Crimes against women in Alaska

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You piece of shit hack.

She signed a budget that took the funding out of it, and it was not reinstated, and it was reinstated, until after she left office, you piece of shit hack.

And for your ignorant information you piece of shit hack, towns and cities all over this country STILL get away with charging the victim, you piece of shit hack.

Your Sarah is a fucking piece of shit religious right whore who wants to be on her knees sucking cock, and wants ot put every woman in this country on her knees along with her.

Fuck you Dano.

You have daughter? Fuck you, you piece of shit hack.
This is false. There was a law in 2000 by Tony Knowles ensuring that sexual assault victims receive forensic exams free of charge. That would be prior to Palin being governor. No she did not remove that stipulation, if you have evidence to show different please do so.

I hardly think Sarah Palin is the picturesque image of submissive feminism, she is after all running for THE 2nd most male dominated powerful position.

You know Darla, the main reason I left this forum was I thought I was too angry, have you taken a look at yourself lately?
From this article, it seems to happen more in native villages. Why? I don't know other natives in America's states aren't this bad, maybe with less to do there and less sunlight there is a greater propensity for alcohol, remote access away from police in the most sparsely populated state would also play a part of course.

It's been like that since before Palin, so no I do not think she has anything to do with that.

Most of the rural Conservative areas I've been to are the safest places in America, guns and values see to that.

More danocdotal evidence! Yay!
Rapists (like most criminals) vote overwhelmingly for Democrats, why do you suppose that is Darla?


I would think that a group that is more disproportionately poor and black would be more likely to vote Democratic. But they don't do so because they are "scared" of the Republicans. Most of those guys were populists who supported the "get tough" agenda. And there are plenty of white upper class college guys who think of women as property and rape and never get caught, and they are all Republicans.
The only action I have seen lefties take concerning the war on drugs is watching them push for more crimes and regulations against tobacco smokers.
I think they genuinely do not mind pot smokers, but were that to be legalized and businesses started making profit off pot, they would quickly be against it, same as tobacco.

It's true that leftists who are not civil libertarians would support that. There are anti-civil libertarian leftists just like there are anti civil-libertarian rightists.

Dano.....does it bother you that you fellow alleged independent/libertarian buddies use you as an insult to the credibility of a post?

I won't deny it hurts a little, it's also a little surprising, to a certain degree I suppose I deserve it based on how irrationally angry I may have sounded in the past. But I predicted when I left this board that Superfreak would take my spot as the focus of lefties ire on here and so he has. Looks like he's willing to throw me under the bus to get back his old status where he wasn't so much the Liberals target.
That's his choice to make, but I'm actually an informed poster and I challenge people and I think he knows that and so do the lefties here for that matter.

I would think that a group that is more disproportionately poor and black would be more likely to vote Democratic. But they don't do so because they are "scared" of the Republicans. Most of those guys were populists who supported the "get tough" agenda.
They are scared of staying in prison longer, believe it or not, longer prison stays are not desirable to prisoners. Here you can see that not only do they vote Dem, they are registered as Dem:
"5,600 ineligible felons voted illegally in Florida in 2000. Sixty-eight percent of these ineligible voters were registered Democrats."

And there are plenty of white upper class college guys who think of women as property and rape and never get caught, and they are all Republicans.
Watermark someday you will leave Mississippi, attend a protest rally near Yale or Harvard and be jaw-droppingly amazed how lefty protests are full of white rich upper class college guys.

You are speaking of American college life before the 70's, hasn't been like that in decades.

And I thought the stereotype of college Repubs was that they didn't get pussy or were Christians who wanted to be virgins until marriage. Now they are rapists, can we at least stick with one fanciful conspiracy and go with that?
More danocdotal evidence! Yay!
Yes accompanied by Danocdotal USA today link with Danodotal facts in that link.

You know Water, you started a thread once a few months back wishing I was back on the board, do you remember?
Was that so you could have better debate or so you could act like just another regular Liberal who overlooks the facts I post and argues ONLY against whatever personal experience I ADD to add credence to those facts?
They are scared of staying in prison longer, believe it or not, longer prison stays are not desirable to prisoners. Here you can see that not only do they vote Dem, they are registered as Dem:
"5,600 ineligible felons voted illegally in Florida in 2000. Sixty-eight percent of these ineligible voters were registered Democrats."

Poor, black people voting Democrat?! ZOMG?! They probably did terrible things like smoke pot too!

Watermark someday you will leave Mississippi, attend a protest rally near Yale or Harvard and be jaw-droppingly amazed how lefty protests are full of white rich upper class college guys.

You are speaking of American college life before the 70's, hasn't been like that in decades.

And I thought the stereotype of college Repubs was that they didn't get pussy or were Christians who wanted to be virgins until marriage. Now they are rapists, can we at least stick with one fanciful conspiracy and go with that?

They are people who want their women to be virgins until marriage while they go out and rape others.
Yes accompanied by Danocdotal USA today link with Danodotal facts in that link.

You know Water, you started a thread once a few months back wishing I was back on the board, do you remember?
Was that so you could have better debate or so you could act like just another regular Liberal who overlooks the facts I post and argues ONLY against whatever personal experience I ADD to add credence to those facts?

I was wishing you back in comparison to the other conservatives, LOL.
I won't deny it hurts a little, it's also a little surprising, to a certain degree I suppose I deserve it based on how irrationally angry I may have sounded in the past. But I predicted when I left this board that Superfreak would take my spot as the focus of lefties ire on here and so he has. Looks like he's willing to throw me under the bus to get back his old status where he wasn't so much the Liberals target.
That's his choice to make, but I'm actually an informed poster and I challenge people and I think he knows that and so do the lefties here for that matter.

Gee, yeah, that must be the reason I compared the two of you.... couldn't have been that within this thread we heard...

Darla: 'conservative traditional values say women who are raped deserve it'
Darla: 'rape is a conservative mindset'

Dano:'rapists vote overwhelmingly for Dems'

Couldn't be because you both tried to associate a PARTY or political belief system with rape.
Poor, black people voting Democrat?! ZOMG?! They probably did terrible things like smoke pot too!
Probably, I am against imprisonment for that, we are speaking of rape here. I have already shown a link showing a solid majority not only vote Dem, but are registered as Dem. I seriously doubt that there is some special case for any class of criminals like rapists, except perhaps corporate criminals.

They are people who want their women to be virgins until marriage while they go out and rape others.
Right so rappers from Liberal Democrat voting inner cities (black AND white, Eminem for example) who go on about hos sucking their dick don't disrespect women and act like they are their property to rape do they?
Hmmm, why do we never see any lefty feminists up in arms about them?

The problem with your thinking is that you find one article with some fucked up Christian Conservative somewhere who was hypocritical and did what you said, then it's spread around all the left blogs like the most delicious news item they've ever seen and soon enough it's so much in your presence, you assume it to be the norm.

Did you ever consider that what makes the news and will sell more, is more what is unusual and newsworthy rather than what is typical and nothing that surprises people?
And under what delusion are you that I don't support harsh sentences for rape?

I think all rape should be punishable by life without parole, and I think for second and first degree rape it should be mandatory.

Am I under any delusion that that will get rid of rape? Of course not.
Gee, yeah, that must be the reason I compared the two of you.... couldn't have been that within this thread we heard...

Darla: 'conservative traditional values say women who are raped deserve it'
Darla: 'rape is a conservative mindset'

Dano:'rapists vote overwhelmingly for Dems'

Couldn't be because you both tried to associate a PARTY or political belief system with rape.

Well then I apologize, that was not my intention. I don't associate Liberalism with rape or think they encourage it, I DO believe that rapists vote overwhelmingly for Dems and I just posted a fact to Watermark backing that up. Rapists, like any criminal, are interested foremost in lower prison sentences, no other issue to them comes close as they have no freedom right? Hence they vote more for Dems. It only upset Darla so much because it's the truth, ugly truth sure, but it's not my fault, yours or Conservatives.
Well then I apologize, that was not my intention. I don't associate Liberalism with rape or think they encourage it, I DO believe that rapists vote overwhelmingly for Dems and I just posted a fact to Watermark backing that up. Rapists, like any criminal, are interested foremost in lower prison sentences, no other issue to them comes close as they have no freedom right? Hence they vote more for Dems. It only upset Darla so much because it's the truth, ugly truth sure, but it's not my fault, yours or Conservatives.

Which party was in power in the California legislature whenever the one-strike rape law was passed Dano?
And under what delusion are you that I don't support harsh sentences for rape?

I think all rape should be punishable by life without parole, and I think for second and first degree rape it should be mandatory.

Am I under any delusion that that will get rid of rape? Of course not.
No but it will lessen it and that's what this whole thread started as a debate over - lowering the high rate in Alaska. Longer prison sentences or life sentences (great idea) would mean no rapists released, who are the highest risk of doing rape.
Which party was in power in the California legislature whenever the one-strike rape law was passed Dano?
Tim Leslie (Repub) and Ted Lieu (Dem) are the co-authors of SB 1128 and it was signed into power by Repub governor Arnold.

But let's be clear here, the reason the Dems wanted this law was not because they had the interest of rape victims in their mind, they had YEARS to propose a bill like that, but they needed something as an alternative to the popular Jessica's Law of Repubs and that would be SB1128
Tim Leslie (Repub) and Ted Lieu (Dem) are the co-authors of SB 1128 and it was signed into power by Repub governor Arnold.

But let's be clear here, the reason the Dems wanted this law was not because they had the interest of rape victims in their mind, they had YEARS to propose a bill like that, but they needed something as an alternative to the popular Jessica's Law of Repubs and that would be SB1128

Yes, why is it that those on the left.....or extreme left....hate Jessica's Law?
Tim Leslie (Repub) and Ted Lieu (Dem) are the co-authors of SB 1128 and it was signed into power by Repub governor Arnold.

But let's be clear here, the reason the Dems wanted this law was not because they had the interest of rape victims in their mind, they had YEARS to propose a bill like that, but they needed something as an alternative to the popular Jessica's Law of Repubs and that would be SB1128

Wasn't the one-strike law passed in the 90's?
It's a traditonal value.

I'm done with this thread.

All I can say is that any woman who supports Palin is a dumb whore, who deserves what she gets, and you guys are nothing but apologists for anything your party does, so you can get deregulation and tax cuts.

If you got daughters, I hope it gets paid forward to you.

But in the end I don't really give a shit what any of you think. Palin hasn't passed the smell test with women, other than the con religious base, whose life's goal is to be on their knees to a man, taking commands from God's very own vessal on earth.

Just wow.
I have a cheaper alternative to Jessica's Law. Any person found guilty of molesting a child under the age of 11 should be taken out and shot immediately. No parole, no probation, and no psychiatric evaulation.