemplation.......and I specifically dispute your contention that you have done any work.....

I do not remember ever saying anything about your education level. There is no way to prove education level on an anonymous message; I leave it to fair minded posters to conclude if I am a "moron", the "least educated person on the board" as others in this thread have claimed.

I believe I said Calvin focused on matters of personal salvation, rather than the higher education, reason, and contemplation valued by the Franciscans, the Dominicans, and the Catholic theologians. For Calvinists it is all about getting into heaven, and their concerns with the worldy realm and the contemplative life are relatively limited.

It is actually a matter of historical fact that Calvinism placed less emphasis on higher education than the Catholic tradition. Do not take my word for it, look at all the top tier Catholic Universities in USA: Notre Dame, Georgetown, Villanova, Boston University, etc.

Yes, there are a few mid-tier Protestant universities in USA (aka, Syracuse), but I believe they are mostly associated with the Lutheran, Methodist, Anglican Protestant tradition. The Calvinists and fundamentalists lag on higher education, their claim to fame may be Jerry Falwell's Liberty University and the Creation Science Museum.
I believe I said Calvin focused on matters of personal salvation, rather than the higher education, reason, and contemplation valued by the Franciscans, the Dominicans, and the Catholic theologians. For Calvinists it is all about getting into heaven, and their concerns with the worldy realm and the contemplative life are relatively limited.
. said, can you cite something from his multi-volume book, The Institutes of Christian Religion, translated into over a dozen languages and referred to regularly by scholars of all denominations which criticizes a formal education......perhaps it is the bicameral system of government control that he created for Geneva and later became the Parliamentary system used by Great Britain and adapted into the House and Senate in the US that makes you assume that his concern with the worldly realm was the fact that Calvinist based denominations operate the second largest parochial school system after the Catholic Church that makes you believe they despise education?......please, tell us the basis for your beliefs?.....
perhaps you should consider Abraham Kuiper, Prime Minister of the Netherlands at the beginning of the 20th Century and a Calvinist theologian who stated....
"Oh, no single piece of our mental world is to be hermetically sealed off from the rest, and there is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: 'Mine!'
before you claim that Calvinists are not concerned with higher education or the worldly realm.......
I have two masters degrees. One is in philosophy.
"No you don't for classes that are a survey course, not a literature course."

you're an idiot. not interested
You sure you have experience with adult higher education?

There is no way I am going to have time to read all the seminal works of literature in the western canon, nor am I going to be able to actually view all the world's watershed works of art and architecture.

Survey courses on art appreciation, intellectual history, world religions is a viable and widely used format for adults seeking knowlege and self improvement.

If I ever get around to actually reading Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Plato's Republic, Voltaire's Candide, Hobbes' Leviathon I will let you know. I only have so many free hours in a week.

I think Jackson has had some adult education, but, IMO, dropped out as evidenced by his inability to display that adult education through his posts.

A typical jacksonsprat22 post:
Hey stupid, class lectures PRESUME you are reading the text. You're a fucking moron.
This thread has dozens of posts by him similar to this one.