College football starts in 7 weeks!!

More than "struggle" Phantasmal. Some of the Florida schools use athletes who are just not college material. But "basket weaving" and "snorkeling" can soothe many a savage beast. (And boost a GPA to a needed level.)
Ok...You hang tight to those Really Old "beliefs"...First Alabama, now Florida...sigh....
How did those "not college material" kids get in?
I know a couple of kids who won't be happy if there's some magical way past the NCAA requirements...More than a couple if it happened in place other than Alabama and Florida;)
Careful Frank....those girls are all joking around....just delete that part...;) are right...and I was wrong.

Deletion done. Just making an inappropriate ball-busting joke.

Thanks for the heads-up, TOP.
I joke with Frank all the time....he is eccentric and his post was rant, though...but you're entitled to your opinion, of course...
So, you really aren't directly involved with any of these programs-so really your info is second hand. ..But you certainly are entitled, once again, to express the opinions that you have.
(Most schools have tutors/training tables, etc. for their athletic programs, at all levels...It's tough to be a full time student and athlete even if you excel academically. Just saying, although I'm sure you're aware....)

My second hand information is very reliable, it is the people involved and they are good honest people who have no need to lie to me about the matter.

Your comments always make me laugh, you seem to have first hand knowledge of everything. :laugh:
My second hand information is very reliable, it is the people involved and they are good honest people who have no need to lie to me about the matter.

Your comments always make me laugh, you seem to have first hand knowledge of everything. :laugh:
Ok..I didn't say anyone was lying....but you aren't there....
I'm glad you appreciate my first hand knowledge...many years, as a matter of fact...High school and college;) are right...and I was wrong.

Deletion done. Just making an inappropriate ball-busting joke.

Thanks for the heads-up, TOP.
I guess you were ok, sez the mod...I'll delete my warning...I like you Frank and always enjoy our know that;) See's starting to storm. Big time...later...
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I guess you were ok, sex the mod...I'll delete my warning...I like you Frank and always enjoy our know that;) See's starting to storm. Big time...later...

Poor OSU,coach is in deep shit!There goes the season:-(
I guess you were ok, sex the mod...I'll delete my warning...I like you Frank and always enjoy our know that;) See's starting to storm. Big time...later...

Beware Frank!She liked me too!
Don't get another female friend online,or the knife in your back won't tickle!
Ok..I didn't say anyone was lying....but you aren't there....
I'm glad you appreciate my first hand knowledge...many years, as a matter of fact...High school and college;)
I was facetious, but I’m sure you’ll say you knew that.
Beware Frank!She liked me too!
Don't get another female friend online,or the knife in your back won't tickle!

She's already warned Frank not to "get involved with" me. lol She's so afraid ppl won't believe her fictional expertise in everything if I point out that she's 99% full of shit.
She's already warned Frank not to "get involved with" me. lol She's so afraid ppl won't believe her fictional expertise in everything if I point out that she's 99% full of shit.

You more than anyone saw what happened between ,Top and I after I became friends with you!
She had a yuge meltdown of Biblical proportions!
You more than anyone saw what happened between ,Top and I after I became friends with you!
She had a yuge meltdown of Biblical proportions!

Yep. She started off warning you publicly like she does with Frank and others here; then when that didn't work came the pleading emails.
Poor OSU,coach is in deep shit!There goes the season:-(

Depends on how the university handles it. I agree it will be a distraction. But Meyer has recruited a ton of talent, and his staff has some very good coaches with experience.

But it might be the year Harbaugh finally beats OSU. And he needs to do that to save his job.
Depends on how the university handles it. I agree it will be a distraction. But Meyer has recruited a ton of talent, and his staff has some very good coaches with experience.

But it might be the year Harbaugh finally beats OSU. And he needs to do that to save his job.
Mason knows nothing about the situation...his comments are just a personal slam to me....That being said....
We'll be ok.....All great teams deal with controversy year round...this one is pretty bizzaro, though...
There was great comment/joke about Harbaugh and the losses on the Eleven Warriors site....I'll look for it...;)
Mason knows nothing about the situation...his comments are just a personal slam to me....That being said....
We'll be ok.....All great teams deal with controversy year round...this one is pretty bizzaro, though...
There was great comment/joke about Harbaugh and the losses on the Eleven Warriors site....I'll look for it...;)

I only listen to Get Up with Mike Greenburg,then First Take with Steven A Smith talk about Ohio States coaches situation for hours.
But as always the Toxic Twat thinks everything is all about her!
ON a bright note, check out the videos of Ryan video walking on the field....Buckeyes can overcome even the most difficult situations and obstacles
God Bless happy to see such improvement!