Californian teacher wins her pronouns court case

Simply hurling insults at me doesn't actually address the point. If you think it is wrong to police language then you must first explain why someone could be disciplined in their job for using a racial slur.
Hurling insults at you????

Apparently your standards for what constitutes an insult are as low as your standards for what constitutes being nice.

Racial slurs are used for the purpose of causing harm and expressing racial hate, which is problematic and counterproductive to peaceful coexistence, cooperation and teamwork in the workplace.

Calling someone a pronoun that matches their assigned gender expresses nothing other than reality.
Yeah, I understand you and Jordan Peterson have a lot on your shoulders here. Thankfully it's pretty easy to address without costing you anything. And it's something YOU ALREADY DO. Your speech is already policed.
Yes, I understand that speech is policed and I have no problem with it in LEGITIMATE instances.

Forcing people to use female pronouns for birth assigned males and vice versa, is not a legitimate reason for speech policing.

Referring to a person as what they actually are is not intended to harass, insult or dehumanize.

Try to grasp the concept of INTENT regarding this issue.
If someone asks me to call them "David" when I really want to call them "Dave" is hardly an imposition on me.
Same here.

Back in the late 70's I worked with a black guy who insisted on being called James.

Me having the same name and going by Jim, asked if he preferred Jim.

He rather testily said no and that he preferred James.

So James it was.

Not a problem.

But if he had insisted that I call him HER, I just wouldn't have been able to do so with a straight face.
Well, in a small way I actually kind of agree with you. The minute someone says to me apropos of nothing that their preferred pronouns are "Ze and Zir" (real neo-pronouns) in my heart of hearts I think it's silly. I think it unnecessary and I highly doubt that there are THAT many people wandering around with ACTUAL gender dysphoria. But since I don't know for certain this person's backstory I will defer to being kind.
I could actually do "Ze and Zir" because it's silly, but fun silly.

Calling big, fat hairy George SHE/HER and be expected to take it seriously, I just could not do.

I'd feel like I was being a phony baloney.

Like George.

I'd have to (nicely) tell him "Sorry George, but I just can't do it. No offense intended."
Clearly it is harder for some people. Even the people who are "really nice" and not "fake nice".

Yes it is.

Being fake is difficult for people who tend to value genuineness in others and expect it from themselves.
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It is about the affront that it is to students who have plenty of terrible things to deal with. It was no burden to her to call kids by the gender they feel fits them. It is far from common decency and respect. It is confrontational.
How do you know what things they have to deal with or if they're terrible?

You're just assuming crap that helps your argument.

Which is still weak anyway.
So, you're still too chickenshit to answer yes or no to the question of mandating preferred pronouns.

Worse yet, you lie and claim that you already answered it when you did not.

Once again.... should preferred pronouns be mandated by law or allowed to be mandated in school and the workplace?

Yes or no???

Answer it or show yourself to be the chickenshit I called you.

No, I would not.

I'm not impressed by women like that and I'm not a spineless toady like you.
Here’s the way it works, dumbfuck. I don’t know how much simpler I can put it.

We have “compelled” behaviors in this society. Both in and out of the workplace. I use quotes because they really aren’t compelled. One can choose to follow certain rules or not, as long as one agrees to suffer the consequences of disobedience.

In the workplace, that includes behavior, speech and even dress. The bosses make the rules and you can abide by them or not. If not, go cry a fucking river elsewhere.

Common decency says that you call a person by what they wish to be called. That everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Sadly, as I pointed out, there are only these rules in place because asswipes like you and this bitch fail to do so. In society, there’s no need for laws against theft if nobody ever stole. Get it, dumbfuck? I can’t make it any simpler for you.
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Here’s the way it works, dumbfuck. I don’t know how much simpler I can put it.

We have “compelled” behaviors in this society. Both in and out of the workplace. I use quotes because they really aren’t compelled. One can choose to follow certain rules or not, as long as they agree to suffer the consequences of disobedience.

In the workplace, that includes behavior, speech and even dress. The bosses make the rules and you can abide by them or not. If not, go cry a fucking river elsewhere.

Common decency says that you call a person by what they wish to be called. That everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Sadly, as I pointed out, there are only these rules in place because asswipes like you and this bitch fail to do so. In society, there’s no need for laws against theft if nobody ever stole. Get it, dumbfuck? I can’t make it any simpler for you.
Trying to compel people to call biological males feminine pronouns and vice versa is not a legitimate use of speech restriction.

And calling people by pronouns that do not match their biology is not equal to common decency.

It's pandering to and enabling silliness just to make oneself feel superior when in fact they're just being frauds.
Identity is a negotiation between the individual and the collective, and compelled speech is always tyranny.
Odd, as much as I’d like to sometimes tell a customer to fuck off and bark at the moon, the conditions of my employment compels that I don’t.

How tyrannical!
Trying to compel people to call biological males feminine pronouns and vice versa is not a legitimate use of speech restriction.

And calling people by pronouns that do not match their biology is not equal to common decency.

It's pandering to and enabling silliness just to make oneself feel superior when in fact they're just being frauds.
You sure get your tit in a wringer about inconsequential things.

You know, I just don’t bother to ask my co-workers about their gender preference, biology, or anything of the like. Why do you?
You sure get your tit in a wringer about inconsequential things.
If it's so inconsequential, why is the entire country arguing about it, you disingenuous dipshit?

The trans Nazis are trying ride the wave of woke sympathy into forcing their queer agenda on everyone else.

All you people are accomplishing is to drive more people to Trump.
You know, I just don’t bother to ask my co-workers about their gender preference, biology, or anything of the like. Why do you?
What makes you think I do that?

Or are you being a disingenuous dipshit again?

Maybe it's desperation caused by your lack of a coherent argument?
That wasn’t the case for her, was it?
It applies equally for her. It doesn't matter if she has the correct Biblical interpretation, her religious beliefs carry the same constitutional weight.

I'm sure there are a lot of people who object to using different pronouns for different people that have nothing to do with religion. I just called my students by their names. I would have trouble remembering different pronouns for a class of 60 students.
It was a settlement, dumbfucks. No jury.

Unsurprisingly, she invoked her “religious” rights. Shocked, I say. Just like that Kentucky bitch who refused to issue marriage licenses gay couples.Have you read the ENTIRE Bible?

I just can’t seem to find anywhere in the Bible where it forbids one from calling someone what they wished to be called. It isn’t difficult.

The hypocrisy is that YAHWEH is in the Bible over 6500 times, yet he demands you not use his name, so you “Christians” defer to substitute names. PRICELESS!
Have you read the ENTIRE Bible? Maybe you missed something?
It applies equally for her. It doesn't matter if she has the correct Biblical interpretation, her religious beliefs carry the same constitutional weight.

I'm sure there are a lot of people who object to using different pronouns for different people that have nothing to do with religion. I just called my students by their names. I would have trouble remembering different pronouns for a class of 60 students.
One cannot simply declare “It’s my religion” and think it works. To invoke that exemption legally, they must demonstrate that it is truly their religious practice.

In her case, she simply dips into Leviticus, as most “Christians” do when it comes to gays or transgenders, to rationalize and excuse their bigotry.
I am in favor of calling a person whatever the fuck they want to be called. It’s neither an inconvenience nor imposition on me to do so. If a co-worker wants to be called the Queen of Sheba, I’ll call them the Queen of fucking Sheba. If everybody would abide by that very easy and harmless common decency, there would be no need for an employer to mandate anything, would there.

But, since there are assholes like you and “Christians” like this bitch, HR has to step in.
If HR 'steps in' over this, they are BREAKING THE LAW in several States.
What day do the "Scholars" that you depend on think we should worship on?
Scholars don’t necessarily rely nor adhere to your theology. They look at the historical accuracy, the actual text and what that text meant at the time it was written.

If you’re curious about what day to worship, get your lazy ass to looking it up yourself.
If it's so inconsequential, why is the entire country arguing about it, you disingenuous dipshit?

The trans Nazis are trying ride the wave of woke sympathy into forcing their queer agenda on everyone else.

All you people are accomplishing is to drive more people to Trump.

What makes you think I do that?

Or are you being a disingenuous dipshit again?

Maybe it's desperation caused by your lack of a coherent argument?
It’s the right and the “Christians” shitting themselves over it. Most don’t give a shit.

If the use of pronouns drives people to Trump, they are so weak minded, they get what they deserve.

As was said in another thread, Jethro, turn off the TV and social media and your self imposed rage will decrease. Guaranteed.
It is about the affront that it is to students who have plenty of terrible things to deal with. It was no burden to her to call kids by the gender they feel fits them. It is far from common decency and respect. It is confrontational.

Odd, as much as I’d like to sometimes tell a customer to fuck off and bark at the moon, the conditions of my employment compels that I don’t.

How tyrannical!
And tyrannical it is. Tyrannical is typically in the nature of employment. You follow the rules of the job or you have no job.
And tyrannical it is. Tyrannical is typically in the nature of employment. You follow the rules of the job or you have no job.
Marty, she won her case.

"Californian teacher wins her pronouns court case"

Poor Marty.
Marty, she won her case.

"Californian teacher wins her pronouns court case"

Poor Marty.
Earl- you are a moron with a penchant for repetitious mendacity - but you do serve to keep the spotlight upon genocidal Jewish atrocities.

October 7th was a reprisal attack- after genocidal Jews had murdered almost 500 Palestinians, including women and children, in the West Bank during 2023 prior to October 7th. These killings form part of the evidence of Israeli genocide being brought before the ICJ by several countries.

No occupation = no resistance to occupation. Israeli Jews- go home.

If you are silent when the caged lioness endures years of goading, deprivation , torture and the killing of her cubs by her brutal keepers- then stay silent when she escapes and savages her tormentors.