Baltimore bridge hit by container ship, major collapse

I note that as we are told that this was not terrorism investigators still have no idea why power was lost.

Power loss on transport ships is not a terrorist plan. They are huge complicated ships and nothing blew up and nobody was shot. You are a Russian, right-wing conspiracy nut.
Power loss on transport ships is not a terrorist plan. They are huge complicated ships and nothing blew up and nobody was shot. You are a Russian, right-wing conspiracy nut.

I am a Truth Teller, who lives amongst the most brainwashed people that have ever been, and the most ignorant.
I seriously doubt that the ship's engineering systems computer was hooked to the internet.

Risk is now routinely undervalued...and managers/owners like to turn on their app/computer and get real time data.

Nor am I under the impression that you tend to be right.
I have long been hearing chatter that China/Russia/NK have developed ways to hurt us that will shock us when they are deployed.

Maybe Now.
The pictures are devastating.... Unbelievable how the bridge could completely collapse like sad...

Truss bridges depend heavily on every piece being in place. Knock a single one out of place, and the whole thing goes.
The ship lost power (and helm) and destroyed one of the two pylons holding the bridge up. With that gone, the rest of the bridge is unbalanced and it collapses.

Now the passage of traffic across there must go around, and the harbor is blocked by the wreckage. A real mess for Baltimore.
I am a Truth Teller, who lives amongst the most brainwashed people that have ever been, and the most ignorant.

This is not right.....change to "are Stupendously Stupid to boot....Buckle this universe that hurts like a son of a bitch".
Just finished reading part of an article on this disaster here:

Baltimore Bridge Strike Another Bizarre Disaster | Courageous Discourse

Here's an interesting bit of information from the article:

Reports about rudder control are conflicting, with some stating that the ship lost rudder control when it lost power. However, a detailed CNN report states the following:

The pilot of the ship did “everything that he could have done” to both slow the vessel down and keep it from drifting toward the bridge, according to Clay Diamond, executive director and general counsel of the American Pilots Association.

Diamond told CNN he has been in close communication with the Association of Maryland Pilots regarding what unfolded on the Dali cargo ship in the moments leading up to the crash.

“Just minutes before the bridge, there was a total blackout on the ship, meaning that the ship lost engine power and electrical power, it was a complete blackout,” Diamond said.

The pilot quickly gave a string of orders, calling for a hard rudder to port – as far left as possible – and for the anchor to be dropped. The pilot was the one who contacted the pilot dispatch office to shut down traffic to the bridge, Diamond said.​

Again, why didn’t the pilot simply hold his course? And if he called for a hard rudder to port, why in hell did he also drop an anchor, which nullified the course correction from the port rudder input? This was basically the same error made by the pilot of the Titanic, who turned the rudder hard to port while simultaneously reversing the engines.


The above shows the ship’s position just before it struck the pier, having continued its turn to starboard and out of the channel.

In short, the maritime disaster appears to be yet another huge head-scratcher. Lord, there are so many these days!

And what are we to make of those “thirteen damaged containers—some with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] and/or hazardous materials [HAZMAT] contents”?

Just finished reading part of an article on this disaster here:

Baltimore Bridge Strike Another Bizarre Disaster | Courageous Discourse

Here's an interesting bit of information from the article:

Reports about rudder control are conflicting, with some stating that the ship lost rudder control when it lost power. However, a detailed CNN report states the following:

The pilot of the ship did “everything that he could have done” to both slow the vessel down and keep it from drifting toward the bridge, according to Clay Diamond, executive director and general counsel of the American Pilots Association.

Diamond told CNN he has been in close communication with the Association of Maryland Pilots regarding what unfolded on the Dali cargo ship in the moments leading up to the crash.

“Just minutes before the bridge, there was a total blackout on the ship, meaning that the ship lost engine power and electrical power, it was a complete blackout,” Diamond said.

The pilot quickly gave a string of orders, calling for a hard rudder to port – as far left as possible – and for the anchor to be dropped. The pilot was the one who contacted the pilot dispatch office to shut down traffic to the bridge, Diamond said.​

Again, why didn’t the pilot simply hold his course? And if he called for a hard rudder to port, why in hell did he also drop an anchor, which nullified the course correction from the port rudder input? This was basically the same error made by the pilot of the Titanic, who turned the rudder hard to port while simultaneously reversing the engines.

View attachment 26037

The above shows the ship’s position just before it struck the pier, having continued its turn to starboard and out of the channel.

In short, the maritime disaster appears to be yet another huge head-scratcher. Lord, there are so many these days!

And what are we to make of those “thirteen damaged containers—some with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] and/or hazardous materials [HAZMAT] contents”?


Because the pilot likely was thinking of using the ship's hull, going abeam as a means to slow the ship further. Greater hull surface to forward motion means more resistance and stopping power. Also, with no power, you can't move the ship's rudder. The hydraulic pumps that run the steering gear aren't running.
A little side story here is that apparently the 6 road repair people who died were all immigrants and were sitting in their cars shamming (collecting wages not working) at time of impact.
Another side story is that there were two pilots aboard....which almost certainly means that one was a trainee...which easily could have been part of how things went so wrong...could not have gone worse.
The story I have heard about the smoke is that it is common during engine restarts. I have heard that the restart was successful but then it or they immediately died again...why must be known before anyone can pretend to know if this was a accident.
Another side story is that there were two pilots aboard....which almost certainly means that one was a trainee...which easily could have been part of how things went so wrong...could not have gone worse.
By law the ship master (captain) is required to have a port pilot aboard when entering and leaving port. It may mean nothing but the ship's captain was Ukrainian.
By law the ship master (captain) is required to have a port pilot aboard when entering and leaving port. It may mean nothing but the ship's captain was Ukrainian.

Do we know that?....if so that is incredibly important.....I have been saying for two years that it is 100% sure that in the end Ukrainians will be sure that we betrayed them.