Bachmann loses Georgia

Another idiotic deflection...if it was "obvious" to you, you'd have pointed it out already.

Which, of course, I already did several times. Yet you remain clueless. :)

You haven't shown anyone anything other than that you're a lying coward.

Link to where you've pointed it out...

Will the disingenuous douchebag Yurt demand that DY show back his assertions the same way he's demanding I back mine? He's been pitching one childish tantrum after another

and whining about me providing evidence for almost 14 pages now, but nary a peep with regard to DY's ridiculous deflection and evasion.

Oh no...Yurt doesn't do "even-handed" he just attacks the Left and ignores duplicitious nonsense when it comes from the Right.
why does zappa demand others show links when he refuses to give links or explain a punctuation error correction?

talk about disingenuous.
why does zappa demand others show links when he refuses to give links or explain a punctuation error correction?

talk about disingenuous.

I provide links all the time...

I just don't provide links TO YOU until you satisfactorily answer why it is you don't hound conservatives on these boards the way you hound Liberals?

Time and again Yurt can be found either soft pedaling or outright ignoring the hate and bile that oozes from the Right.
I provide links all the time...

I just don't provide links TO YOU until you satisfactorily answer why it is you don't hound conservatives on these boards the way you hound Liberals?

Time and again Yurt can be found either soft pedaling or outright ignoring the hate and bile that oozes from the Right.

nice new "excuse". funny how you didn't have that excuse in the thread you claimed you changed the punctuation error. why is it YOU don't hound liberals on the board the way you hound conservatives? you're such a whiny hypocrite.

your last sentence is a complete lie. your bullshit is boring. carry on.
nice new "excuse". funny how you didn't have that excuse in the thread you claimed you changed the punctuation error. why is it YOU don't hound liberals on the board the way you hound conservatives? you're such a whiny hypocrite.

your last sentence is a complete lie. your bullshit is boring. carry on.

That's right...scurry away just like the cockroach does when exposed to the light of day.

Yurt acts so high and mighty until someone actually bothers to point out his ridiculous partisan hackery, then he gets all whiny, tosses a few ad homs and runs away...just like he did in this thread when asked a very simple question.

Suddenly he gets "bored" and runs away...LOL!


Well thank you for admitting that...according to YOUR are also a pussy for not providing the link.

How about that?

Here's ANOTHER RightWing douchebag who can't live by his own rules.

earlier today, when i said "using your logic", zappa called me a two faced hypocrite. and proclaimed that i actually supported the end result of using his logic.

so once again, using zappy's logic, he is a pussy for not proving a link

here is another zappygetard moment where he can't abide by his own rules.

what boggles the mind is that he really doesn't get it
Yurt says that you're a pussy too, Zippy, and provides another logical argument to support the claim.

How about that? :)
earlier today, when i said "using your logic", zappa called me a two faced hypocrite. and proclaimed that i actually supported the end result of using his logic.

so once again, using zappy's logic, he is a pussy for not proving a link

here is another zappygetard moment where he can't abide by his own rules.

what boggles the mind is that he really doesn't get it

Then you admit you agree that "using DY's logic", DY is a pussy for not providing a link!

And le'ts not forget that you are just another douchebag so controlled by the hate you's tff to watch you rage and whine about me, when all I've been doing is giving you back a big ol heaping dose of the same mornonic horseshit you've relied upon to irritate other posters on these boards for as long as I've been here.

Don't like it when it comes back around...cry me a river Petunia!
The title of this thread is the link, Zippy. :)

You mean to say the word "big" is in the title of this thread?

Is that what you're trying to imply?

Because I've checked like...fifty times now and no matter how many times I check, the word "big" still isn't in the title of this thread.

Yet another massive FAIL from DY...if only there was some way he could PROVE what he claims...
Then you admit you agree that "using DY's logic", DY is a pussy for not providing a link!

And le'ts not forget that you are just another douchebag so controlled by the hate you's tff to watch you rage and whine about me, when all I've been doing is giving you back a big ol heaping dose of the same mornonic horseshit you've relied upon to irritate other posters on these boards for as long as I've been here.

Don't like it when it comes back around...cry me a river Petunia!

lmao...your lies are hilarious. you don't give anything back, you start most everything and your idiocy is wholly unique to you. no other poster claims that if someone calls bullshit, it is up to them to prove it is bullshit and no other poster, when called on his moronic statement, says - you LIE - only then to have his words shown to him and you still can't admit you lied about it.
You mean to say the word "big" is in the title of this thread?

Is that what you're trying to imply?

Because I've checked like...fifty times now and no matter how many times I check, the word "big" still isn't in the title of this thread.

Yet another massive FAIL from DY...if only there was some way he could PROVE what he claims...
we all know what it means Zippy. As usual, the preponderance of evidence proves you wrong and me right. :)
we all know what it means Zippy. As usual, the preponderance of evidence proves you wrong and me right. :)

Au contraire mon ami...the preponderance of evidence...the fact that the word "BIG" appears NOWHERE in the title of this thread proves YOU wrong!

You've claimed over and over and gone on for page after page, claiming over and over that I said it was a "BIG" loss for Bachmann. Yet despite 14+ pages of you making the same allegation over and over, you've YET to show anyone where EXACTLY I used the word "big" to describe Bachmann's loss.

That you are so filled with hate and rage that you can't let this simple little fact go and have pig-headedly refused to admit you are wrong makes this more entertaining and you more laughable with each passing day.