combining like threads?

Deshy proudly spits in the face of poor black men and brags about it. Then when exposed for her blatant racism she runs and cowers

I will never apologize for the truth Deshy. I will expose your racism to the light of day. You will drown on your tar you demtard
Deshy proudly spits in the face of poor black men and brags about it. Then when exposed for her blatant racism she runs and cowers

I will never apologize for the truth Deshy. I will expose your racism to the light of day. You will drown on your tar you demtard

yet more lies ?

PROVE that drug dealer who I chased away from my neighborhood all by my fucking self was poor.

Oh and while you at it PROVE you last claim isn't a fucking lie too
The proof is in Deshy Dearests own words. Everyone saw them.

Asking to prove that Deshy is a racist for spitting in the face of a black man is like proving she is a leftist. It is just self evident.

She admits to spitting on a black man on this thread. No proof required. She is trying to play Bill Clinton semantics arguing plural vs singular. That is what a sociopath does.

Instead of apologizing for her racism she demands that we accept her racism. That is what a sociopath does.

Don't let Deshy Dearest get away with it JPP. Rebuke her
so you have lied repetedly here.

given NO proof of your claims.

refuse to appologise or even admit they are lies.

gee how very sociopathic of you
Deshy Dearest comes to JPP and brags about spitting in the face of a black man then demands she be apologized to when called out.

Now if that isn't sociopathic behavior what is.

Rebuke Desh
see how clownish this right wing is gentle reader/

when you press them on facts they always fail.

NEVER NEVER follow the advice of someone who refuses to prove what they claim with facts.

Never never allow sociopaths to guide you.

Neve never vote them into office
see how clownish this right wing is gentle reader/

when you press them on facts they always fail.

NEVER NEVER follow the advice of someone who refuses to prove what they claim with facts.

Never never allow sociopaths to guide you.

Neve never vote them into office

Your racism is why you will be ushered out of office in 2014, that and your failed ideology

Real Americans don't want to live under your tyranny

Why do you hate JPP democracy?
see him do everything but prove what he claims?

he cant prove what he claims because hes a fucking lying sack of weasel bile