Conservatives more proud to be American than Liberals

You'd think they would teach the concept of rhetorical questions to students in England. Maybe Paulie had dropped out before then...

Conservatives/Republicans are Destroying America!!!

Fuck you, for having been a Democrat. What an asswhole! It's people like you that are ruining the GOP!

sorry 3d, I was a Democrat from birth.....I campaigned for McGovern against Nixon......I voted for Carter.....once anyway.....that's a mistake I will never repeat.....
You'd think they would teach the concept of rhetorical questions to students in England. Maybe Paulie had dropped out before then...

Wrong again retard.
I completed high school with 5 'o'Levels at A grade a couple of CSEs and a 16+.
Back in 1986.
Nothing special but a solid grounding.

Deffo better than being a dropout like you.
Wrong again retard.
I completed high school with 5 'o'Levels at A grade a couple of CSEs and a 16+.
Back in 1986.
Nothing special but a solid grounding.

Deffo better than being a dropout like you.
were you asleep during the lessons about rhetorical questions, then?
were you asleep during the lessons about rhetorical questions, then?
There were none, you asked none, drunken fool!!!
Rhetorical questions!!
You admitted to being a dropout.
That is clear.
Now you are trying to worm your way out of it.
I am not trying to worm my way out of anything. Clearly, you have no idea what a rhetorical question even is. But just to avoid any confusion going forward. I am not a high school drop out. I graduated from high school in 1968 and from college in 1972. I will show you my class ring with my name engraved therein when we meet in Boston next month. I'll even show you my retired Navy ID Card as an added bonus... And then we'll hash out our issues surrounding you calling me a coward to my face, and calling my adult son a fat incompetent thug to his face. It'll be fun.
that's why you Your'aPeons shouldn't post to American politics you, moderates are merely socialists and you don't qualify for the left until you're a communist anarchist.....

What is an American politics board, and who the shit are you to tell me where I can post? There was doubtless an America-type 'left' in the tents of Ghenghiz Khan, who thought they might not murder everyone if they happened to feel good one day. The US is so far out it might as well be on Mars, as you know. No normal humans can make sense of the rantings of its right wing, because, lacking a proper health service, they are past help in their nuttiness.
What is an American politics board, and who the shit are you to tell me where I can post? There was doubtless an America-type 'left' in the tents of Ghenghiz Khan, who thought they might not murder everyone if they happened to feel good one day. The US is so far out it might as well be on Mars, as you know. No normal humans can make sense of the rantings of its right wing, because, lacking a proper health service, they are past help in their nuttiness.

Why is "proud to be American" a measurement of anything important? Blind patriotism (and I think this is what we are talking about) is dangerous. It allows problems to be ignored. It may keep us from learning lessons from other countries who have learned to do some things better than we do. It may cause us to support wars we shouldn't be fighting since some of the "Proud" group won't look at the error. It causes people to mistake symbols for reality, so that love of flag is seen as the same as love of country. So I'm not sure the Republican party is on the best side of this survey.
The very idea of being "proud to be American" - spit! - is just nonsense. Nationality is a meaningless measure only useful to the neo-royalists. It only breeds jingoism, virile nationalism and other manifestations of inbred surpremacism.

If you want to be proud - which needs to come in moderation -, be proud to be you, not where you live.
You think that Mexico is an "anti-American entity"??

Mexico LOVES the US.

And again... You said that you knew for a fact that I was a high school drop out? How and where did you come by that fact?

Or perhaps, is it just another one of your over the top inflammatory posts supposedly designed to insult me? It doesn't. It makes me chuckle... Really... That's about it.

When you're a purposefully dishonest little turd like 007, it allows 007 to make up whatever fantasy bullshit his fevered brain can conceive.
Why is "proud to be American" a measurement of anything important? Blind patriotism (and I think this is what we are talking about) is dangerous. It allows problems to be ignored. It may keep us from learning lessons from other countries who have learned to do some things better than we do. It may cause us to support wars we shouldn't be fighting since some of the "Proud" group won't look at the error. It causes people to mistake symbols for reality, so that love of flag is seen as the same as love of country. So I'm not sure the Republican party is on the best side of this survey.

Our patriotism isn't "blind" by any measurement........can you see to at least the tip of your own nose ?.....idiot.

I'm glad mm thanked your post. It shows him to be what I always thought about him is true.
Our patriotism isn't "blind" by any measurement........can you see to at least the tip of your own nose ?.....idiot.

I'm glad mm thanked your post. It shows him to be what I always thought about him is true.

Thank you so much for your meaningful response to my comments. I can see that you thought deeply and long to come up with your name-calling non-response. Since you didn't bother to answer any of the reasons I gave for worrying about "blind patriotism," I must assume that you either could not come up with a response or agreed with me. Given your tone, it must be that you could not come up with a response and so had to resort to the fallacy of personal attack instead.
that's why you Your'aPeons shouldn't post to American politics you, moderates are merely socialists and you don't qualify for the left until you're a communist anarchist.....

Shame on you for your pejorative mindset. Totally un-American. You have your nerve telling someone what to do. Still don't know your place, do you?