Can there be a proof of God?

i can.

check my sig.

Morality is a set of attitudes and behaviors which facilitate voluntary, cooperative and mutually beneficial relationships. --Asshatzombie

or consider the golden rule.

Okay...I normally do not read sig lines, but yours makes sense. That pretty much is what I said...with an explanation of why it should be so.

The golden rule is something I consider moral. But I wonder what the golden rule would mean to Hannibal Lecter or Ted Bundy or Jeffry Dahmer or Idi Amin or Adolph Hitler. The golden rule has a perimeter...and pretty much makes "morality" an individual decision rather than the thing both of us included in our descriptions of morality.
religion is more important in terms of it's moral teachings. That's actually why religion matters at all.

I disagree with using religion as a reference on this. At least, the religion with which I am most familiar...the so-called Abrahamic religions.

Here is a quote from that "religion." Tell me if you see the moral value in it.

"If a man has a stubborn and unruly son who will not listen to
his father or mother, and will not obey them even though they
chastise him, his father and mother shall have him apprehended
and brought out to the elders at the gate of his home city, where
...his fellow citizens shall stone him to death."
Deuteronomy 22:18ff

You may. I am not suggesting you cannot. But if you do...just give me a taste of why you do. I'd like to comment on it.
The core of Christinity is we're all fuck ups,and Jesus had to save us.

its just a way of saying our seeds of our own destruction are within us already, meaning some things we do instinctually and in ignorance or out of compulsive habit may not be good for us, like overeating, addiction, or fornicating with the devil.
What kind of dressing do you put on that word salad?

Apparently this Christain Nation deep state really needs to defend the truth for the coincidence that Russia's rootin' tootin' Putin fabricated Nazi misnomers to validate the annihilation of Ukraine as State Department policy just as SCOTUS supreme swastika up Uranus fabricated Islam misnomers to grant standing to thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists for their national religion where once is an accident and twice is a coincidence, yet there are no coincidences of megalomaniacal crusade - jihad.
Apparently this Christain Nation deep state really needs to defend the truth for the coincidence that Russia's rootin' tootin' Putin fabricated Nazi misnomers to validate the annihilation of Ukraine as State Department policy just as SCOTUS supreme swastika up Uranus fabricated Islam misnomers to grant standing to thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists for their national religion where once is an accident and twice is a coincidence, yet there are no coincidences of megalomaniacal crusade - jihad.

Yeah right:thinking: