Coronavirus is a scam

This just in: Trump rarely, if ever apologizes or accepts personal responsibility.

Hence the fact that it takes all of two seconds to find multiple examples on Google. :laugh:


Remember when personal responsibility and accountability used to be a Republican value?

Of course. Remembering the present isn't difficult. :dunno:

Remember when personal responsibility and accountability used to be DEMOCRAT values? Oh wait, they never were. :awesome:

View attachment 14833

Must have an IQ over 40 to ride this ride, remember? :awesome:


Well at this level of master plan homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming cognitive dissonance if I happen to be given coronavirus & die at least it will be as notable as all those Ku Klux Klans thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists master race of Federal Sin like being drugged without one's knowledge or having absentee voting ballots stolen repeatedly....

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Did you forget? You have to have an IQ of 40 or higher to ride this ride. :awesome:



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Did you forget? You have to have an IQ of 40 or higher to ride this ride. :awesome:


Have an insurmountable problem dumbing down to the suicidal Christiananality pedophilia homicidal sociopsychopathilogical master race human farming super ego level .....
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Nice auto block. YES! Thank you JPP
Candice Moron, we know doctors don't alter stat methods to make the orange clown look worse still, just as we
knew the economic metrics never included people no longer searching for work, a common fact that your lying ilk tried to paint
as a eureka moment uncovering a vast conspiracy to protect Obama. You know President Obama, a duly elected President,
not an incompetent mafia style conman racist gameshow host casino bankrupting mendacious douchenozzle who nobody in the world respects
except a cult of 30% of the most stupid Americans plus the .o1 percent composed of crass tax cheat rich white racist people.
Candice Moron, we know doctors don't alter stat methods to make the orange clown look worse still

Incoherent drivel. Learn to speak English and try again. :dunno:

just as we knew the economic metrics never included people no longer searching for work, a common fact that your lying ilk tried to paint
as a eureka moment uncovering a vast conspiracy to protect Obama.

1) Translation: When Obama repeatedly lied to make his disastrous economic performance look like it was occasionally failing slightly less, conservatives naturally pointed out the common knowledge fact that all the other evidence showed people were actually just giving up looking for work.

2) People who spend four years straight insisting that secret Russian agents are lurking behind every shadow forfeit the right to play stupid kid's games pretending that setting the record straight is conspiracy theorizing. :bs:

View attachment 14849

You know President Obama, a duly elected President, not an incompetent mafia style conman racist gameshow host casino bankrupting mendacious douchenozzle


who nobody in the world respects

Foreign leftists and dictators liking Obama's asinine "grovel, appease, and surrender" foreign policy approach was not "respect." Hence them taking advantage of him and our country at every turn. :laugh:

except a cult

Says the anti-science scaremongering doomsday cult literally in the process of trying to convince us that the ordinary flu is the Apocalypse. :rofl2:

of 30% of the most stupid Americans

1) According to your own polling, two-thirds of Americans support President Trump's handling of COVID, and more Americans trust him than they do our pathologically lying DNC news media, so this doesn't even make sense.



-According to left-wing NY Times, the people supporting President Trump are more educated and successful.

-According to left-wing Atlantic, no one is more bigoted, intolerant, and narrow-minded than older white liberals.

-According to Pew Research, conservatives are more informed and open-minded.

-According to PRRI polling, leftists are more bigoted, intolerant, and narrow-minded.

What's it like being wrong all the time?


plus the .o1 percent composed of crass tax cheat rich white racist people.

Why is Nancy Pelosi trying to give tax breaks to the rich if they are rooting for Republicans? :thinking:

And it was the party of Governor Blackface that said blacks were "lazy," "violent," and responsible for their own troubles when Obama ran for president, and who propose actual racist preferential treatment policies at every turn. Are you sure the people inventing fake hate crimes against themselves at every turn aren't the only actual racists here?


Do you ever consider following the facts instead of just asserting things you WANT to be true? :laugh:

If daily death toll is going up, and it is, that's exponential growth, not additive. Some interest is being added to the principle.