Crimes against women in Alaska

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Sorry if I come off a bit pissed. This is a topic about which I have strong feelings.

If you disagree, then you are wrong. :cool:
Masturbation is sex with the person I love most.

Its the ultimate safe sex. Plus its way cheaper than dating.

If I were a woman I would stick with BOB and leave men to their own devices.

(BOB=Battery Operated Boyfriend)
Darla brought this up in another thread, but I thought it was worth further discussion.

Alaska's rape rate is 2.5 times the national average. Alaska also has the highest per capita rate of men murdering women.

This, in addition to the charging victim's for the forensic medical exams, are simply unacceptable.

Is this an indication of Palen's work or a symptom of some other problem?

From this article, it seems to happen more in native villages. Why? I don't know other natives in America's states aren't this bad, maybe with less to do there and less sunlight there is a greater propensity for alcohol, remote access away from police in the most sparsely populated state would also play a part of course.

It's been like that since before Palin, so no I do not think she has anything to do with that.

Most of the rural Conservative areas I've been to are the safest places in America, guns and values see to that.
Well all Reopublicans know rape is the womans fault.
So tell me then, is it Repubs or Dems who call for stronger sentences for male rapists?
Most of America, including Cons, blames the criminal and wants more punishment. Liberals blame stupid things, like not having enough anti-violence programs or other such silliness. Like any sick rapist is going to be put off by that.
So tell me then, is it Repubs or Dems who call for stronger sentences for male rapists?
Most of America, including Cons, blames the criminal and wants more punishment. Liberals blame stupid things, like not having enough anti-violence programs or other such silliness. Like any sick rapist is going to be put off by that.

Lowering the occurrences of rape, has little to nothing to do with sentencing guidelines. Who charges women for their rape kits? CONS.

Who lobbied to make it illegal to introduce a woman’s sexual history into a rape trial? Liberals. Who lobbied to ascertain that the names of rape victims were not released? Liberals. Who creates and lobbies for funding for programs which help victims of rape? Liberals.

What is the mindset that teaches that if a woman is a certain place, or wearing a certain outfit, she’s asking for it? CON.

What is the mindset that teaches that certain kind of women, married, stay at home mothers, are madonnas, and any other kind of women is a whore? CON. Always has been, always will be.
So tell me then, is it Repubs or Dems who call for stronger sentences for male rapists?
Most of America, including Cons, blames the criminal and wants more punishment. Liberals blame stupid things, like not having enough anti-violence programs or other such silliness. Like any sick rapist is going to be put off by that.

Please address why Palin signed a budget that had removed funds for rape kits, and why this was not reversed until she left that office?
"What is the mindset that teaches that certain kind of women, married, stay at home mothers, are madonnas, and any other kind of women is a whore? CON. Always has been, always will be."

This is quite funny... isn't it the DEMS that have come out and said Palin should stay at home with her kids? That she couldn't possibly be VP and take care of her youngest son at the same time?

While I don't doubt there are some people out there such as you describe, it is hardly an overwhelming number. But I know... your fanatasy world works so much better if you believe your own BS.
"What is the mindset that teaches that certain kind of women, married, stay at home mothers, are madonnas, and any other kind of women is a whore? CON. Always has been, always will be."

This is quite funny... isn't it the DEMS that have come out and said Palin should stay at home with her kids? That she couldn't possibly be VP and take care of her youngest son at the same time?

While I don't doubt there are some people out there such as you describe, it is hardly an overwhelming number. But I know... your fanatasy world works so much better if you believe your own BS.

Sure, ok.
Darla's response here sounds like the mirror of a Dano rant against liberal cities.

Conservative thought is about traditional values, we know this. Traditional values are: insert the victim’s sexual history into the trial, if you can, turn her into a whore who always wanted it, so no rape was possible. Traditional values are that a woman dressed a certain way is asking for it. Traditional values, assign traditional gender roles; the woman is subservient to the man. This always has, and always will, led to domestic violence, which traditional values once told us, and in fact still do, is none of your business.

It’s not a rant, it’s fact. Traditional values do not consider women to be equal. Anyone who questions this is a retard, frankly. Must have been asleep for decades or something.
I don't know why you would object to Darla's posts.

She has made good points. The conservatives have worked hard to make rape tougher to prosecute, made the prospect of having to carry the results of that rape to term a very real possibility, and now charged women for collecting the evidence of a rape.

Liberals, on the other hand, have done a lot of good in this area.

You may not like to admit that cons failed and libs did good, but its the simple truth.
I don't know why you would object to Darla's posts.

She has made good points. The conservatives have worked hard to make rape tougher to prosecute, made the prospect of having to carry the results of that rape to term a very real possibility, and now charged women for collecting the evidence of a rape.

Liberals, on the other hand, have done a lot of good in this area.

You may not like to admit that cons failed and libs did good, but its the simple truth.

Thanks. It's so obvious, that i can't believe anyone is arguing it. Because conservatives led the fight to disallow a woman's sexual history from being dissected during rape trials, right?

At some point, I just have to stop arguing with them. They are such stupid little frauds and liars, who will never, ever, own the things their own ideology has done, and most specifically, done to women.
Thanks. It's so obvious, that i can't believe anyone is arguing it. Because conservatives led the fight to disallow a woman's sexual history from being dissected during rape trials, right?

At some point, I just have to stop arguing with them. They are such stupid little frauds and liars, who will never, ever, own the things their own ideology has done, and most specifically, done to women.

I have trouble stopping when this topic comes up. To mean its a sign of ignorance and insecurity. I think men who want to "keep women in their place" have no clue why. But its because they are spineless, worthless pieces of slime.
There is no doubt in my mind that women should not be charged for the collection of evidence of a crime against them. Whoever is attempting to argue that this is in some way a good thing is arguing the absurd.
Lowering the occurrences of rape, has little to nothing to do with sentencing guidelines. Who charges women for their rape kits? CONS.
You are right here, I don't agree with the Repubs on that at all. The rapist should be made to pay on sentencing. Palin came into power as governor AFTER the law that changed that to stop making a possible victime pay for their kit in 2000.

Who lobbied to make it illegal to introduce a woman’s sexual history into a rape trial? Liberals. Who lobbied to ascertain that the names of rape victims were not released? Liberals.
I'd like to see some evidence of this please. Conservatives have been far stronger on preserving victims rights and anonymity.

Who creates and lobbies for funding for programs which help victims of rape? Liberals.
True but that doesn't make the rape rate any lower or women safer.

What is the mindset that teaches that if a woman is a certain place, or wearing a certain outfit, she’s asking for it? CON.
I've certainly heard the very rare person say something along those lines. So what? Does that view increase the rate of rape, of course not. Like some rapist could give a fuck whether a woman at a bar is listening to Conservative advice or not.

What is the mindset that teaches that certain kind of women, married, stay at home mothers, are madonnas, and any other kind of women is a whore? CON. Always has been, always will be.
Yeah maybe in 1880 or modern day Saudi Arabia, not a regular CURRENT Conservative view. This goes against your original point anyway, if Conservatives did teach that and some do to a more limited degree than you describe, then the rape rate would of course be lower. But it isn't, is it? It's higher in Alaska.

Rapists (like most criminals) vote overwhelmingly for Democrats, why do you suppose that is Darla? Because they are more scared of Repubs tough on crime stance or because they are worried over your victim program funding?
That to me is the bottom line.
I don't know why you would object to Darla's posts.


Gee I wonder why... stating that the "conservative mindset" is that 'rape is the womans fault'???

Yeah, No clue why anyone would have a problem with that. The only idiots I have ever heard something to that effect from are the cowards that raped the women in the first place.... and their slimeball attorneys.
You are right here, I don't agree with the Repubs on that at all. The rapist should be made to pay on sentencing. Palin came into power as governor AFTER the law that changed that to stop making a possible victime pay for their kit in 2000.

You piece of shit hack.

She signed a budget that took the funding out of it, and it was not reinstated, and it was reinstated, until after she left office, you piece of shit hack.

And for your ignorant information you piece of shit hack, towns and cities all over this country STILL get away with charging the victim, you piece of shit hack.

Your Sarah is a fucking piece of shit religious right whore who wants to be on her knees sucking cock, and wants ot put every woman in this country on her knees along with her.

Fuck you Dano.

You have daughter? Fuck you, you piece of shit hack.
Conservative thought is about traditional values, we know this. Traditional values are: insert the victim’s sexual history into the trial, if you can, turn her into a whore who always wanted it, so no rape was possible. Traditional values are that a woman dressed a certain way is asking for it. Traditional values, assign traditional gender roles; the woman is subservient to the man. This always has, and always will, led to domestic violence, which traditional values once told us, and in fact still do, is none of your business.

It’s not a rant, it’s fact. Traditional values do not consider women to be equal. Anyone who questions this is a retard, frankly. Must have been asleep for decades or something.

The above is danorant fourteen, brought to you by darladano.