Can there be a proof of God?

So if the USA is "one nation under God" does that make SCOTUS fabricated Islam misnomers law of the land for problems in American politics a patriot act as Russia's rootin' tootin' Putin fabricated Nazi misnomers for Ukraine making a communism of Christianity more perfect union of Russia's Orthodox Church & "serve the Pope or die" Catholic Church doctrine....a proof of megalomaniacal suicidal super egos sociopsyhcopathilogical homicidal human farming ?

In America "God" is money!
There's nothing more human than to believe in an idea without proof.

I believe in equality, justice, fairness, but there is no scientific experiment or mathmatical equation that can prove my belief is correct, or what those things actually are.

Thomas Jefferson, the founding fathers, and pretty much all the intellectuals of the Age of Enlightenment believed in a transcendental natural law and the inherent rights of man which exist for all time independent of kings, human laws, or scientific experiment.

There are naturally some things which are foolish to believe in.

But it is equally foolish to expect all human experience of reality has to be proven by mass spectrometers, laboratory equipment, and mathematical equations.

Stay squarely on the fence.
No, I don't stay on any fences, I am a seeker. At one point or another I have been Christian, openly atheist, or agnostic. And all shades in between.

If the Holy Spirit didn't live through you,you were never Christian!
That's exactly what Jesus meant by
"Many come in my name but they aren't mine"
I do not think so.

All proofs of God presuppose you already believe.

Ask yourself what God intellectually represents in physical outcomes taking place in plain sight?

biology sustaining eternal separation of compounding DNA results limited to this atmosphere or the universe is limited to perpetual balancing in the inversions between expanding details never duplicated and results never same form shaped since combined molecular content or DNA merged reproductive cells statically induced to maturity so each has potential to create a completely separate result each conception forward changing current population here.

lets do means, motives, methods, opportunities to reach social power, wealth, fame over everyone else equally occupying time inhabiting space specifically alive now. promises anything else is possible when everyone sacrifices their biological time today to make dreams come true tomorrow but history is filled with mayhem, madness, misery in the pursuit of eternal intellectual life after death of the host body.
Ask yourself what God intellectually represents in physical outcomes taking place in plain sight?

biology sustaining eternal separation of compounding DNA results limited to this atmosphere or the universe is limited to perpetual balancing in the inversions between expanding details never duplicated and results never same form shaped since combined molecular content or DNA merged reproductive cells statically induced to maturity so each has potential to create a completely separate result each conception forward changing current population here.

lets do means, motives, methods, opportunities to reach social power, wealth, fame over everyone else equally occupying time inhabiting space specifically alive now. promises anything else is possible when everyone sacrifices their biological time today to make dreams come true tomorrow but history is filled with mayhem, madness, misery in the pursuit of eternal intellectual life after death of the host body.

Pure gibberish. You are insane.
Pure gibberish. You are insane.

how so, I follow kinetic genetics with compounding DNA results accounting for each lifetime occupying space since inception of this species, no exceptions. My thinking also employs thermodynamics with molecular content perpetually balancing the universe as it works in plain sight of ancestral displacements serving ideology cradle to grave... the 5 generations remaining.

the moment no more great great grandchildren arrive is the instant homo sapiens become extinct. Life within adapt or become extinct environment.
how so, I follow kinetic genetics with compounding DNA results accounting for each lifetime occupying space since inception of this species, no exceptions. My thinking also employs thermodynamics with molecular content perpetually balancing the universe as it works in plain sight of ancestral displacements serving ideology cradle to grave... the 5 generations remaining.

the moment no more great great grandchildren arrive is the instant homo sapiens become extinct. Life within adapt or become extinct environment.

back to ignore
back to ignore

not surprising that has always been why you failed to understand life in actual time adapting to space here now. always playing social consensus rather than correcting human error practiced ancestrally to current global situation within this species everywhere.
If the Holy Spirit didn't live through you,you were never Christian!
That's exactly what Jesus meant by
"Many come in my name but they aren't mine"

I get the impression that is an expectation of evangelical Protestants and Pentacostals --> an active potentiality of the Holy Spirit is released in their lives.

In the Eastern Orthodox tradition, I believe participation in the holy spirit is achieved through church ritual.
I get the impression that is an expectation of evangelical Protestants and Pentacostals --> an active potentiality of the Holy Spirit is released in their lives.

In the Eastern Orthodox tradition, I believe participation in the holy spirit is achieved through church ritual.

No ritual needed,it's as easy as asking for it,might not happen right away,but it will happen.
In America "God" is money!

Well unfortunately that means it will be another Memorial Day of those suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom pontificating they outrank a US Army Staff Sergeant to Eisenhower because "Eisenhower was a war criminal".
Well unfortunately that means it will be another Memorial Day of those suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom pontificating they outrank a US Army Staff Sergeant to Eisenhower because "Eisenhower was a war criminal".


While the Kremlin maintains Russia Orthodox Church blessings for rootin' tootin' Putin's fabricated Nazi misnomers pertaining to Ukraine gene pool reductions just as these Christian Nation crooks on Capital Hill see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil malfeasance to maintain SCOTUS fabricated Islam misnomers for Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom enforcement as thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists diatribe for Memorial Day that they rank higher than a WW II Pentagon staff sergeant to Eisenhower because "Eisenhower was a war criminal"; thereby Rehnquist's granting standing for their national religion in suicidal Christiananality pedophilia super egos of sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming as law of the land of "one nation under God with equal justice under law".
While the Kremlin maintains Russia Orthodox Church blessings for rootin' tootin' Putin's fabricated Nazi misnomers pertaining to Ukraine gene pool reductions just as these Christian Nation crooks on Capital Hill see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil malfeasance to maintain SCOTUS fabricated Islam misnomers for Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom enforcement as thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists diatribe for Memorial Day that they rank higher than a WW II Pentagon staff sergeant to Eisenhower because "Eisenhower was a war criminal"; thereby Rehnquist's granting standing for their national religion in suicidal Christiananality pedophilia super egos of sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming as law of the land of "one nation under God with equal justice under law".

What kind of dressing do you put on that word salad?