Cwacko, Thee Dee, And the Demise Of The GOP.

A recent national poll has the majority of Americans favoring a left liberal country. There's only one reason for this, the establishment republicans. Not the Democratic party, not Obama, the establishment republicans.

The established republican party is putting up 0 opposition to anything the left wants and the core of that party, it's leadership, lies with the so called called moderates.

How much of this apathy and collaboration on the part of moderates is done by deliberate design? Look no further than the trolls on this thread for your answer because it's becoming more and more clearer to Americans that the establishment republicans are encouraging this to happen.

Take responsibility for your own shitty ideology, and its subsequent failures to capture the public's imagination.
I didn't say I like Desh but I will point out your hypocrisy every time you go after Desh. She's a bonafied leftist but at least she's up front about what she is.

And she doesn't run from a challenge.

I don't know if we appreciate how funny this post is. Desh a 'bonafied leftist'? PR, you don't even know the definition of the terms you use. Desh supports 100% whatever the Democratic Party does. If the party signs or passes or supports right wing legislation Desh supports it because the Democrats did. That's not a bonafied leftist. That's not even principled. She supports her party right or wrong. That's just being a hack. Yet you look up to that?

And she doesn't run from a challenge? You'd be the only right wing poster on this board who believes that. Maybe because the two of you can only name call instead of stating your ideas and beliefs is why you feel such a connection with her.
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I don't know if we appreciate how funny this post is. Desh a 'bonafied leftist'? PR, you don't even know the definition of the terms you use. Desh supports 100% whatever the Democratic Party does. If the party signs or passes or supports right wing legislation Desh supports it because the Democrats did. That's not a bonafied leftist. That's not even principled. She supports her party right or wrong. That's just being a hack. Yet you look up to that?

And she doesn't run from a challenge? You'd be the only right wing poster on this board who believes that. Maybe because the two of you can only name call instead of stating your ideas and beliefs is why you feel such a connection with her.

I am putting the blame where it belongs. The topic you kept dodging, the topic you kept dancing around from the very start of this post was: Who is responsible for Donald Trump? And again, you keep diverting the topic with your Desh BS.

Donald Trump is on your head and the head of that punk, thee dee and no one else. You moderates have been letting the socialists Democrats do everything they wanted to do so now, with a fed up GOP voter base, you have Trump.

Keep whining about low information voters and Trump, you, that punk thee dee, and the good parson all you like, the three of you who are akin to the republican leadership gave this country the Donald.

Not blue collar, disgruntled white republicans without college degrees, the mindset three of you.
I am putting the blame where it belongs. The topic you kept dodging, the topic you kept dancing around from the very start of this post was: Who is responsible for Donald Trump? And again, you keep diverting the topic with your Desh BS.

Donald Trump is on your head and the head of that punk, thee dee and no one else. You moderates have been letting the socialists Democrats do everything they wanted to do so now, with a fed up GOP voter base, you have Trump.

Keep whining about low information voters and Trump, you, that punk thee dee, and the good parson all you like, the three of you who are akin to the republican leadership gave this country the Donald.

Not blue collar, disgruntled white republicans without college degrees, the mindset three of you.

At least you kind of said something here. That's a start.

It's interesting you're mad at me for posting about where Trump's support comes from. It's fact that the majority of Trump's support comes from blue collar white guys without college degrees. That's not passing judgment it's just stating reality.

One area you refuse to address prior is when you complained about the treatment of evangelicals. As of today the majority of evangelical voters aren't in Trump's corner. Are you going to start blaming them? Are evangelical Christians what's wrong with the Republican Party?
At least you kind of said something here. That's a start.

It's interesting you're mad at me for posting about where Trump's support comes from. It's fact that the majority of Trump's support comes from blue collar white guys without college degrees. That's not passing judgment it's just stating reality.

One area you refuse to address prior is when you complained about the treatment of evangelicals. As of today the majority of evangelical voters aren't in Trump's corner. Are you going to start blaming them? Are evangelical Christians what's wrong with the Republican Party?

And we all know how much you want a brown country, amnesty and all that.

I don't know where you came up with evangelicals.

You understand now that all that liberal loving by you moderates has given you Donald Trump?

Let me answer because you'll only start another Mambo.

Yes, I understand.
Are Cawacko and I responsible for your voting habits, now, Philly? Instead of blaming us, you retards should select your own candidates to support, based upon how you feel. Of course, we all know the truth is that you idiots have willfully chosen to back Trump, because his character, demeanor, faith, and philosophy reflects yourselves aptly.
I have tons of solutions, you have 0 solutions. All you do is blame the right for all the country's problems but you never explain why. Meanwhile, you dream on about egalitarian solutions to social problems within the country and finger the Christian right so called, as the common enemy.

fyi PR, here's where you mention the Christian right, i.e. evangelicals. They aren't on Trump's team.
And we all know how much you want a brown country, amnesty and all that.

I don't know where you came up with evangelicals.

You understand now that all that liberal loving by you moderates has given you Donald Trump?

Let me answer because you'll only start another Mambo.

Yes, I understand.

The irony of you calling out others is you won't come out and actually say what you believe or want. This is about as close as you've gotten. You want America to stay a white majority and to achieve that you want less immigration. It's ok to believe that but for some reason you aren't comfortable stating so. Why is that?
Are Cawacko and I responsible for your voting habits, now, Philly? Instead of blaming us, you retards should select your own candidates to support, based upon how you feel. Of course, we all know the truth is that you idiots have willfully chosen to back Trump, because his character, demeanor, faith, and philosophy reflects yourselves aptly.

You go To Hell.
The irony of you calling out others is you won't come out and actually say what you believe or want. This is about as close as you've gotten. You want America to stay a white majority and to achieve that you want less immigration. It's ok to believe that but for some reason you aren't comfortable stating so. Why is that?

You're blaming the voters again. You moderates are nothing but a bunch of left loving, left leaning liberals.

I've been coming out and saying what I mean for days on this thread. I'm sick of you and your double speak.
fyi PR, here's where you mention the Christian right, i.e. evangelicals. They aren't on Trump's team.

There's too many white faces on Trump's team for you, I know.

Go ahead and keep blaming the voters for Trump. I know who gave america Trump. You did and so did your fellow moderate republican.
You're blaming the voters again. You moderates are nothing but a bunch of left loving, left leaning liberals.

I've been coming out and saying what I mean for days on this thread. I'm sick of you and your double speak.

My double speak? Is this another case of you projecting onto others what you yourself are doing?
There's too many white faces on Trump's team for you, I know.

Go ahead and keep blaming the voters for Trump. I know who gave america Trump. You did and so did your fellow moderate republican.

Ok PR, who was the last Republican candidate the far right supported prior to Trump?