Can there be a proof of God?

Mornin' Frank! You're up early. You goin' golfing today?

Hey, RB.

I'm outta bed at 4 am every morning...just cannot sleep any later. Wife is upstairs and she will sleep until 7 am...maybe even later. Usually I leave for the course by 6 am...our group almost always has the 7 am (first) start. Today I am not playing with my regular group. They are playing a course I really dislike. I play it just once a year. But scheduling has become a problem for some reason this season...and today (and the next two days) are scheduled at that course.

I may play later in the day at my home course. Weather is gonna be great enough to play mid-day.

Hey, RB.

I'm outta bed at 4 am every morning...just cannot sleep any later. Wife is upstairs and she will sleep until 7 am...maybe even later. Usually I leave for the course by 6 am...our group almost always has the 7 am (first) start. Today I am not playing with my regular group. They are playing a course I really dislike. I play it just once a year. But scheduling has become a problem for some reason this season...and today (and the next two days) are scheduled at that course.

I may play later in the day at my home course. Weather is gonna be great enough to play mid-day.


Working 3rd. shift has screwed up my sleep schedule lately. I come home and go hunt groundhogs if it's not windy or raining. I have been getting a lot of exercise of late to lose some weight, damn Chinese Disease keeping us locked up made me gain 30 lbs. I'm half way back to what I consider my normal weight.

Haven't been to pool night for 2 weeks. Don't think I'm going this week either. Our league has suffered from the deaths of 2 members and the diagnosis of 2 others having cancer in the last 2 months.
Yep, supposed to be nice here today too, guess I'll mow grass...
Science is about physicality so it has nothing to do with God. Religion is authoritarian, you're either in or out.

And then we have those "one nation under God with equal justice under law" authoritarians of this Christian Nation national religion Federal Lynching KKK churchstate enforcement where repetitive medical care of thieving US constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists prescription in pseudoscience following Kristallnacht traditions for Mengele "Angel of Death" concentration camp baptize thine eyes by urinations Christiananality pedophilia business economics of two wrongs make a rite as Russia's rootin' tootin' Putin's Ukraine treatment with Russia Orthodox Church blessings while bungling GI Joe Biden "serve the Pope or die" no more baby formula baby killer science in suicidal super egos continuing sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming for their national religion.
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Because the Christian religion relies on the truth of God's existence.

God exists for those crooks on Capital Hill as this Christian Nation SCOTUS Christiananality pedophilia relies on their pseudoscience truth of Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate enforcement administering their suicidal interpretation of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" medical administration "man is God" super egos thieving US Constitutions - old glorys - old testaments arsonists under color of law in little more than a Peter Principle pyramid scheme in sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming of their national religion.
So if the USA is "one nation under God" does that make SCOTUS fabricated Islam misnomers law of the land for problems in American politics a patriot act as Russia's rootin' tootin' Putin fabricated Nazi misnomers for Ukraine making a communism of Christianity more perfect union of Russia's Orthodox Church & "serve the Pope or die" Catholic Church doctrine....a proof of megalomaniacal suicidal super egos sociopsyhcopathilogical homicidal human farming ?
There's nothing more human than to believe in an idea without proof.

I believe in equality, justice, fairness, but there is no scientific experiment or mathmatical equation that can prove my belief is correct, or what those things actually are.

Thomas Jefferson, the founding fathers, and pretty much all the intellectuals of the Age of Enlightenment believed in a transcendental natural law and the inherent rights of man which exist for all time independent of kings, human laws, or scientific experiment.

There are naturally some things which are foolish to believe in.

But it is equally foolish to expect all human experience of reality has to be proven by mass spectrometers, laboratory equipment, and mathematical equations.